
Asato Reign: The Pure Majin's Revenge

Have you ever felt the urge to have those powers in your favorite fantasy novels or shows? In the year 2000, people have been gaining mysterious and random powers and superhuman abilities. More and more people have been gaining powers until the total number of people with these powers turned to 5,382. These new powers have broken all of the laws of physics that had been established before. The people with these special powers and superhuman abilities have been called majin or “magic-born” because of their fantasy-like powers. Two individuals who were this so-called majin fell in love at first sight, and a year later they gave birth to the first full majin. Asato Yoshiko the first ever pure majin. Her parents were well-known and influential both majin and civilians, thus they have a lot of fans and also enemies. An operation eventually hatched from the envy and hatred of some people towards Asato’s parents whose goals are to kill them. 50 other people joined this organization while 5 individuals lead the organization. One day, when she was three, her parents let their guard down inside their home, and they were ambushed although they fought back it was meaningless to 50 other majin and the 5 influential majin leaders. Her parents knew that they couldn't survive and their target was them thus, they hid Asato hoping she would survive the ambush, luckily Asato was not found although her parents were killed in front of her eyes while she was peeking outside. This traumatized Asato but she knew she couldn’t do anything but hide and watch her parents struggle and perish. Now she is on a mission to get revenge on her parents' killers.

Ananowakare · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs


Have you ever felt that you wanted those cool powers inside anime and manga?

For example, the power of telekinesis. You can use it to control objects with just your mind. Cool right?

I imagine everyone has had that thought of wanting special powers they see in the media. But what if I tell you it happened in my world?

You wouldn't believe me normally, right?

But it did happen, it was around the year 2000. Everyone was celebrating the new millennium, it was very festive.

But after that, the new millennium had started, and weird phenomena were happening left and right. People were gaining different powers.

At first, people didn't believe them but after they showed it was real, everyone started freaking out.

You would be too if you suddenly got a weird power right?

But it didn't stop there, more and more people got these weird powers, all of them unique in their way.

Dozens turned into hundreds and hundreds turned into thousands.

A total of 5,382 people now had powers and the number of powers that were growing had stopped abruptly.

Of course, they didn't only have these powers but also superhuman abilities. They surpassed human limits as if they laughed at it.

Stamina, what even was that?

These people had an almost indefinite amount of stamina and they could stop a speeding car with just their bare hands.

All the people across the world from America, Europe, and Asia every country had at least 1 or more people with these powers.

But Japan was an outlier with its over 1,000 individuals who received powers, Japan's manpower had now matched every other global superpower with the number of people that received powers.

With this, Japan had become a global superpower and increased its influence all around the world.

Many people started calling these people majin or "magic-born" because of their fantasy-like powers.

Two individuals who were this so-called majin fell in love at first sight, and a year later they gave birth to the first full majin.

The first full majin's parents, who were both powerful and influential, encountered each other and both fell in love with each other.

One year later her parents gave birth to Asato Yoshiko, the first pure born majin, who had considerably more powerful abilities than her parents although she was sheltered to keep her safe.

She had only known her parents since birth since she wasn't ever let out of the house and she never had any other friends.

Asato's deep attachment to her parents had led to a deep craving for their attention, she didn't have any other attachment than her parents.

3 years had passed, and Asato was now 3 years old.

But this peaceful life didn't last for too long.

Asato's parents let their guard down while they were resting at home and that's where it happened.

An ambush!

The glass windows break all around the house as 50 other majin and 5 more powerful ones presumably the leaders broke inside.

This was an operation created with the hatred and envy of people who despised Asato's parents' influence and popularity.

The people that joined the organization thought that why were they not recognized for their feats except Asato's parents? They thought that it was unfair to them.

Although the leaders had a different driving force. They wanted the fall of these particular majin because it would lead to gaining more missions and earning more money.

They thought majin powers were nothing more than a way to earn cash. They were in it only for the cash.

Asato's parents immediately stood up and assumed their battle stance.

"Hide Asato! Quickly! We must not let Asato get in harm's way!"

Asato's mother hid her under the bed hoping she would be safe there.

"Asato, whatever you do... Please don't leave under the bed until it is safe."

Asato nodded whilst crying because of the sudden shock from the ambush.

Her mother quickly joined her dad and continued to fend off the ambushers but they were barely holding on.

Asato could only see from the corner of her eye her parents struggling to fend them off.

There was a splash of blood as one of the arms of her father fell, although he had just lost an arm he kept fighting on.

Asato could only watch as her parents kept getting injuries and scratches all over their bodies.

She wanted to scream but Asato didn't since it might show her location to the ambushers.

Everything around her slowed down and she slowly passed out.

When she woke up, the house was in shambles. Everything was all damaged and ruined.

The newly painted walls were all in terrible shape with blood splatter.

Asato walked around trying to find where her parents were while walking over blood and shattered glass.

A few shards of glass pierced her foot as she walked trying to find her parents.

"Mom!! Dad!!"

She screamed to both her parents, tears coming out of her eyes.

Her parents were mangled to pieces with dead fished eyes void of nothing but pure white.

Her dad's other eye was pierced with a sharp dagger with blood flowing out of it.

She despaired that she couldn't do anything.

Why was her family targeted, in the first place they did nothing wrong.

Still they were brutally murdered.

Asato grieved in front of her parents' corpse, tears dripped while she hiccups.


She was still confused on how this could have happened.

A few days later,

Asato was walking around the streets barely getting scraps from the trash can to eat and drink.

She was very malnourished and you could barely recognize she was the same girl a few days ago.

But after the patrol had been strolling, they saw Asato and asked where her parents were.

She then replied they were dead.

The patrol had brought her to an orphanage because she was strolling down the streets dangerously without any food or help.

The orphanage accepted her and they fed and taught her.

The orphanage was called the Cromwell Home.

It was like a second family.

Her last name changed from Yoshiko to Cromwell, she never learned her last name since her parents never mentioned it before.

Legally she was a part of the Cromwell orphanage family, but she still hasn't recognized the orphanage as her own family.

She was an outcast because she never interacted with the other orphans. She only focused on studying and sometimes disappeared until coming back a few hours later.

The times she disappears, she is always training and trying to control her powers she inherited from her parents.

The powers she inherited had become more powerful when her parents died.

Why? Probably because it was connected to her parents' own powers, but now that connection has been broken, there was no need for it to be shared through that link.

But continuing being an outcast, studying and training had become her day to day activity.

14 years have passed and she was kicked out of the orphanage because she was now 17 years old.

They had told her she was just a worthless piece of trash, never socializing with the other orphans and was never kind to other people.

There were people who wanted to adopt her, but she was just so cold to them, they started changing their mind once they knew her demeanor.

But now Asato was homeless, hungry, and poor.

She had tried applying for jobs but she has had no luck but one day she finally got a job at the local supermarket.

This job paid minimum wage and had long work hours but it was good enough for her.

Saving some money, she had tried finding an apartment she could afford.

She found an apartment, although it was tiny, she thought it was decent enough considering the rent.

But she didn't stop training by herself, she honed her skills and had almost mastered controlling her powers.

Her "Future Sight" which shows the near future can now visualize 10 seconds into the future, while perfecting Nullification which nullifies any other majin's powers using a method to nullify her future sight. But she also has two more of her own powers, the extra power was gained by being the first born pure majin. The two powers were "Lifesteal" which syphons off the life force of someone by drinking their blood and "Thought Acceleration" which accelerates thoughts by 10 times making the surroundings appear as if they were in slow motion.

All of her powers were powerful in their own way. Alongside the superhuman strength and abilities a normal human can't possibly achieve.

All of this training was to prepare her for revenge.

The people she wanted revenge on were the 5 people who had led the organization which killed her parents.

Although she had been investigating, she was at a dead end every time she had gotten a lead.

If she wanted to find them out, she would need more connections although it was impossible since she was an outcast for all her life.

She needed to fix this problem before she could get revenge.