
As a Superd in Mushoku Tensei

Ruiweld reincarnated as Ruijerd's son.

Gold_Silver_4810 · Cómic
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11 Chs

The Great Escape

We leapt towards each other in a straight line. No tricks, no hesitation, no feints, just straightforward thrust with all of our strength.

Our clash put us on standstill as both of our strikes offset each other's force. Without a moment of delay we stayed to exchange strkks with are spears.

Swipe, thrust, slice, kick, push, bash, block, dodge, feint, whatever we could do to put ourselves in the advantage.

Our fight is so tighnit I couldn't afford myself to lose a moment of concentration.

Our spears continued to clash each other. I continued putting Mana into it making it sharper and stronger.

Blow after blows, the scales of the fight finally started to tilt on one side.

"It's over father."

I stomped unto father's spear on the ground, and I poured all of my strength to break the jet black cursed spear in father's hands.


"Wha? Ruiweld?" My father finally back to his senses asked me.

"I'm glad, I was finally able to break your curse father." I smiled.

I never felt so happy before. Finally I surpassed him, the goal I had ever since I came into this world.

"What happened?" His face turned shock, grief, and turns into despair.

Father must have realized what happened after seeing the village with his third eye. Death loomed all over the place.

Thanks to my comrades efforts, they managed to stand against such numbers despite the numbers more than quadrupled ours.

"Father here's still a few of your comrades running wild. Please lend me your hand."

Father and I proceeded to break each of the remaining frenzied Superds. One by one, the others came to their senses, and their aggressive glares gave way to expressions of shocked disbelief. Many began to weep uncontrollably, lamenting their murder of their families. Still, none asked to be returned to the oblivion of their trance, they were made of sterner stuff than that.

"To regain our honor, let's swore an oath to get our vengeance for what Laplace had done to us." full of hatred and rage, the ten warriors who received the Demon Spears declared revenge to their former master, Demon God Laplace.

"Father, the disaster is not done yet. The village is surrounded."

By this point, the village was totally surrounded by a demon army sent to exterminate us. Only ten of father's soldiers remained. When they first received the Devil Spears, this had been a band of nearly 200 daring, valiant fighters.

Now a bare handful survived, and they were all in rough shape. Some had lost an arm, others an eye or the jewel on their forehead; but even battered, bruised, and utterly outnumbered, they stared belligerently at the thousand-strong force surrounding us.

They were all going to die. And they were going to die in vain.

The Demon Army is fast approaching and we are all surrounded.

Based on my third eye there was about a thousand of their numbers. I couldn't confirm if some of our tribesmen had successfully evacuated. Or maybe if they were met with the Demon Army before they escaped.

It was a fight that no matter how strong an individual may be, they couldn't possibly win against such large numbers.

The twelve of us surrounded. In the end because of the ongoing chaos we ended up getting scattered.

I used my advantage on my third eye to see in 360° angle and moved accordingly. I managed to kill may of the Demon Army and even some of the stronger ones, they must be high ranking commanders.

I started headhunting individuals who seemed to be particularly strong. I clashed with the and some had some skills too. However it was a really tough fight having to face enemies in all directions.

"A monster! Kill this monster!"

In the end I even got called as a monster. They turned their focus on hunting me now. It turned bad and my excape routes are getting slowly closed off in a formation.

At this rate I might not be able to escape.

But still no matter how much I fought them, I didn't feel any slightest bit of exhaustion.

With a single swipe of my spear, the bodies of my enemies are torn apart. With a thrust of my spear, they die with their heads pierced of holes.

"It's either do or die."

I couldn't see the other Superd warriors in my third eye vision. Maybe they have fallen from this battle or escaped.

I continued fighting headhunting the particularly strong ones.

In the end I managed to thin down their numbers to a few hundred. With these numbers there's now possibility of escape.

I switched modes from full on killing spree back into running away. I chose a direction where the enemies are thin in numbers.

I only suffered minor injuries after such a long battle.

"He's planning on running away, don't let him escape!"

However their efforts are futile. Anyone who's an obstacle of my escape are skewered with my spear, armor and all.

I'm not a blood crazed maniac who lusted for blood, I prioritized escape.


I leapt above the air for hundreds of meters. Thankfully there's no demons with the ability to fly in their numbers so they weren't able to pursue me.

"I wonder where has everyone gone?"