
As a genius, am I really the weakest one in the family?

Chen Zhian, crossing into the role of a dandy in the Tang Dynasty, started off by being thrown into prison. He later discovered that his eldest brother might be a hidden powerhouse, his second brother was the chosen one with a great destiny, his father was the strongest sixth son of the family, and his younger sister was believed to be the reincarnation of the empress. Despite being praised as a genius for over a decade, he turned out to be the weakest among his family members.

DaoistMg3srF · Oriental
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35 Chs

Chapter 23: Underestimating Others Was My Mistake

"Eat the fish sashimi!"

A figure in a green robe approached briskly from afar.

The newcomer first glanced at the silver knife fish in the basin, then looked at Li Lanqing, who exuded a murderous aura, and said, "Li'er, your knife is getting colder and colder. Do you sense the Qi now?"

"Seen Mr. Liu!" Li Lanqing bowed slightly. "I felt a strand of Qi about the size of a thumb intermittently yesterday when I was killing fish. Is that what you mean by sensing Qi?"

"Indeed!" Liu Qi exclaimed. "That's the sign of entering the martial path. I never expected you to have the aptitude for cultivation!"

No wonder Liu Qi was astonished. After all, he had probed Li Lanqing's aptitude before, and her Qi sea was tightly closed, with no possibility of cultivation.

He placed two fingers on Li Lanqing's forehead.

Liu Qi's expression changed slightly.

Her previously closed Qi sea had loosened, undoubtedly opening the door to cultivation.

It was a rare event for someone's cultivation potential to suddenly awaken without any apparent reason.

After a long silence, he asked, "Li'er, are you willing to apprentice yourself to me?"

Li Lanqing glanced at Chen Zhian, who was frowning beside her.

She certainly wanted to agree, but she was bought by her boss for forty taels of silver, and he also gave her three hundred taels of silver each month...

She had to see what her boss thought.


Chen Zhian shook his head. "She probably has another mentor. I have no say in this matter!"

Although Li Lanqing inexplicably gained the aptitude for cultivation, this matter was likely related to her elder brother.

Even though her elder brother hadn't expressed anything, since Li Lanqing embarked on this path because of him, it could be considered a master-disciple relationship.

Transmitting the law was no trifling matter in this wild world.

The relationship between master and disciple was no less significant than blood ties.

Seeing that Li Lanqing couldn't be accepted as his disciple, Liu Qi wasn't disappointed.

He was a carefree person.

Moreover, he came from an unconventional background and didn't attach much importance to mentorship. Instead, he imparted to Li Lanqing a self-enlightened martial technique.

The Flower Picking Technique!

The name sounded beautiful, but its killing power was formidable.

It followed a light and elusive path. When mastered, one could pick flowers and transform them into blades, turning ten thousand flowers into sharp weapons.

This was a martial technique tailored for the courtesans by Liu Qi.

After teaching the Flower Picking Technique, Liu Qi briefly explained some matters related to the brothel, and then they began to enjoy the sashimi of the silver knife fish.

During this time, Liu Qi wielded great power, and all matters of the brothel were decided by him.

After he announced his intention to take charge of the brothel, all the madams and brothel owners in Chang'an City became anxious, fearing that their cash cows would be targeted. Some even wished they could tie them to their belts.

There was no choice.

Liu Qi's status in the hearts of the courtesans was too high.

They feared he would act without scruples and simply relocate the flower girls with a single command.

Of course, Liu Qi wouldn't do such a thing.

He didn't want to treat the courtesans as pawns, which would go against his original intention.

Instead, he went to the Teaching Office and bought it.

The courtesans were pitiable, but the women in the Teaching Office were even more so.

As relatives of criminals, they signed death contracts. Unless they were old and no longer attractive, they would be expelled and left to fend for themselves. Otherwise, it was virtually impossible for them to leave.

When Liu Qi stood in front of the master of the Teaching Office and pulled out a thick stack of silver notes, the master wished he could sell himself for money as well.

A total of three hundred and twenty-six Teaching Office girls were bought by Liu Qi at a price of eighty taels each.

There are too many criminals nowadays, and killings are endless, one generation after another. 

Plus, most of the people who visit brothels are low-class, barely earning any money. 

The Teaching Office's master felt no pressure when selling the girls. He even threw in some men and old women as a bonus for Liu Qi.

He even had the next batch of criminal family members already lined up.

Liu Qi signed the intention contract without expression and paid the money on the spot.

Once entering the Teaching Office, one is forever a low-class citizen.

Liu Qi's own elder sister was killed in the Teaching Office in the past, while he was saved by a passing Taoist.

Many years had passed, and the master of the Teaching Office couldn't remember the child covered in blood on the verge of death.


"This is the situation: I've bought all the criminal family members from the Teaching Office!"

Liu Qi lay on the rocking chair and recounted the purchase of the Teaching Office girls.

Besides the two hundred or so girls of suitable age, the rest, including over three hundred boys and old women, were considered burdens.

But if they were left unattended, the Teaching Office, lacking an economic source, would definitely not continue to accommodate them.

As slaves, their lives would be virtually over once they left the Teaching Office.

After all, Chen Zhian didn't open the brothel out of charity. Him unilaterally deciding to buy back a bunch of burdens...

But if it were any smaller in scale, he probably would have turned hostile immediately.

Liu Qi had already prepared himself for Chen Zhian's backlash.

However, Chen Zhian just turned over and continued to bask in the sun.

"Aren't you angry?" 

Liu Qi said softly. "After all, by adding a few hundred mouths out of thin air, don't you suspect that I'm using your money to gain fame and reputation for myself?"

"Would you?" 

Chen Zhian stood up and looked down at the completed attic. "I promised to let you manage the brothel, so I won't interfere with your decisions. Even if it were three hundred, three thousand, or thirty thousand... I trust you."

"Mr. Liu, Chang'an City is... too small for you!

"We need to look at the entire Tang Dynasty and even the entire Wildlands!

"Someday, I want the banner of the brothel to be planted all over the Wildlands!

"What do you say? Should I suspect you of using your public position for private gain and using my money to gain fame and reputation?"

Liu Qi was speechless.

He hadn't expected this infamous wastrel to have such ambition and lofty aspirations.

Even more unexpectedly, he possessed such magnanimity and broad-mindedness.

"I've underestimated everyone!"

Liu Qi also stood up and stood shoulder to shoulder-with him. "Among the criminal family members, there are not a few who have the aptitude for cultivating Dao. I have already taken them as disciples and plan to secretly train a group of stewards for the brothel. The brothel will open in ten days!"

"Mr. Liu, please proceed as you see fit!"

Chen Zhian lay back in the rocking chair, his lips twitching slightly.

This act was worthy of a ninety-nine out of a hundred in terms of acting.

He only deducted one point because he was afraid of becoming too arrogant.

Every one of the criminal family members from the Teaching Office was talented, and skilled in music, literature, and painting. They were essential skills.

In his original plan, he had intended to buy them.

Liu Qi bought half and gave half as a gift, and even planned to personally teach them. He hadn't had a chance to laugh at him yet, so how could he blame him?
