
Making paper flowers

Cherry closed the diary and kept it on its place.

"I should probably go and plan a date with Matt. He would love it," she said while taking out another notebook.

"It's also his birthday soon. What can I gift him?" She started thinking but no idea was coming inside of her head and she felt like banging her head to a wall.

"Should I buy him something expensive? No, that won't be a good decision. He already got everything and all of his things are already expensive. Material things might not matter as much to him. Wait, why am I sounding like this? Cherry, wake up! He's been your boyfriend for the last 11 years and you are still thinking what he might like and not like?" She slapped herself on both cheeks to wake herself up.

She walked towards the mirror and looked at herself like she was going to talk to another girl, someone who needed her advice.