
Arrogant Meets Spitfire (Formerly known as The Billionaire's Spitfire)

Like every other rich kid, Trevor Reynolds was born with a silver spoon. He's a ruthless billionaire who has every businessmen at the brink of his feet. Trouble comes knocking when Alessia Maxwell scratches a very egotistical billionaire's Lamborghini, choked with piled up medical bills and two exhausting jobs, life couldn't be anymore better when Trevor crashes his way into her already messy life. What are the odds that on a fine monday morning, Alessia Maxwell would begin her rollercoaster ride with her partner, Trevor Reynolds. Give it a chance!!! Ps: The updated and rewritten version is labelled with nothing but the chapter's title. (The original/old version(unedited) are 10 chapters, I guess, I don't know, you'll figure it out)

Sammeeha · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Original: Heartfelt makeover

Brrr! Brrr!! Brrr!!!

"Someone better turn off that godforsaken alarm." Alessia mumbled sleepily

"Get up bitch!" she heard a familiar high pitched voice yelled.


She groaned angrily "What the fuck Hailey?! How did you get in?"

"Through the door obviously or are you dumb now?" Hailey retorted sarcastically. "and if you're too sleepy to remember, do I need to remind you that I have a spare key to your apartment Aless?"

She rolled her eyes at her sarcasm.

"What are you doing here and that, so early in the morning?" she asked suspiciously. Hailey always got ulterior motives and for her to be here this early, then something was going on with her.

Hailey sashayed towards her and sat her butt down on the cushion in her room. "You didn't call me back yesterday, so I decided to pay you a fresh visit. And you know what they say? If fire can't go to hell then hell will come to fire"

She rolled her eyes "Nobody says that Hailey"

"Fine! I made that up but who cares? Anyway, I'm here for our incomplete conversation"

"I totally forgot to call you yesterday, I swear I wanted to but something happened" she confusedly paused. "Yes I remember now, Trev called me yesterday so it must have slipped my mind. Sorry Hailey bear" She said mimicking a small child's voice whilst holding her ears.

Hailey smirked suggestively"oooh, so you're on first names basis now or should I say nicknames basis. You're genuinely forgiven only if you spill whatever tea you have going on with you and the Trevor Reynolds." 

Seemed like everyone but she knew who Trevor Reynolds was. That arrogant a-hole.

"okay, fine I will" she sighed and started telling Hailey about how she got in contact with Trevor Reynolds from the first time they met at Old Campbell's diner till last night's call and everything it was about. She exhaled out after having told her the whole damn story.

"What?!" Hailey screamed.

"You're getting married in two days and you're just informing me Ales. I'm supposed to be your best friend, to know anything and everything about you and yet, I'm just finding out my so-called best friend is getting married to New York's number one billionaire bachelor which you know nothing about and not just that, but your mom's chemotherapy is a few days left. Really Ales? " Hailey asked in a betrayed tone.

She sighed dejectedly

"I'm sorry Hailey bear, but there was so much on ground, with mom's health and the financial issue. You've done more than enough for me already, I didn't want to put my baggage on you"

Hailey moved towards her and cajoled her into a hug. She wiped her tears when she realized she had been shedding tears.

"Thank you for understanding Hailey" she said, her voice sounding muffled.

"No, thank you for telling me Ales. I'm still angry that I wasn't informed earlier, but it's okay now. What matters is that your mom gets better. Damn! I miss that woman's cooking" Hailey said and laughed out loud in order encourage Ales to smile a bit. Which she did, no, she actually laughed. Genuine laughter.

"Shit!" She shouted

"What's the matter?" Hailey asked, her voice scared at the end.

"Trevor fucking Reynolds told me that he'd be picking me up this morning. What's the time?" she asked impatiently

"six minutes after six?"

"shit! I need to get ready now. What do I wear? I haven't even had my bath or brushed my teeth? Will his mom like me? Will she catch on to our sham? Does he have bitchy sisters? Will his father be strict? Damn! What if all these were true, what am I gonna do? I'm sure I would be roasted as a feast for them or maybe they'd think that was too easy and tarnish my image or may-"

Hailey cut her off from her nervous ramblings.

"Ales, anybody that doesn't like you is stupid and foolish. Look at you" Hailey gave her a stare down. "You're beautiful, smart, and kind. Any man or family would be lucky to have you as theirs, just be yourself okay? Now calm your titties down, I'll help you get dressed. Didn't he say I could come along?"

"Yes, he did say that"

"Great. I'm dressed already, now get your ass up and move it to the bathroom. By the way, your estimated time is three minutes, spend it wisely. And I'll here setting up all you need to use, good thing I have my makeup box in my car. I'll go get it now and you MUST be done by then!" Hailey shooed her away and stood up to leave for her car.

During her shower, she couldn't stop thinking about something going wrong. Maybe Hailey was right, she should just be herself. She will not change herself for somebody else's satisfaction, if they don't like it- that's their headache.

After her cold shower, she literary dashed to her room, trust me, you don't want to keep Hailey waiting.

Hailey sat her down in front of her Vanity and started to paint her face with makeup. After few minutes that felt like two decades, Hailey was done. She had made her closed her eyes during the makeup session so she wasn't able to see what she was doing on her face. Hailey told her to open her eyes and look in the mirror.

She was amazed at the new look Hailey gave her, she looked beautiful like a fragile gem. Her brows were carved beautifully, she even contoured her face giving her a high cheekbone, and the eye liner brought out her dull grey eyes. The mascara made her lashes bolder and longer, her usual bare lips was spotting a glossy look.

Tears brewed at the corner of her eyes, nobody has ever made her feel this beautiful with makeup. Sure, she longed to be a fashion designer but she literary hate makeup, hated makeup, she had little knowledge about it but after this, she was willing to learn. She patiently got into the dress Hailey bought for her which was a surprise.

Hailey made her sit her ass down on the chair again and started to curl her naturally straight hair with curler and some other things. After she was done, she was shocked one more time at the woman staring back at her. Her normally dull looking red hair looked fiery, shiny and curly. She was overwhelmed. She never expected she could look this gorgeous and she had Hailey to thank for it all.

"Thank you Hailey. I'm so grateful. Are you also going to wear makeup on your face?"

"No, I'm okay like this. I'm not the bride to be darling, all I need to do is to change into that dress" she pointed at a green coloured dress.

Hers was a tight fitted white lace dress with a sweetheart neckline, while Hailey's was a satin maxi dress. Not too much if you asked me.

Now all left to do was to wait for Trevor Reynolds.

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Hailey's nickname for Alessia is pronounced as (A-lés) the A is the same way you pronounce Alphabet A