
Asato Reign: The Pure Majin's Revenge

Have you ever felt the urge to have those powers in your favorite fantasy novels or shows? In the year 2000, people have been gaining mysterious and random powers and superhuman abilities. More and more people have been gaining powers until the total number of people with these powers turned to 5,382. These new powers have broken all of the laws of physics that had been established before. The people with these special powers and superhuman abilities have been called majin or “magic-born” because of their fantasy-like powers. Two individuals who were this so-called majin fell in love at first sight, and a year later they gave birth to the first full majin. Asato Yoshiko the first ever pure majin. Her parents were well-known and influential both majin and civilians, thus they have a lot of fans and also enemies. An operation eventually hatched from the envy and hatred of some people towards Asato’s parents whose goals are to kill them. 50 other people joined this organization while 5 individuals lead the organization. One day, when she was three, her parents let their guard down inside their home, and they were ambushed although they fought back it was meaningless to 50 other majin and the 5 influential majin leaders. Her parents knew that they couldn't survive and their target was them thus, they hid Asato hoping she would survive the ambush, luckily Asato was not found although her parents were killed in front of her eyes while she was peeking outside. This traumatized Asato but she knew she couldn’t do anything but hide and watch her parents struggle and perish. Now she is on a mission to get revenge on her parents' killers.

Ananowakare · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Daily life

I found myself a job after looking so long for one.

But I have been having trouble at the counter so the manager transferred me to stocking up the shelves.

This job required less socializing than the last one so it is more favorable for me.

I have had no problems since I was transferred into stocking up the shelves instead of in the counter.

I also bought an apartment earlier this week so I finally have a home.

Although it isn't much, it's enough for myself so I guess it will do for now.

I also have been trying to learn how to cook. It was my first time cooking eggs and I messed up 4 times until I got it right in my 5th try.

Although I have been cooking only eggs until now, I should try microwaved foods although they are a bit expensive for me.

Although I didn't go to high school, I still knew high school level knowledge since I was always reading and studying at the orphanage library.

But people usually start at 16 years old and graduate high school at 20 years old although in some other cities you graduate even earlier.

The world's delicate balance had been completely tipped over to the majin's favor so most of the population's quality of life has been diminishing every year.

Even if the majin had weak powers, it still had superhuman strength so a normal human could never be equal to a majin.

The once wealthy and powerful have now become obsolete ever since the majins had started becoming the government.

The overall power majins had over japan is vast since there are so many of them in Japan.

The metropolitan area where I live is in ruins, the bullet train tracks have collapsed and the skyscrapers were all damaged by the majin fights that had occurred.

Majins have been both a curse and blessing to Japan, it caused ruin and increased its power.


My microwavable food has finished so it's almost time for me to eat.

But I'd like to find out why we had acquired these strange powers.

Some other people have also been investigating but they haven't gotten any leads so they gave up.

But for the sake of my parents, I would find out why we got these powers since it was the reason my parents were ever targeted and killed in the first place.

If I had more connections, I would certainly get one step closer to finding out my parents' killers and the reason why we gained power.

Gaining connections would be hard since I have absolutely no idea how to socialize.

Thinking about it, there was an organization that formed a few years ago that had a goal to capture criminals.

If I were to join that organization, I would get chances to meet some people who know about my parents.

But ever since majins had become basically the government, people have started calling Japan as the Majin Kingdom.

Japan did have a monarchy, although now that monarchy has been more prominent with the new dynasty of majin royalty.

The old monarchy had been overthrown and replaced with a powerful majin.

The new king of Japan is Sora Tsutsumi.

Known to have unmatched skills and influence...And one of the suspects that might have been one of the 5 leaders that killed my parents that night.

Although my memories are vague that night, I had seen someone floating in the air, just like Sora Tsutsumi's power of flight.

If I prove that he was really one of the people who had killed my parents, I could get one step closer to avenging my parents.