
Arranged Heart of Darkness

To quash the brewing tensions between The Elven Empire and The Human Nations, an arranged marriage is proposed by both rivalries. No one wishes to admit it, but to continue the prosperity and peace that they currently live in, they must do this. The Elves have always lived and reigned in the North with respective borders among The Human Nations. Humans have always reigned in the South and are no stranger to war, but in times like now, they wish to continue to rebuild their recently war-torn lands. An arranged marriage is what they need between their chosen heirs, but it is not without opposition from their own peoples. The chosen heirs must first journey across the lands to learn more about one another's culture, customs, and languages - if they wish to keep the peace. What they do not know is that there's darkness just lurking outside their borders, coming to dash the hopes and dreams of said arranged marriage.

LuRai · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter IV

"Father you must be joking." Elora looked at her father from across his office as though he had gone mad. "You wish for me to give up my freedom to marry a-a magicless twat, the humans are practically baby's father! They walk around with such arrogance, stumbling with every step! So I cannot see why you would even suggest-"

"Enough Elora!" Her father rubbed his temples, he was getting a headache from hearing his daughter yell. Of course, she had heard the news, it was no surprise seeing as though she hung around with the gossiping women he called maids more often than not. He let out a heavy sigh, his daughter had burst into his study with a rage that matched her mothers. One he didn't wish to argue with. "Elora this is for the greater good of our people. They are offering their own son, they have stated he is a good and skilled man. This is not a choice, you are the only other daughter I have. Would you rather your sister give up her marriage to Strolvac?" His tone was accusing and caused his daughter to wince in response.

She bit her lip, he was right. She cared for her people more than she valued herself. And she refused to have her sister's happiness sacrificed because she wanted to be selfish. "I suppose you are right, father. Since I am left with no choice I will comply. But, do not expect me to bow down to the whims of those pheasants."

"I wouldn't wish for it any other way my bluebird." The King responded with a low chuckle and walked over to his daughter kissing her on the forehead before she decided to leave. She had the right to be angry, but for the sake of the kingdom's he knew she would do it.

Letting out a small breath of relief as she left he move to sit back at his desk grabbing the letter once more to finish reading it over. He had been interrupted by his dear daughter and had barely made it past the first few sentences before she started yelling at him. He couldn't argue with the letter stating the grief between both sides may be an issue. Unlike humans the elves were a little more understanding, they would hold their swords as well as their tongues. Though the kindness they show to humans otherwise he could not promise. When he continued his brows furrowed.

"The darkness? Why that's just preposterous. We eradicated any traces of that ages ago."

Kolvar mumbled to himself and thought, both Lord's Uluc and Grykail had voiced their concerns about the disturbances of magic they had felt most recently. Maybe the darkness returning could be what they had felt. If so this posed quite the problems for the humans and elves alike. The spies in his territory concerned him but he couldn't say he hadn't done the same at one point. Ignoring the thought he moved on, so his officials disliked the idea. He couldn't say that his own Lord's did not feel the same, but, unlike the humans, they had trust in his decisions. Though a mutual meeting between all parties would benefit. He had received a letter from each side of the kingdoms in regard to his decision early that day.

The Lord of Clyarius, Alaisanna, had voiced that though she did not favor the humans she thought it would be prosperous for both sides. Thus she gave her full support and wished well-bearing for the peace to come. Lord Uluc, of Uenora, had only written that he hoped this treaty did not affect the status between Strolvac and Naexi. And that though he believed the humans weak it would do good to use them for their resources and weaponry for the military. The final letter was from Lord Grykail, of Galana, he voiced that he thought the humans were cavemen. That they held very little knowledge of anything and it would set back their advancements by having to teach them. Other than his many complaints about the intelligence of the humans he gave his blessing as well. Though even though the paper Kolvar could feel his reluctance. With the agreement from all parties, and having finished the letter he began his response.

In response to King Alistair of Lennox & the corresponding Human Nation,

I must say that we were rather surprised that you chose to agree with us, though I can say that I am also tired of this nonsensical fighting between our two countries. I will not fault your people for resentment, just as I hope you will not fault mine. They will sheath their swords and hold their tongues, but the kindness they show to their own kind is something that may not be reciprocated for quite some time. There is much animosity between our kinds that I hope to quell with this treaty.

As for the darkness, though I was certain my kind has eradicated this problem many years prior to this. I cannot say that my own noblemen have not voiced concerns in the disturbance of magics. I will ignore the mention of spies, I cannot say I haven't done the same. That aside once this treaty is sealed I will have my advisors send scouts to look at this 'Haunted Forest' and gauge the level of concern.

Regarding the place to meet, I find that a grand idea. It wouldn't take us long to build such a place, the woodland elves have a knack for building. I can have them begin construction as soon as tomorrow.

The Lord's of each corner in this kingdom has given their approval, but they would be eager to host a meeting with your officials as well. It may help to clear the air and ease any tension forthcoming.

On another note, I have also chosen an heir. My youngest child Elora. Please do not be offended, my firstborn daughter is betrothed and we do not put the needs of our kingdom over her own happiness. Be at ease, my daughter has already agreed to the betrothal. I hope to have her meet your son, during this meeting. Rather than have them marry each other as strangers to ease some distress from both sides they need to know each other a little better. Do not fear, my daughter may be headstrong but she is a sweet child. She cares more for the people of this kingdom than anyone and would not back out of this agreement. If it will help your son I have attached a small photo of my daughter. So you won't suspect me of marrying your son off to a troll. She is quite beautiful, no?

With great regards to the oncoming peace between nations,

The King of Lynlore & Neighboring Elven Territories

King Alistair put the parchment down at the head of the table, alongside the other letters sent from the nobility and Delafontaine's. Half were opposed to the alliance and the other half were in agreement. In a unique circumstance such as this, the King commanded the nobility to choose a Kingdom to be represented by. It came as no surprise that the Western Nobles wanted to be represented by the House of Lennox and the Eastern Nobles by the House of Delafontaine. It would make it easier on their part to just have the two rulers at the table with the Elves. Besides that, many of the nobility still wasn't fond of sharing the same space with what they called, "Knife Ears," – and many other unkind nicknames they've given to their counterparts.

With the spring of this peacekeeping deal, more troubles were brewing in the Southern and Eastern factions. Rebels attacked the Beaumont House on grounds of wanting their treasures and to get payback for their fallen brothers. The noble house quashed the rebels, not without losing some soldiers in the commotion. They were calling for more aid of sparing soldiers, but most of them were already station along with rebel-hit places, and a large portion of them remained at his Kingdom, in case of a larger attack. In the North, his Kingdom housed most of the civilians within the human realm, making him more critical of decisions such as these. If he could be reborn human again, he wished he weren't of the ruling, that way he can live free, in peace without the plague of headaches on a daily basis. King Alistair was getting older, and he knew he wouldn't have long before he'd hand his throne off to one of his many heirs.

"Summon Hallr and Hulda. I'll be needing their council. Don't summon Aston, I don't need his snide remarks for this." He commanded from his lacky butler.

With a bow and excusing from his Lord, the butler went from place to place. After Hallr, he was back to the kitchens, where he would prepare refreshments for the Advisers and his King. His War Commander and Spy Master met half-ways from their quarters, the older of the two quirking a brow, "No Aston, huh?" Hallr commented.

"This must not regard the nobles and diplomats at the moment if his grace hasn't summoned our elegant bootlicker." Hulda retorts.

For a spymaster, she's rather tall (5'10"), almost as tall as Hallr (6'4"), who has another foot over her height. She's wearing elegant clothing, you wouldn't recognize the armor beneath the exterior of her attire. Or the fact she's always armed to the teeth. As for Hallr, he always carries his dual axes, both sheathed on his back. He's the very definition of a rough, muscular older male with his graying beard and tangled mess of hair that's tied back into a leather band. Hulda, on the other hand, is younger than her male counterpart and is full of youthful looks; black hair tied into a braid down her back, she has one green eye and the other is milky white as the result of blindness, with the exception of scars donning her face, she always has a playful look about her.

Hallr laughs at her latest nickname for Aston. Those two were always at odds with one another. Hulda's advice was always taken more seriously over Aston's, but that didn't give her any more power over him.

"Hmm, His Grace…what do you think of his acceptance of the knife ears?" He inquired. They still had a long walk to the War Room.

"I know you think I oppose his decision, but I respect his wishes. Things haven't been…smooth to the Southern and Eastern factions, lately. My reports have been varying in what has been happening lately." She retorts, pondering about how many of her Agents were faring lately.

"Aye. 10 pieces say the rebels have finally made their move," Hallr says, usually, something always happened after he took notice of the rebel's quietness.

She smiles, "I'll hold you to that. But, who do you think he chose as his heir?" This was the biggest decision. With so many heirs to choose from, this was a decision she was glad she didn't have to make.

"My bet's on that Archie. Boy's been through hell and back." Hallr strokes his beard, reminiscing on the civil-war days.

"Archie? I was thinking Landon. He's recently turned 21 harvest seasons and he's quite excelled in all of his studies, though I can't say the same with the sword." Hulda decides not to remark on Landon's weak arm.

"Ha! Archie's going to be the chosen heir. By the Goddess' blessing, he will be. There's no other heir that's good-willed as him. Not to dismiss the other children, but a good portion of them are still whelps."

Hulda smacks his chest plate, "Anastasia is not a whelp."

"Forgot the lass existed. Where is she, anyhow?"

"She's getting an education at the College of Scribes and Scholars in the Southern region."

They finally make it to the war room, getting announced just as the butler sets out their favorable treats and drinks. He takes his place beside the King and hides in the shadows. The two advisers take their respective spots and Alistair speaks, "I've named Archie as my chosen heir to wed their youngest daughter, Elora." He produces the photo, giving it to Hallr, who passes it to Hulda.

"Guess I owe you that drink," Hulda says, her finger going over the photo of the beautiful maiden.

"Aye. Are the rebels making a racket, my Grace?" Hallr's eyes flicker from the Spymaster to Alistair.

"Yes. Though the Beaumont's managed to quiet them before they breached their gates." He reports, pointing at the letters.

"Getting ballsy, are they?" Hulda pushes the photo back to Alistair, who takes it and places it back among the letters.

"You want me to send out some of my finest soldiers to weed out the rebels?"

Alistair shakes his head, "No. We're spread thin as is and more of the reserves are still getting trained by my son and the Captain. The Beaumont's can hold out on their own." He continued, "…and the Elves accepted my proposal of building an infrastructure on the border. Apparently, the Wood Elves are quite adept in building."

"They'll finally get to rebuild our side that they destroyed. I don't oppose this decision." Hallr nods, taking a sip of his ale.

"They also accept the fact that this 'darkness' is coming back. The Elves, it seems, are no stranger to the dangers that lurked on our respective lands for eons." Alistair says as he pulls out an old journal, its pages are yellowed in age, and the edges are curling in.

"Is that King Azu's personal journal?" Hulda is surprised. Her eyes lit with interest.

He places his hand atop the journal, "Yes. Back during his reign, he helped the elves seal this darkness away. It's not in any official records or recorded history as he had this temporary alliance struck from it. Any scribe trying, to tell the truth, was immediately quieted. It's been quiet all this time, but the question remains is why it's returning. I shall find this out for myself during the summit."

"The summit? Alliance with Elves in the past?" Hulda blinks, completely dumbfounded by this piece of new information.

"Yes. The Summit. I'm officially going to call it, The Summit of Gaia, though I know not if the Elves will accept such a title. Perhaps they will have a different name for it in their own respective tongue."

Hallr has been quiet this entire time, thinking pensively about this. Whenever he thinks, he always strokes his beard. By the tenth stroke, he was gone in his own mind, likely thinking of his youthful days. He's brought back to the present with his own opinion, "I still think this alliance is a ruse, but I respect your decision."

"Thank you, Hallr and Hulda. I plan to send another letter which will confirm their extended help in building it. I'll have to add some conditions to it, though."

"How do you propose to spring this news on your son?" Hulda asks suddenly.

"I won't lie, I'll need his Mother to deliver the blow. An arranged marriage was bound to happen sometime down the road but to an Elf? I'm unsure of how he'll take to this news." Alistair admits, his son has changed tunes after the war. Though his golden heart remained through the façade of an ever-smiling man.