
Art shall be the answer

Okay. Hear me out, I don't know in which direction should I properly go so like am gonna try make something else and maybe pick this up after I learn to plan my novel a bit

SevenSix · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

Chapter 3 - Parting ways

A/N - MC will not be an aloof right from the start cuz we all know it's pure bs. Even if he reincarnated his body is that of a child. And children do not have their brain developed enough to be murdering machines of war without emotions and with the power of a computer processor. Right now he is enjoying his new world because he sees the colours and potential inside of it.

3437 words ^^

As the days flew by Max casually training and enjoying his youth, news spread around the continent like a hot potato.

"Hey, have you heard that the Continent of God sent over 100 envoys to our continent." Said a person 01

"What?! Isn't this basically declaration of war between continents? Are they so cocky because their lives are so smooth sailing?! They can easily reach powers in few years that we have to suffer for decades or even hundreds of years!" Screamed a person 02 that clearly hated the continent of God.

"Of course they don't have the balls to fight us! If they dared to declare the war against us the eastern continent would use this opportunity to team up with us. Especially the Buddhist faction, they declared the continent of God as the continent of devils!" Explained person 01.

"Then how can our leaders let them enter our continent freely? Aren't they basically admitting that they are weaker and that they have to submit to them?" Said person 02 confused.

"It isn't simple as that. I heard that the continent of God paid a hefty sum to get more than 100 envoys into our continent. All they wanted, is to find the candidate for the holy child." Said person 01, clearly demonstrating his powerful information gathering abilities.

"What's so special about a holy child? They can almost never live beyond the age of 100 anyway.

What good would it bring to them wasting so much resources for just one so called Holy child?"

"Well, this is the thing about the holy child. There has been very few of them in our history, but every one of them were very powerful and had the blessing of their God. Thanks to that blessing they lived over 500 years some of them even 800!"

"What?! If the are so great why would our continent let them take it so easily just for some resources? Wouldn't it give them overwhelming power, now that they are the strongest and most prosperous of all continents?"

"Here is the catch. It usually takes 50-100 years of hard work for the holy child to grow powerful enough to combat the most powerful of warriors and mages. During that time the holy child usually doesn't exhibit any kind of great power. So unless greatly protected they usually died before they grew too powerful. This is why there has been very few Holy children in our history.

Some of them even abandoned their faith and either killed themselves or ran away to a different continent. Though they never explained why they abandoned their faith and even when people tried to soul search a holy child the God interfered."


"Max! Come on hurry up let's go!" Yelled brown haired girl with green eyes.

"Coming!" Yelled Max back as he stopped swinging his sword.

With sweat pouring down his body, he grabbed a towel and put his training sword in a weapon rack.

'Training everyday is quite a full filling experience so far. I even managed to get grade 1 completion rate to 60%. Hehe~ when my father founds out he will get scared' Thought happily Max in his mind.

Children usually start to train willingly at the age of 4. Thanks to mana they are closer to 10 year olds on Earth. Of course families with legacies start to train as early as Max did or even earlier.

Some even start to train the children in the wombs of their mothers, which is incredibly cruel but effective. Weeding out all weak babies with weak constitutions without even being born. Sad right?

Anyways... Even children that start to train earlier cannot progress fast as max and it usually takes them a year or two to get to the point where Max is.

Of course after they grow up a bit their speed of training shoots up like a rocket. And that is why Max could be seen as a genius born every few hundred years.


"Have you located the two holy children?" Said a figure fully clothed in a pure white robe. On the chest could be seen a mark of a God and one three winged angel.

"Only one so far holy envoy. We also managed to secure it successfully and is on the way to our holy continent. The other one should be found tomorrow afternoon at latest your holiness." Said a figure with a white robe and on it were two two winged angels.

"You must find her this very night! Those greedy blasphemers gave us only three days, after that they would attack us! So hurry up unless you want to die here." Said the man with a three winged angel.

"I understand, now that our forces aren't split up we can find her this night!" Said the man with two two winged angels

"And don't forget. If you kill even a single civilian those blasphemers will have a reason to kill everyone. So if the parents of the holy child resist only knock them out. If you kill them your mission will be a failure and the almighty God won't accept you into his heaven!"


"Do you think that the great swordsman Magnus knows that his child has one of the strongest and most ancient constitutions?" Said a hulking man full of confidence to a bald monk.

"Amitabha, it seems like a curse for such a good man to bear so many talented children. But for the greater good I must save that poor child from future sufferings, so she can learn the great way of Buddha." Said the bald monk

"You are right baldy. That man is the luckiest and also unluckiest man since time immemorial. If only he wasn't injured then bastards like me would never steal his children HAHAHA. And you baldy stop trying to make it sound justifiable. We all know that since the death of the last bodhisattva the shaolin temple started to lose it's glory!" Said the hulking man clearly provoking the bald monk.

The bold monk however chose to keep quiet as if it didn't concern him.

"You are no fun baldy. Oh have you heard that he has a son? Maybe his luck finally ran out because that kid isn't anything special! At least he will have something left. That is if he survives this tribulation!" Said the hulking man with a wide smile.


"So this is the place you want to camp for today?" Said Max as he looked around the place.

He was in a middle of a grass opening deep within a forest. The place was quite spacious with no trees around in the close proximity. There were few tents and a perfect place for a fireplace already setup.

"Yup! Thanks to dad we managed to persuade mom into lettings us camp here overnight!" Said Aurelia with a cheerful smile.

"Mentioning our dad where is he?" Asked Max

"Oh uncle went to get more firewood because the girls didn't want to do it and I had to stay behind to set up the tents" Said Harry as he was walking out of a tent.

"Yo, Harry long time no see! How is uncle Jack doing? I haven't seen him in a while." Said Max as he gave Harry a high five.

"Oh my dad is doing fine, the sales are dropping a bit but overall it's great." Said Harry while he was giving the high five.

After they chatted for a few minutes, they heard a sound coming out of the forest.

"Heya kiddoes, are the tents ready? You will get to finally taste my legendary wild barbecue!" Said Magnus as he was walking out of the forest. In his arms was quite a bit of firewood.

"'What does uncle mean legendary wild barbecue? Last time he cooked something at home it tasted horrible.'" Whispered Harry to Max.

"'Don't worry bro, even mom says his wild barbecue actually tastes good! So it can't be that bad right?'" Said Max as he whispered back to Harry.

"Dad! You are finally back, can you tell us those stories? Pretty please!" Begged Cecily as she saw her dad.

"Fine fine, but only when the sun sets! That is the best time to tell thrilling stories. Especially when cooking and eating food! Truly the best experience when camping trust me kiddoes!" Replied Magnus.


"We have found the last holy child and are now closing in." Reported man in a white robe that had 3 angels with 2 wings.

"Good good. As soon as the sun sets capture it at any costs! But remember no killing otherwise death won't be your worst end!" Said the envoy with a three winged angel on his robe.


"Yo baldy today is the perfect day for kidnapping. Look at the weather! Truly the best time to kidnap some children huehue." Said the hulking man

"Amitabha this day is the day our temple will finally have a chance to regain it's former brilliance." Said the bald monk while praying incomprehensible words.


As the Sun began to set and as the darkness began to devour the forest a group consisting of three young grils, two boys and a man were near a campfire barbecuing and talking.

"Dad quick tell us the one where you fought against that big ugly ogre!" Yelled Cecily

"Why do you always want to hear the one about the Ogre? You saw the pictures of it, it's disgusting how can you like something like that?" Said Aurelia

"You can't understand! The uglier it is the better the beating it will get! How many of those stories does our dad have where he beats up beautiful maidens?" Replied Cecily in return.

"You... have a point. Our dad told us his codex will never let him hurt any beauty." Said Emily

"Soo can you tell us that story again dad?" Said Cecily

"Fine fine but after that I have to tell you the story where I out drank a dwarf! It was truly a legendary battle!" Said Magnus as he started retelling his tale.

As the tale was getting to it's end and with Harry and Max quietly eating Magnus suddenly stopped talking.

His eyes turned cold and he began to emit pressure. Of course not at the children but at the forest behind him.

"Come out I know you are there."

"Hoho even after all that time your senses never betray you right? Great swordsman Magnus." Said a hulking man as he walked small pits began to appear beneath his feet.

"Still crazy as ever right? Mad cultivator of the eastern continent. What brings you here? Also your two friends can come out too you know?" Said Magnus as he stood up.

"Oh so we have company you say? It's true I brought a bald monk with me, but I didn't bring anyone else." Replied the mad cultivator.

"Amitabha it must be the devils of the devil continent that are here to contaminate the world..." Said the bald monk as he appeared without a sound behind the mad cultivator.

"How dare you call the continent blessed with our holy God evil? Blasphemy! If it wasn't for the fact that our lord forbade us from killing here, your head would be long gone blasphemer!" Yelled a man in a white robe that had 3 two winged angels.

As the man yelled another 80 white robed people appeared behind him.

"And why would people from both continents gather here?" Said Magnus while getting ready for a big fight.

'Harry, Max this will get bloody in a bit. As soon as I distract them run back home as fast as you can. You will be safe there.' Said Magnus telepathically to Harry and Max.

Surprised but still composed they nodded and turned back at the enemies.

"Magnus don't play ignorant! Your child was blessed by the God you should feel honored and you should kneel and pray for our God! For he has chosen your child to be his vessel." Said the man with 3 two winged angels.

"In your dreams you fake phonies. I know you will brainwash my child and turn it into a mindless slave! I heard about your evil deeds and torture that you committed on those poor children! I will never let you touch them! Even if I have to use my life to guarantee that!" Yelled Magnus full of fury and killing intent.

"Magnus my friend maybe you can hold down those fake phonies from the continent of shit but can you stop us too? Why not give up and obediently give us that blond haired girl with green eyes and all will be good." Said the hulking man while grinning.

"Amitabha your blond hair child with purple eyes was chosen by fate! The fate said that the only place she can be in is our Shaolin Temple. Only then can she survive her difficult fate!" Said the monk as he radiated with golden aura.

"In your dreams you fools! I will never give up my children for your machinations and even if it's for the so called greater good! They are my flesh and blood and will never be treated as tools! Fight me morons! Let's see who is really in the wrong!" Yelled Magnus as he slashed the air.

All of the sudden over a hundred huge slash marks appeared in the air and launched at the people from the foreign continents.

"Magnus you fool! I gave you a path where you could at least live with your son till you die! But you chose meaningless death." Said the hulking man as he blocked with a powerful strike of his own.

The moment Harry and Max saw Magnus unleash the powerful strike they took a hold of the girls and started running towards their home.

As they did the monk began to chase them.

"Oh no you won't!" Yelled Magnus as he teleported next to the monk and slashed at him.

"Amitabha it seems that I have to teach you the way of peace that you lack." Said the monk as he unleashed a golden palm.

While the monk and hulking man fought against Magnus the white robed people recovered. Although they suffered huge casualties there were still around 10 of them. The ones who died all had one two winged angel and below.

The 10 that survived did not get out unscathed though and were seriously injured.

As Magnus tried to stop them the hulking man took the opportunity to strike at Magnus. Without options he turned back to him and defended.

"How can Magnus be that strong! Our holiness blessed us with power! He was even injured and it was said that he couldn't recover anymore! How can he muster so much power?!" Said a white robbed man as he gasped for air.

"He can't do that often. Otherwise his wound will reopen again and he will die, don't worry about him and chase the children. I will hold him down with those blasphemers. At least they will contribute to our lord in a way." Said the only person that had a three winged angel on his robe. Clearly not injured as others he was in a pretty good shape.

"I understand we will catch them immediately." As he said so he and the other eight ran towards the place where the children ran.

"Ignore the other just secure the holy child!" Commanded the man with a three winged angel as he ran towards Magnus at incredible speed.

"If I wasn't injured I would wipe all of you in few strikes!" Yelled Magnus as his killing intent began to rise.

"Haha sadly you are not the legendary great swordsman you used to be! Give up it's pointless!" Said the hulking man.


[MC's side]

'As we ran it seemed that they didn't pursue us yet. With my sword ready I should surprise at least one of them if it comes to worst right?' Thought Magnus

As he ran he heard multiple people closing in. He knew that he wouldn't be able to get home back in time and as the only person with any combat power he had to stall them. Yes Harry learned magic, but he only learned the spell to increase mana control.

"Guys, they are closing in. I will try to slow them down! They are after you girls!" Yelled Max in a what seemed to be composed manner.

"Max! No! What if they kill you!" Yelled Cecily her eyes in tears.

"Don't worry you heard them! They can't kill otherwise they would be killed by the people of our continent right away. I will be safe! Just run as fast as you can." Said Max

"Fine! But be careful Max!" Yelled Emily as she began to speed up with others.

Harry knew he couldn't help Max as he would only be a burden so he prayed for him and began to speed up.

'Please Max I hope you will be alright. I swear I will get the girls safely back to our home!' As he vowed in his mind his fighting spirit flared up.

After a few seconds of waiting 9 white robed people began to emerge.

"Fight me you cowards of that ************************************************************************************************************************************** fake that you call God!" Said Max as he threw every slur he learned at this point in his life.

"How dare you insult our Holiness like that! Even if I can't kill you I will slowly skin you up so you will experience pain!" Yelled one of the robbed men as he charged foward.

Max grabbed his sword tighter and began to remember the skill he trained all this time.

'Vital slash' Yelled Max in his mind as he slashed one of those peoples throat.

Even though they were enraged they all let down their guard because they all knew that a one year old child couldn't amount to anything other than mindlessly swinging it's sword.

And so they dearly paid for that. Thanks to those heavy injuries even though they were at around grade 2 Max managed to slay one of them.

You may wonder what kind of idiots would send over hundred grade 2s with one grade 3 combatants in terms of warrior grades if they could just whoop up more powerful ones right? Simple, the people of the continent where warriors and mages reside aren't full of idiots that let powerful enemies waltz in even if it was for a few days.

As his sword cut through the neck of his enemy Max didn't feel as if he wanted to puke.

'It seems that a body of a child doesn't have the capacity to have that kind of reflex thankfully.' Thought Max as he turned his sword for the other one.

Sadly as he tried to strike the other one he was struck in the neck and passed out...



As Max slowly woke himself up he quickly remembered what happened before he blacked out and jumped out of a bed he was in.

Next to him was his mother that was sleeping out of exhaustion.

As Max knew he couldn't wait he woke up his mother and asked right away.

"Mom what happened to the girls are they okay? Did they run safely to the village?" Yelled Max flustered at his own incompetence.

As he yelled that his mother started tearing up.

"I am sorry Max we couldn't save them in time. Your father's injuries sprang up and he could only run back home to try and save you, though those eastern bastards over took him he desperately sped up. Sadly he only found you as one of the white bastards tried to skin you when you were unconscious.

As your father quickly killed him and took you in his arm he quickly ran but sadly was too late. The girls were caught and Harry almost died if he didn't arrive in time." Flavia retold the story with a shaky and sorrowful voice.

Max felt the sadness he never felt before but quickly calmed down and asked. What about Harry?

"Right after getting home he packed up his things and went to the mage's association in hopes of getting power and finding the girls in time."

"Mom I want to go too. I want to save my sisters!" Max knew that if he trained safely at home he could never grow up quickly enough to slaughter his way into those two continents.

"No! I can't lose you too Max!" Yelled Flavia


Yes. Procrastination my greatest enemy has awoken in me. I have no excuses for breaking my schedule after 3 chapters .-. .

SevenSixcreators' thoughts