
Arrancar Ascension: Apex Predator of Hueco Mundo

In the unforgiving landscapes of Hueco Mundo, Esteban Vortice emerges as an entity of disorder, chaos, and entropy. His existence, a result of a turbulent vortex of chaotic reishi energy catching and carrying countless Hollow souls combined with a transmigrated human soul, from another universe, caused by a spontaneous spatial rift, disrupts the fragile balance of life and death. Then as Esteban navigates the delicate dance of his newfound existence, he becomes a potential adversary for factions such as the Soul Society, who are devoted to maintaining harmony, or other potential competitors vying for the throne or the original protagonist himself. Embodying his raw power and primal instincts, Esteban sets out on a journey to ascend the hierarchical ladder of the Hollows, with his eyes set on becoming the apex predator in the world of Bleach. This path to power is not only paved with formidable adversaries and chaotic battles but also unexpected alliances. Despite his disruptive nature and his insatiable hunger for power, Esteban forms surprising friendships that further complicate his character and journey. The narrative further intensifies as Esteban encounters some of the most powerful and captivating women of the Bleach universe. These relationships, layered with allure add another dimension to Esteban's character, showing that even amidst chaos and disorder, connections can form and perhaps even thrive. . . . . . . . The Patreon link with up to 30 advanced chapters there -----> patreon.com/hanma_jack

Hanma_Jack · Cómic
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54 Chs

Cornered Beast: The Rising of Esteban

As he struggled to stand, his eyes darted to his opponents. Some of the Espadas already approached and encircled him with their Sonido, their eyes full of disdain. A cold silence hung in the air, as they watched him, their stances a mockery of his previous arrogance.

His eyes hardened at the sight, a new resolve surging within him. His pride had been wounded, yes, but Esteban was not defeated. This was not the end. With a determined grit, he clenched his fists and rose, facing the Espadas.

"You think you have me cornered, don't you?", He spat out, his eyes glaring defiantly at them. The once arrogant and overconfident tone was replaced with a steady, calm determination.

"Well, you're in for a surprise... I have much more tricks upon my sleeve that you can't even comprehend.", He added, a grim smile pulling at his lips.

Regaining his composure, Esteban prepared himself for the battle ahead. With his Gran Rey Cero off the table, he knew he had to rely on his other abilities and his wits. The fight was only getting started.

While Esteban was focused on regaining his composure, his eyes did not miss the toll that his redirected Cero had taken on Nelliel. She stood tall, but the exhaustion was evident in her posture. Her Resurrección form, once vibrant and threatening, was marred by discernable fatigue, a testament to the energy she'd expended in redirecting his mighty Cero.

But even as Esteban noted this, he quickly dismissed the idea of exploiting this weakness. An attrition strategy was a futile one in this situation. Yes, Nelliel was worn down, but she was not alone. There were seven other Espada-level combatants by her side, ready to fill the gap if she fell.

Even though he would probably manage to wear Nelliel down to death, he'd then have to face the remaining seven in his own torn state. He'd be at a severe disadvantage, facing opponents who were fresh and ready for battle while he was worn from a prolonged fight.

'No... I can't afford to drag this out. I need to find a way to take them down quickly...', Esteban thought, squashing down the tension that was trying to crawl its way into his heart.

His eyes took in each of his opponents, their power, their stance, their readiness. His mind began formulating a plan, analyzing his remaining options. Attrition was out, as was the use of his Gran Rey Cero. That left him with his other abilities.

Esteban was well aware that the battle ahead of him was not just challenging, but also monumentally crucial. The path before him was steep, strewn with dangers he was compelled to confront head-on.

However, there was more at stake; his freedom, his indomitable spirit that refused to be chained, and his resolve to show his oppressors the consequences of trying to control him. More than anything, this was a fight against suppression, against the shackles that tried to limit him.

His whole being was molded like that, his spiritual energy itself whispering to destroy them, the beings who even dared to think about suppressing him like that. His Hollow instincts also told him to humiliate them and bring them under his feet to step on.

However, his rational side also understood a fundamental law of the spiritual realm. When a spiritual entity is pushed to the brink, the chances of unlocking latent and hidden potentials and abilities surge.

It was the pressure, the very threat to his existence that could catalyze his evolution. He was like a diamond, subjected to intense heat and pressure, awaiting the moment of transformation.

It wasn't just about his emotions, his pride, his anger. It was about the necessity to push beyond what he knew about himself, to exceed his own limits if he wanted to ascend further in this evolutionary journey he was on.

Slaying those lower-ranking hollows had been a part of his journey, but he knew it was just the beginning. The real fight lay ahead, in pushing his boundaries and unlocking the potential within him.

This battle, against eight powerful adversaries, was just another step on his path of self-discovery and growth. It wasn't about them, it was about him. Esteban was fighting this battle, not just to win, but to evolve, alongside asserting his dominance and superiority.

And so as the Espadas rushed him, Esteban calculated his moves with precision. Their ignorance of his Campo del Caos was an advantage he intended to fully utilize. The element of surprise was crucial; he knew that catching them off guard would create an opening for a decisive strike.

His Reiatsu was superior to theirs, even combined. If he could manage to evade their attacks and single out a few of them in their moment of vulnerability, he could tip the scale in his favor.

However, he had to be cautious. Campo del Caos, despite its overwhelming power, came with its own set of limitations. It could only affect a specific range around him, and its duration was relatively short due to the considerable energy drain it inflicted on him.

Thus, he would have to choose the timing wisely. Using it as a surprise trump card, rather than an immediate offensive, was his best strategy.

And so, as the Espadas engaged him in close quarters with their Sonidos and Hierros, he remained stoic. He bided his time, waiting for the right moment. He was ready to spring the trap of his chaotic field when more of them lunged simultaneously at him.

As the Espadas lunged at him periodically trying to overhwelm him and catch him lacking, the air between them sparked with raw power. The sound of clashing spiritual energies was deafening, punctuated by the sharp cries of the fighters. The very fabric of the surrounding reality started to tremble, anticipating the unleashing of chaos that Esteban held in check.

The confrontation erupted into an intense clash, each Espada showcasing their unique fighting styles and strengths. Esteban found himself in the heart of a storm of combat, a vortex of power and skill where each split-second decision could be the difference between life and death.

Gantenbainne Mosqueda was the first to engage. Utilizing his expert hand-to-hand combat skills, he lunged at Esteban, throwing a series of energy-enhanced punches. His strikes were fast and powerful, his every move coordinated with lethal precision. He was like a fierce hurricane, his blows striking with the force of nature itself.

Next to make their move was Cirucci Sanderwicci. Her fighting style was as unique as she was, her whip slashing through the air with a deadly elegance. The whip's ethereal glow marked its path, each swing a ballet of devastation aimed at Esteban. She was like a dancer in the midst of a whirlwind, her moves captivating yet deadly.

Meanwhile, Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio was a master of hand-to-hand combat. His every strike was purposeful, his movements fluid and confident. He danced through the fray, his fists a blur of motion as he hammered down on Esteban, each strike resonating with an explosion of power.

In the heart of the battle, Nnoitra Gilga, known for his ironclad Hierro, stood unwavering. His skin, tougher than the most robust steel, offered an intimidating facade. His massive weapon, slicing through the air with a force that felt like gusts of wind, threatened to rip through everything in its wake.

"Hah! Look at you, struggling to stay on your feet...", Nnoitra taunted, a twisted grin spreading across his face, "You're out of your league, pal."

He swung his weapon, each move showcasing his raw power and precision, "You're all show, no substance...", He called out with a wild laugh, his voice echoing in the thick tension of the battlefield.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez also made his presence known in the raging battle. His Ceros, each one a manifestation of his formidable power, were unrivaled. Every blast of his spiritual energy was a beacon of his strength, his blue Cero cutting through the air like a comet, its blinding light illuminating the battlefield as it targeted the lone figure of their adversary.

Grimmjow shouted over the cacophony of the battle, his voice filled with savage delight. His grin widened as he launched another Cero, the intensity of its blue light increasing as it sped toward their cornered opponent, "Let's see how long you can keep up!"

Then there was Yammy Llargo, a giant among giants. His powerful body was a wall of muscle and raw power, his mastery of the Bala technique lending him an aura of unstoppable force. Each Bala he fired was like a bullet, cutting through the air with terrifying speed and power.

Finally, Zommari Rureaux entered the fray, his movements so swift and fluid that they blurred the line between reality and illusion. As the Espada with the fastest Sonido, he seemed to be everywhere at once, his form a mirage flickering in and out of existence as he flitted around the battlefield.

In this chaotic melee, Esteban felt a particular tension towards Nelliel. Her abilities were undeniably formidable, but what commanded his respect and wariness the most was her self-reliance and latent potential.

She had managed to awaken her Resurreccion form without resorting to Aizen's completed Hogyoku, a feat of immense spiritual power and indomitable willpower that spoke volumes of her strength.

Her impressive spiritual prowess was not lost on him, nor was her immense weapon - a massive lance that resembled a drill and with its lethal reach and her exceptional mastery over it, it had the potential to end his existence at any given moment.

It wasn't merely the physical danger it posed but the manifestation of her strength and determination that it represented.

Nelliel's unlocked form was a testimony to her unyielding spirit, to her refusal to be bounded by any chains. This resonated with Esteban, as he too strove for unshackled strength and liberation. Yet, it was also a stark reminder of the formidable adversary he was up against.

And so, as the combat raged around him, Esteban maintained a watchful eye on Nelliel. Every swing of her energy-filled giant lance, every maneuver she made was an echo of her potency that he acknowledged with wary respect. He understood that, amongst his adversaries, she was the most unpredictable and possibly the most dangerous for him.

Faced with these eight formidable adversaries, Esteban had no choice but to fight with everything he had. His resolve was ironclad, his determination unwavering as he faced the torrent of attacks. He was an island amidst a sea of chaos, standing firm against the tidal wave of power that threatened to engulf him.

Esteban was under an onslaught unlike anything he had ever experienced. Each Espada, with their unique skills and fighting styles, presented a formidable threat.

However, Esteban wasn't one to be easily cowed. Drawing upon his vast reserves of Reiatsu, he prepared to retaliate. The battle served only to strengthen his resolve, and he steeled himself for the challenges that awaited him. He was about to activate his first chaotic ability.

Up to 30 additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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