
Strange !

Kirin directly entered the city while thinking about his present situation. He doesn't know how to live from now on, he doesn't have home nor any gf or friends so he could only live himself. He still doesn't know how will the world works from now on its been a week now since the Apocalypse started in future if he is not strong enough he will die without a proper grave so he still wanted to live happily and die without regrets.

With a sigh he came to the inner circle of scout city where the houses are all in lockdown while soldiers guarded every corner with heavy guns, tanks were positioned everywhere while a thick wall was constructed which protected the city and heavy machinery guns were placed. While occasionally someone yelling could be heard . Kirin saw some people who are looking outside the window with fear and anxiety. He nonchalantly entered a restaurant to order some foods but he couldn't find out any hotels or restaurant so he could only shake his head and ask someone.

Kirin saw a soldier who was guarding himself so he approached him saying "Brother why is there no restarunts opening here? "

The soldier became alert seeing Kirin who was wearing long brown coat approaching him. When he heard the words he was stunned and started to laugh while saying "haha... Brat are you new here? The food ingredient are main priority now. There are many people begging for just one time food . The food is main need now and that is difficult to obtain. If you do have the ability you can go outside and search your food on your own"

Kirin nodded his head.

The food became main problem now if you don't have enough strength you will die cruelly. While thinking about this he asked again

"so You are all waiting for the government order ?"

The soldier shook his head while smiling sadly he said "we don't know anything about the order we only ordered to protect the people in scout city and wait for the next order".

Kirin smiled coldly 'maintaining stability till for the government order it's more like courting death'.

He then said "so how do these people get good?"

He really wondered how will the military support these people in future. He still don't know what he will do for his future.

The soldier shook his head "we can't say anything about it now it will be rule breaking ".

Kirin then thought 'looks like it is not safe staying here too instead of begging for food I would rather go look out for myself'.

The soldier looked at his surroundings and whispered to his ear "I heard that there are some people who awakened peculiar ability which made them have their status live differently. They can live comfortably and didn't have to struggle like ordinary people."

Kirin secretly amazed and asked "Oh how many of these people are found? "

To his disappointment the soldier shook his head indicating he didn't know.

Kirin heart was now in chaos he started to think every possibility for his future. If he stays in the camp he will have to bow down and boot lick without any power to fight back. But his ability is just for offensive type he will sure be sent as cannon folder if he joined evolver group. And the after effects are too much problems if he suddenly become powerless after using his ability his teamates will think him as a burden and silence him at that way but if he goes outside by himself the danger is too much for his weak ability. So he started to think finally he decided to go for lone journey.

He raised his head and asked the guard "How can I get foods and weapon?"

The soldier thought it was weird but still he said "Foods can be given if you do some works if you are ordinary but if you are evolver you have to do missions for us and for the weapon no one can have them u less you are in military ".

Kirin suppressed his hunger and thanked the soldier before leaving.

His mind became muddle headed without saying anything he went to the outer area where group of soldiers were checking the people who wanted to leave outside.

When his turn came he simply said "I'm looking for my family "

The soldiers didn't say anything and noted down his name and his ID while saying him to leave.

They always wanted to get rid of burdens since some people wanted to rely on their own they will not stop them.

What a joke! They still don't know if food is enough for them and their life keeping safe from danger is more doubt so how can they look out others who are burdens.

With a sigh he wiped out the complicated thoughts and suppressed the weak state he was feeling now.

When Kirin exited the city he was greeted by devoid of people . The outside of the city was deathly silent an oppressive aura was in the air which one made hard to breathe. It was still day time but the dark clouds covered the sun only portions of light was seen.

When he was walking around to find a weapon for saftey he saw a group made of four people appear to his side. They were consist of three male and one female which looks like a university students. He recognized them at instant they were dame as him they left scout city to travel themselves.

The leading them was a handsome male with a height of 1.9 meter tall he had a smile on his face and his clothes were in good condition compared to other people he was most likely a rich family. As for the others three one of them was thin body with pale face and another one was burly middle aged man his hands held a sharp axe while occasionally he uses his fingers smooth around the sharp corner. The other one was a female university student with average face and innocent face her clothes were dirty but still this was type of a beauty.

The handsome man said "my friend are you on your own? "

Kirin immediate becaame cautios he took a step back and said "yes I'm traveling alone ".

The three of them looked at different view while the handsome youth smiled widely and said "then why don't you join our group we always works together and share whatever we gets. The zombies are too much danger why don't you join us? If we are in group we will always can be safe "

Kirin smiled coldly in his heart.

Working together they must be idiots who believe easily. In this cruel environment you need to be cautious or else you will die next second. Take by example these four people they are all ordinary people but still they wanted to go outside isn't it just courting death.

But still he pretend to be regretful and said "I'm afraid I don't have that much strength to help and my direction is somewhere else so thanks I prefer to work alone".

The thin man said in cold tone "how arrogant do you think you can survive yourself ha? ".

The burly man was still silent while the girl looked at him quietly where as the handsome youth waved at him to stop and said to Kirin

"well then have a safe journey friend"

As he said he went away with his group Kirin didn't say anything he calmly looked at the handsome man with smile on his face and slowly it replaced with cold look which one made heart shudder.