
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Cómic
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310 Chs

[301] A New Lottery

Mifune City.

Early morning—

Kazuya opened his eyes, looked at the wall beside him, straightened his body, and lay on the bed, rubbing his head. "FSN is over... I didn't even realize it myself."

Moreover, it's the end of FSN...

Speaking of which, this manga has been serialized for several years.

He doesn't want to draw anymore in the future. Let's see the situation and let others draw Fate... No, in the Type-Moon series, whether they can increase the summonable slots for his Noble Phantasms.

If possible, let others handle it.

If not...

If not, he'll have to continue drawing Type-Moon himself.

After all, summoning Heroic Spirits in the Type-Moon world saves a lot of Command Spells.

He poured a cup of hot water and took a few sips.

This is not the first lottery, and the excitement in his heart has gradually faded with each passing time.

"I wonder what I can draw this time."

As always, starting with abilities.

In front of the roulette, ten squares appeared.

[Transparency: B+] [Magic Resistance: A] [Divinity: A] [Item Construction: A] [Mystic Eyes of Petrification: A+] [Protection from Arrows: B] [Presence Concealment: A+] [Magic : C-] [Projection Magecraft: A+] [Jewel]

"Well... these are all good."

Looking at these ten abilities on the panel, Kazuya had a bit of expectation.

The coolest among them is probably Projection, right? Shouting 'trace on' during his chuunibyou days...

The worst is probably Divinity?

Although Divinity seems to add something... probably?

There are quite a few people with Divinity special attacks...

"Well, let's start—"

Rather than daydreaming, it's better to wait until something is actually drawn before saying anything.

The roulette started spinning.

With Kazuya shouting to stop, there was a sudden brake—the pointer pointed to one of the abilities.

[Magic Resistance: A]

Magic Resistance, which nullifies magecraft, regardless of how powerful the magecraft is, magecraft below A rank will be nullified.

"Invincible in one step—"

Kazuya raised an eyebrow slightly, smiling satisfied.

In this world, what is the strongest under normal circumstances?

The answer is simple, whether it's the strongest person or the strongest force, it's magus.

The strongest should be a magus, and the unquestionably strongest force is also the Mage's Association.

Even if the loss of elites in Cairo is considerable, it cannot be avoided. After all, the losses of the Holy Church are not less than those of the Mage's Association.

If Barthomeloi Lorelei dies, the Holy Church can still say it is a "great victory."

But it's not the case, Barthomeloi Lorelei is alive and well.

And with A-rank Magic Resistance, it means that the influence of magus on him is almost reduced to "0."

There is no need for Mystic Eyes Killers and the like.

Unless it's Rainbow Level Mystic Eyes, there are very few Mystic Eyes in this world that can affect him, and even fewer that can break his A-rank Magic Resistance.

Even if there is Mystic Eyes Killers, it's not of much use.

And aside from magecraft, there are probably not many magusin this world who can fight him physically.

Combined with powerful ripple.

He can even face weaker third-rate Servants head-on!

The threat from magus has almost disappeared, and conversely, dealing with the Holy Church is relatively difficult.


In an instant.

In a great mood.

"However, this is a passive ability that can't be used unless someone uses magecraft on me... Well, let's extract it first."

No hurry to draw the manga.

He took out this ability from the storage space.

It was a transparent ball made of light. After taking it out, it slowly dissipated and merged into Kazuya's body.

So it's acquired.

This A-rank Magic Resistance is in hand!

"Next is the manga."

[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha] [Naruto] [Devil May Cry] [Attack on Titan] [One Punch Man] [Death Note] [Hunter x Hunter] [Fullmetal Alchemist] [Dragon Ball] [Hell Girl]

Kazuya looked at the manga that replaced 'Hellsing' position and his mouth twitched slightly.

What is this?

Dragon Ball?

Didn't Akira Toriyama already finish serializing it in JUMP? In a few more years, this thing will have ended, and at this time, they gave him Dragon Ball? Is this system joking?


"Is this system completely random?" Kazuya pondered for a moment. "Regardless of whether this manga exists in this world, whether it has been serialized or not, and regardless of its progress, it just adds it to the list..."

Thinking of this, Kazuya sighed slightly, holding his slightly sore head. "Well, forget it... I don't have the qualifications to complain. Let's draw the lottery. As long as it's not 'Dragon Ball,' anything is fine. That thing is completely unnecessary."

The roulette kept spinning.

Finally, under Kazuya's command.

It stopped.

[Fullmetal Alchemist]

Kazuya looked at the dimming roulette and the additional knowledge of "Fullmetal Alchemist," feeling somewhat satisfied.

"Fullmetal Alchemist," serialized by Hiromu Arakawa in 2001, can be said to be a shining star in the manga world that cannot be overshadowed.

This manga, consisting of a total of 108 chapters, has no redundant parts.

The entire plot is a circle.

Starting with the first chapter, returning to the origin in the last chapter, connecting all the circles perfectly.

After reading the whole thing, tension, emotion, joy, surprise.

Various emotions surged in his heart.

Especially with the excellent production by the Bones studio, this already very good-looking manga got even closer to perfection.

Although some original scenes were added, it didn't make the manga worse at all. On the contrary, it became even more enjoyable!

In the entire animation industry, such effects are rare.

Of course, it's not perfect... After all, if you want to find faults, you can find them. Everyone's taste is different, and there is no perfect thing in this world.

However, if compared with other animations.

Undoubtedly, it is perfect.

To be able to get this manga so early surprised him a bit, but... a complete plot, a complete circle.

It shouldn't be outdated in any era, right?

The spirit of humanity displayed in it is also worthy of praise.

"Well, I don't have much work on hand... 108 chapters, not long, it won't take long to finish drawing."


If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my patreon which already contains 30 chapters: 
