
As The Night Falls

Lady Lilith and Sir Calum had been engaged since they were children, but both are opposed to the union, which was pushed on them by their families. Calum returned from battle and saw Lady Lilith after 7 years, noting the spectacular transformation. Slowly, he became interested in her and found her mysterious allure charming. He thought he had figured out Lady Lilith at this point in time, but when night fell, her actual form became apparent. She was not the lady he thought she was.

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2 Chs

Chapter 01: Above It All

As Lady Lilith entered the ballroom, the room became silent. Her sinister atmosphere made everyone feel intimidated. They were likewise taken aback by her arrival, as she is rarely seen outside her castle or at social functions. It was probable that she arrived to welcome her fiance.

She was as callous as before, with no expression on her face. Only her family members and the subjects of her family dared to approach her. She was, after all, well-known to be feared. There is a rumour that she has the ability to end your life with a mere wave of her hand, and that a single mistake might cost you everything.

Calum stiffened as the lady who appeared to be a shadow neared her; it was about time they met again. He was concerned that Lilith had developed resentment towards him because he had failed to visit her even once upon his arrival.

But gratifying her was pointless because he intended to end their engagement because he had no desire to live with her. Calum attempted to make the best of his options, but getting married to Lilith was a dead end. How could he marry a wife who looked like a statue; quiet and still? Furthermore, none of them had any interest in each other, she would also not meet his demands for pleasure.

"Greetings, Lady Lilith" Calum bowed and extended his hand.

"Hello, Sir Torres. Welcome back to Nyria. Congratulations on your triumph. I'm delighted you returned home safely from the fight." For Calum, it sounded more like she was disappointed with his return. The two of them may have agreed on something, and that is the delight of not seeing each other for seven years.

"I truly apologise for not being able to see you these recent days; I've been quite busy."

"However, it makes perfect sense—a valiant man such as yourself would be concerned even upon his return from combat. You don't have to come to me right away."

Although Lilith did not show a single sign of care towards Calum she had been patient with him for a long time. He felt a little sense of guilt but still stood by his actions.

"If you'll pardon me, I'm rather famished after the long journey."

"Of course you may." Calum couldn't be happier than avoiding a chat with her; it would be extremely awkward. There was nothing for them to talk about.

When Lilith vanished, his father appeared beside him and gave him a disappointed look. What has he done wrong now?

"Calum, I will not tolerate your acts any longer. You failed to show respect to your Dear Fiance Lady Reion upon your arrival, and you have since failed and neglected your duty to her and our family."

"What duties father? What more can I do? I achieved my objective when I deployed to fight for my nation and returned victorious."

"Lady Lilith is your fiancé, and you must honour her as your woman whether you like it ir not."

"I never consented to marry her, you made that choice. I have already done my responsibility, which is to bring honour to our name. I have already given my life to achieve noble esteem for which I laboured tirelessly."

"You were aware from the start that your name comes at a cost. You do not have a choice, and neither did we. Lady Lilith was also pushed into this marriage, but she didn't complain and went on to fulfil her duties to her family and the kingdom. Think clearly, Calum."

He'd already decided he didn't want to marry a ghost. But, in reality, he had been harsh on his judgement, and he had eloped with his negative thoughts because he was afraid of not being able to marry the girl he desired.

"I'll give you a chance to correct your faults. GO and apologise, genuinely."

Calum couldn't speak and just followed his father's directions. So he set out to look for Lilith. Despite the fact that she was dressed in black, the bright ballroom made her easy to spot. All of the corners were lit by candles, and the people were dressed brightly, making it easy to notice a raven among the flowers.

Above the ballroom on a balcony, he noticed a dark silhouette peering through the corner. There she was, alone.

"Oh, Sir Torres, you are here. May I ask why you're looking for me?"

"I didn't realise you noticed me coming your way."

"Even from away, I could see your golden hair, which is impossible to overlook because it's fairly shiny."

Silence engulfed the two; none of them knew how to communicate with the other.

"Ah, but back to my actual motives, I do sincerely apologise for my actions earlier, we both know we were uncomfortable with our predicament. However, I would like to warn you that when we marry, I will have no feelings for you; our marriage will be nothing more than a piece of paper and a contract. I would still do my duty to you and give you respect, but I know you won't receive any affection."

Lilith halted to fan herself and peered somberly into Calum's eyes.

"Have you just figured it out? The goal of our union between our aristocratic families? You wouldn't be so foolish as to believe that marriages in our class are solely based on love? Are you?"

Calum was left speechless; he believed Lilith would be wounded or outraged by his statements, but it appears he was mistaken.

"O-Of course not, I was well aware of that."

"Very well..."

Once again, they stood silently. Lilith continued to look at the celebration below, ignoring Calum as if he weren't present. Calum wanted to walk away because he had already fulfilled his intentions, but part of him wanted to question Lilith. She exuded mystery and allure, and the more he ignored her, the more he became attracted.

"If I may ask, why are you up here alone? What is the point of coming here if you're only going to observe?" He asked bluntly.

"I become socially weary easily, and the reason I'm here is because of you. Our strings are seeming to be tide earlier than expected."

Lilith seemed uninterested in Calum no matter how hard he tried, which irritated him. Her expression and tone of speaking irked him; she appeared careless. Possibly because she is spoilt.

Giving up on her was the easiest choice, but he enjoys a good battle. The crowd below began clearing the dance floor in preparation for the dance. Lilith waved her fan frantically, expecting for Calum to leave, but he remained near him.

"Would you care to join me in this dance?" Calum asked.

Lilith did not anticipate his offer. Given her demeanour and chat with him, she expected him to lose interest in her fast and hoped to spend the night alone. But it looks that she misjudged him.

"I would be honored."

Lilith and Calum stood side by side, like the sun and moon, with two distinct sides. Lilith's gaze roamed as they danced, but she couldn't help but notice Calum staring directly at hers, which made her uneasy.

Calum never looked directly at Lilith for 15 years because he assumed he already knew her appearance. He compared her like a raven, dark and gloomy. He remembered her large cheeks and chubby hands, but her features had changed as she grew older.

Her body had matured significantly; he could feel her new curves as his hands hugged her by the waist. Her features became slender, and she became more feminine.

Maybe getting married to her wasn't so horrible; at least she wasn't unattractive or a gruff.

The dance soon ended before Calum could even comprehend his thoughts "Thank you for the dance, Torres; it was a wonderful night."

"The honor is mine Lady Reion."

He kissed her hands and then they parted ways. How could two people who are so diametrically opposed live together? Only time will tell.

The night is more alove and richly colored than the day

- Vincent Van Gogh

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