
CHAPTER 6 Old Love birds

  He was driving the car silently and she was staring at him

  “What?” he snapped. “Why you cancelled the contract?” she asked while crossing her arms.

  “Do you have crush over that man?” he asked without looking at her.

  “What?” she asked shocked.

  “Do you have crush over that man?” he repeats.

  “Why on the earth you think that?” she asked annoyed.

  “Because you are defending someone who tried to kill you” she said calmly.

  “Why he is so annoying” she thought and looked outside the window.

  The car stopped by the airport. “Airport? They live in Canada ain’t they?” she asked curious.

  “Spain” he said while looking outside.

  They got outside. Few men wearing black suites were greeting him.

  “I have to go through airplane?” she thought and the day when she arrived at Canada came inside her mind.

  “Miss if you are not feeling well you can have some lemons” said an air hostess.

  “No No I am fine” she said while trying to stop herself from throwing up.

  She threw up 10 times in the whole air plane journey.

  “Mr. Easton there could be anyway we can go through car?” she said while looking inside his blue eyes. He looked at her puzzled.

  “You want me to drive for more than 20 hours?” he asked while crossing his arms around his chest.

  She looked away and slowly climbed up the plane stairs. He was staring over her back.

  “Why she seems so scared?” he thought.

  He climbed up the plane. She was sitting over her seat. This private jet. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes her expressions were anxious. He sits beside her over the next seat.

  After 30 minutes she started feeling anxiety and then nausea. She was a bit shaking.

  “Excuse me I need to go washroom” she said. He looked up at her. She was running while putting her hand over her mouth. He ran after her. She was throwing up.

  “So that’s why she was asking me to go through the car, she is so much like mom” he thought.

  He raised his hand and called an airhostess. “Bring the medicine” he said.

  She came outside he was sitting over his seat. She looks so much weak.

  “Mr. Easton have took care of sparkles?” she asked in exhausted tone.

  “She is sick and thinking about the cat?” he thought.

  “Yeah I gave her to Melissa” he said without looking at her. Melissa was the old woman in the mansion.

  After a while an airhostess bring some medicines for her. “Here miss it will ease your nausea” she said while giving her some medicines.

  “No I am fine” she said hesitant. “Take them you will feel better” he said. She took the medicine.

  After a while when everything was quiet she asked him “Mr. Easton?”

  “Yes?” he said in a deep voice.

  “I am nervous, what if your mom would be so much strict and your father would kick me out?” she asked hesitant.

  “That would be more better for me, so they force me to get married because I have a solid reason that I love you” he said smirked.

  She looked at him with angrily. He called an airhostess and asked for a drink ignoring him, after few minutes she brought some drink. He pour it inside the glass and started drinking despite she was staring at him.

  “You need some?” he asked without looking at her.

  “Jerk” she thought and looked away.


  It took 8 hours to reach Spain. The plane landed and she was feeling exhausted and sick. They got out of the plane. The black suited man came towards them. The huge limbo was already parked there. They walked slowly towards the car, a man who standing near the car said something in Spanish.

  “Hola Sr. Flanagan, bienvenido de nuevo, espero que el viaje haya estado bien” she looked at him like she came to the mars.

  “Estoy bien William, lleva mi equipaje a mi casa” he said expressionless.

  “Let’s go Matilda” he said and she sat inside the car.

  “He can speak another language? I am dealing with an Alien” she thought.

  She was feeling so much nervous about his parents. She never have been in his situation. As for the parents she was unable to have knowledge about the parent child relation. He was staring outside over the street. She was unable to read his expressions.

  “Why on the earth now he is talking? Why I agreed on this, I came here on the plane and now I have to meet his parents, the world most successful people. She felt herself breathless.

  “Okay Matilda take some breath you can do it, its unnecessary if he is the jerk his parents would be too” she thought.

  After a while the car stopped by the huge mansion. This mention was thrice huger than the mansion he lives in Canada. He got out of limbo and opened the door of her side.

  “Come out honey we have reached” he said sugarcoated.

  “What Honey?” she felt her cheeks bright red.

  “Don’t be so horny here, it all a play and give me name too” he whispered in her ear.

  “Horny? What a jerk he is” she thought annoyed. He held his hand and brought her in.

  The house was so much big and she was looking around. After a while they crossed a big main door.

  A tall dark haired woman was sitting over the sofa, she was graceful. She had long hairs and green eyes. She doing something over her phone but she saw Easton she ran towards him.

  “Oh mi calabaza, mi dulce tarta, mi bebé ha vuelto” she said hugging him.

  “Mamá déjame ir, me estás avergonzando” he said in a deep voice.

  The woman looked at Matilda. She walked towards her and hugged her.

  “Debes ser mi nuera” she said smiling.

  “Amm…” she looked at Easton.

  “Mamá no puede hablar español, habla inglés con ella” he said exhausted.

  “Opps sorry I forgot you are from Canada, you can’t speak Spanish, I am Christina Fanaggaen his mother” she said smiling, her English accent was Spanish.

  “Ehm Ehm” some cleared their throat she looked back it was tall man with fawn hairs and blue eyes; he had striking resemblance with Easton. He looked in his early 50s.

  “Lorenzo look this is our daughter in law” she said smiling. He walked ahead. Easton has every style like his father.

  “Our son has not bad choice” he said smiling. She smiled in return.

  “You remind me of someone” she said while looking inside her eyes. She looked at him confused.

  “Ah Honey lets go I have made dinner for us” said Christina.

  “She can cook?” she thought shocked. “She is one richest woman on planet and she cooks” she thought.

  She walked with them towards the table. She sits on the chair next to Easton.

  “I am happy for our son Lorenzo I mean finally he has someone in his life, I am looking forward for grandson and granddaughter” she said happily. Matilda was drinking fruit nectar, the liquid stuck inside her throat.

  “Careful honey, don’t drink too fast” said Easton sugarcoated.

  “Jerk” she thought.

  “Yeah actually I was feeling a bit thirsty” she said clenching her teeth.

  “So Matilda what your parents do?” asked Lorenzo. She felt stuck because this was the question she does not want to answer. Easton was about to say something when she said.

  “I am an orphan” she said with stone expressions. Easton looked at her with disbelieve.

  “Oh poor girl” said Christina.

  “Where you have met our son?” he asked again.

  “We met at the store” she said, which was truth. She saw him first time at the store when the girl from his company was hitting a sales manager.

  “Our son is famous for being with different girls, I am still shocked but happy that he found a good girl for our family” said Christina.

  “Mamá, détente” he said annoyed.

  “Oh, nunca! te prometí que le diré todo a una chica de la que te enamoraste” she snapped. He rolled his eyes. She was staring at them like she watching a movie in Spanish.

  “Matilda dear you have not eat churros I have made them for you, and many other our traditional dishes, look how weak you are getting eat them” It was first time someone has treated her better. She tried herself not to cry. But Christina was clever like her son, she spot it.

  “What happened? You did not like it?” she asked worried.

  “What happen Matilda why are you crying?” asked Lorenzo.

  “No No I am not crying, the fish it’s a bit spicy” she said. But Easton knew she never has touched the fish. She was smiling forcefully.

  “It is really nice to meet you Miss Fanaggaen” she said smiling.

  “Pleasure is mine too honey” she said while hugging him.

  “Honey! We have to go shopping I promised you I will take to the Barcelona’s top mall, and over a vacation too, so I have arranged everything” said Mr. Lorenzo. Christina ran towards him and kissed him over his cheek.

  “Tu siempre serias mi favorito” she said something to him in Spanish.

  She smiled in return. “They still love each other like teenagers, how come the couple like him has son who isn’t believe in love” she thought while looking at Easton who was typing something over the phone.

  “Okay Matilda we will meet you after a week, we are going on vacations, I thought I will live with you but…” she was about to complete her sentence when she said.

  “No its okay Miss Fanaggaen you can go we will meet again” she said smiling.

  The both couple smiled at her and said goodbye. Now both Easton and Matilda remained in the dinning.

  She looked at him. He was expressionless. She rolled her eyes and sits over the chair.


  He showed her the room where she will stay. “You can stay here, my parents will be back after one week so until we are relaxed” he said and left.

  She fell over the bed. She was fast asleep. It was quiet and peaceful room.

  She got up early in the morning. She got ready and went down. He was not home.

  “Jerk he left me all alone in this castle” she thought.

  She decided to explore this place so she went towards the west side of the house. It was too much big. She went towards the basement, the basement was well decorated no one can say that this is house store place. She was exploring it. There were portraits and from the facial features of men she can guess that they were Easton’s ancestors. She was about to return when she accidentally fell, she held cupboard which opened up few things fell down over the floor she bend down. It was photo album. She picked it up and opened it. Two babies were laying inside the cradle. She turned the page, a boy and a girl in there early ages were standing and holding hands, they look so much happy by the facial features of boy she could guess he was Easton. There was another boy of their age stood beside them. The girl has features like Easton. Than the door opened behind her with click startling her.

  She looked back it was Easton, he looked at her and then to Album. His expression changed to anger. He ran towards her and took the album from her. He grabbed her hand pull her outside with him.

  She was looking at him. He had not expressions. But somehow she knows now she will get scold. He stopped and turned to look at her.

  “What you were doing there?” he asked her angrily.

  “I was just exploring this place” she said. He walked to closer to her, she took few steps backward. He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. She put her hand over his chest to put some space between them. His hand reached her lips and he messed with her lips.

  “Exploring my life would be a crime and you know I like to punish” he said in a whisper. The evening when she saw him with that girl came inside her mind. She pushed him aside and ran towards her room.