

When Moon Goddess created mates for each of her child. She never thought she will see the day, When two of her children will defy fates,challenging her own rules making the impossible turn up into possible. When Scarlett met her mate Jake, She thought she has the world wrapped up in her palm, her love for him was unconditional. The one person who loved her and she loved him. Met for the better good, But what happens when she comes across the harsh truth, that love is not that simple. And being mates is not always easy, Sometimes even the fates make mistakes. And sometimes just sometimes the mistakes can leads us deeper into the depth of Darkness. Darkness Where someone awaits Her Arrival.

Koyel_K · Fantasía
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2 Chs


"Smile Darling, People are watching us." His voice was cold, chilling my bones to the core, vacant of any emotion. His rough hand gripped my waist, fingers digging in my delicate skin even more tightly. It was sure to leave a  mark by now, I could feel his eyes on me taking in my body, I could feel the disgust and loathing rushing out in waves from him, making my body shiver with fear. I could also smell that evem though his face and his touch look disgusted He was turned on. I could smell it in the air. And that scared me more them his nails digging in me.

I took a shaky breath, trying to calm my erratic breathing, I have to be strong, I cant have a breakdown now. I have to fight back the tears threatening to spill, all around me people were laughing, singing, dancing having a good time. The pack was hosting a party for us, For me and my mate. They were happy for us, for me.

"You look like your dead, Smile everyone is watching." His voice was just a whisper. But it was enough to make me shiver. I quickly pasted a smile on my face and we started approaching rhe Alpha's table.

The children's were chasing each other playing their little game, my friends were laughing and dancing along the rest, enjoying my happiness , clueless to the tension and the turmoil inside me, clueless to the reality.

At the Alpha's table My father was beaming at us, my mother at his side, there eyes filled with pride for their daughter. They looked so happy for me. Dad's eyes connected with mine for a second, I could see his happiness fade, Did he see my tears? Could he see behind my mask? Can he tell that I am not happy? I quickly diverted my eyes from his, giving my mother a small smile.

"Here you are sweetheart, Come come sit here. I want you close to me."

My mother wanted me close to her. I was finally going to be free of him for sometime. I took a step towards my mom my lips trembling. When I felt his hand tighten.

Rubbing circles on my pregnant belly, I tried to control my hammering heart. I was five months pregnant and instead of being happy like every other werewolf couple, I was dreading the birth of our child.  

"Smile or else..." He threatened,  His word hanging in the air, promising of something dark and cruel. I tried to smile but my lips were chapped and cracked. The small action like a single smile was causing me pain. I could feel the skin on my lips stretch, the cracks reopening and I licked my lip tasting the slight taste of metallic blood,the feeling of my lips trying to do something as simple as a smile was nearly feeling like a torture.

His grip on my waist was now unbearable, His claws digging in my skin nearly tearing my flesh.

"Walk faster, little mate. We don't want our guest waiting. And as soon as we get rid of them, you and I have to practice on that smile of yours." I could hear the edge in his voice, He pushed me a bit harder. My legs wobbling under my weight, I gripped my stomach a bit more tightly, Trying to sooth my pup with my touch. I couldn't let him feel what I am feeling, I couldn't let him hear what I am hearing. I couldn't protect myself but I will be damned if anything happens to my baby.


I woke up with a gasp, my heart beating faster then ever. My nails digging in the cover of my bed, Sweat marked my body, my dress sticking to my self like a second skin.  It was just a memory, Just a memory from the past.  I am stronger then the weak female I just saw, My dreams are taking me to my deepest and darkest part of my mind, which I have locked up for good. But it still scared me, still scared me to think about the things which he did to me. His voice which was once like a drug to me is now like my alarm for everything bad and dead.

" Your okay. Your fine. Just breath. Just breath. Remember you are safe. You are not alone. He can't hurt you any more." I repeated what my therapist wanted me to again and again. Before taking a moment to compose myself.

I removed the rest of the covers off my body, taking in the needed air and rubbing my eyes off sleep, my eyes lingered on my now flat stomach, I quickly looked away and climbed off the bed my feet touching the cold hard floor. The sudden coolness on my feet was a soothing against my now hot and sticky body. I walked away from my bed towards the bathroom, Taking in the view of the small yet cozy looking room. My eyes meeting the mirror in front of me , Cold blue eyes staring back at me. The eyes which once held joy and were alive are now dull and sullen. The dark circles around them doesn't help the case.

"You look dead" I could hear his voice lingering in my ear.

My face was pale - sickly pale. The natural blush I used to have along with the rosy lips were now long gone, Replacing with pale dull skin & cracked, chapped and nearly bluish lips. My black curls which were once shiny and  bouncy  full of volume are now sticking to my face with knots all over them. I tried to brush my fingers through my hair but left them be the second I felt the tangled mess.

Scarlet, that was my name given to me by my parents.

But my Dad  calls me ' his' Little moon,  because the first time I shifted my eyes was that of the glorious moon,  mesmerising in its own way at least that's what I was told. My eyes were the only feature in my body I was rather proud of until  he came, and proved me wrong. Now they are just cold and dull.

" Scar?"  The soft voice of my mother got me out of my own mind. I am used to getting trap within my mind, Losing the ability to differentiate in dream and reality. 

"Scar you in there?" My mothers soft voice called again through the door. I knew, she knew that I was inside the bathroom. Yet why she decides to ask me was beyond my thoughts.

"No mom, I am in the mall. Choosing which lingerie I should get.. any suggestions?" I asked with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. I heard her chuckle and  my own smile appeared.

"Yeah do take the red lacy one and oh the black one will look good on you too. But a bit revealing in my opinion." She said sounding like we were actually standing in Victoria's secret choosing from the whole set of lingerie on display.

"Well I was thinking more about the neon green one. What do you think?" I could hear her move around my room, definitely cleaning after the mess I left after me. She always do that cleaning after my mess.

" What will you have for breakfast sweety? Anything specific? And the neon one is too bright." She said, her voice a bit away from the door.

"Just a toast will be fine, Ooo or bacon. "   I said with my foam filled mouth, Does anyone else hate the taste of toothpaste or just me?

But it ended up sounding like 'jost z loast will be mine'.

" Sorry darling  I don't speak troll. You have to do better than that."

She said as I heard her huff and something slammed and hit the floor hard.

I quickly spit the foam out, washing my mouth.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Darling why is there a dead body hiding inside your dresser?"

My mothers voice called with a hint of amusement in her voice, like it was a normal thing to find a dead body in between my clothes.

"He is not dead mom." I whined and went to take the shower I was desperate for.

"Well that doesn't explain,  what is He doing here? " She said and I heard a thump. Good! maybe she kicked him.

"Good morning Mrs Luna. Fancy seeing you here..." I heard the unmistakable voice of my best friend Adam groan, calling out to my mother.

I don't hear the rest of their conversation cutting them out, I focus on washing my hair. The knots never helped- no matter what I do they are always present there after every night. Adam even managed to persuade me that someone was purposely tying knots in my hair for some kind of weird fruitloop  revenge and that he will catch whoever the person was no matter what, but he ended up sleeping in my dresser.

"Honey? Dad wanted to talk with you." My mothers voice came from outside the door. And I sighed, I know what the talk will be about. 

"Yes Mother." I said a bit harshly then intended.

"Scar you know we love you right? Your Dad and me, We want you to be whole again." I could hear the sincerity in her voice. But that didn't mean I have to agree with whatever they say.

"I know mom I am coming. Just give me a few minutes and please take Addie along with you. I don't want him drooling on my rugs again." I heard her sigh in relief and then something was dragged.

"Mrs Luna, After me" I hear him groan. " I mean after you. After you my lady. I mean my Luna. No no I mean our Luna."

" Come on Adam. Lets go." I can hear my mum chuckle and Adam being dragged out.

" Yes mam."

" SCAR GET YOUR BUTTOCKS OUT QUICKLY. DONT LEAVE ME ALONE WITH HER." I hear Adam's panicked voice in the mind link.

The soft click of the door tells me that they were out of my room and that I was finally alone. I finally opened my eyes, my eyes went down to my wet clothes, The large size shirt and the boxers were clinging to my body. As water drips down my face to my clothes and they go down the drain.

After my incident I have stopped exposing my body, even to my own eyes.

Only my mom and Dad knew , What  lies inside my overly large size shirt and my large boxers. I felt my hand rubbing the place where his mark used to lay. The skin was still red and raw, never healing completely.

To remind me of my Mate.


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