

The day of the pod race has finally arrived and everything has play the same as in the movie, Qui-Gonn has passed this time with Anakin and his mother, run the midichlorians in his blood and decide that he would take him to Coruscant to become a padawan under his guardianship. In this two days we change the part of the ship as well as reinforce the sercurity of the complex for a certain zabrak with anger issues. And now on the stands I await the coming of Jabba the Hutt and his troupe. I already had an idea of what to sell him but the prices could be negotiate depending of the bulk he will buy. The race is about to start, I, of course, had bet in favor of our young pilot and bought her mother from Watto the morning before the race.

"Jabba The Hutt, my regular client. I hope that you don't lose credits in today's race, but well we're not here for the race. Right?"

Jabba sat in his opulent dais, his slug-like form draped in silks. Around him buzzed his usual entourage, Twi'lek servants, Gamorrean guards, and, of course, his ever-present translator a protocol droid gleaming under the harsh desert sun. The droid turned its unblinking eyes toward me as I stepped closer.

"The Honorable Jabba is, as always, happy to cooperate with you and hopes that today we can achive a succesfull deal that benefits both parties. He also hopes that today you can sell some of the more powerfull weapons available"

"I know exactly what type of weapon he would like, a new batch of artillery has come to Tatooine in the last few weeks. As you know all type of heavy weapons are forbidden by the Ruusan Reformation, from tanks to artillery, and as far as our cooperation goes both of us have benefit till now, so I'll give this bacth to you for a reduced price"

"The Honorable Jabba appreciates your generosity and is eager to hear the specifics of this new artillery. He assures you, as always, that your shipments will be handled discreetly and your payment delivered promptly"

I reached into a satchel and produced a holoprojector, activating it with a flick of my wrist. Blue-tinged holograms of the weaponry flickered to life. You could see Type 41 Mountain Guns, Type 4 15 cm Howitzer, as well as the usual small arms and their ammunitions types. Each projection rotated slowly, the specs and capabilities glowing alongside.

"Enough firepower to secure your territory, intimidate rivals, or keep your clients in line. I'm offering the full batch at a 15% markdown from market rates. It's a limited-time offer, Jabba, and one that your competitors would kill for"

Jabba's deep laughter rang out, his appetite for both chaos and profit palpable. He spoke quickly, his words interpreted without delay by the droid.

"The Honorable Jabba accepts your terms but insists on a demonstration. A test of one of the weapons, here and now, to ensure their potency"

With a nod, I signaled one of my crew. A nearby crate was opened, revealing a freshly summon Type 41 Mountain Gun, its polished barrel gleaming under Tatooine's relentless sun. Minutes later, the gun was positioned atop a nearby dune, aimed at an abandoned podracer wreck in the distance.

"Watch and be amazed, my friend"

The artillery roared to life, a deafening explosion echoing across the wasteland. Moments later, the podracer erupted in a ball of fire and metal shards, leaving behind only smoldering debris. Jabba bellowed with approval, slamming a fist into his throne in delight. His laughter was cut off only by his own orders for more drinks to celebrate.

"The Honorable Jabba is impressed. He will arrange for immediate payment and transport of the shipment. He looks forward to further collaborations, as always"

"Pleasure doing business, Jabba"

With the young Skywalker securing victory in the podrace, our business on Tatooine came to an end. The convoy prepared to leave, and we set off once more toward our base on the planet. Throughout the journey, I remained tense, anticipating Darth Maul's appearance. Yet, to my relief—and growing suspicion—he never showed. The Jedi, too, noticed my unease, but I deflected their concerns, attributing it to past ambushes we had endured. Still, I couldn't allow the Jedi to leave without planting the seed of warning about their mortal enemies' return. Once everyone was settled and ready to depart, I approached the Queen, gently taking her hand. I handed her a slip of paper with a frequency written on it, accompanied by a discreet message.

'Don't talk to anyone about our deal to hepl you reclaim your home, when you depart from Coruscant contact us using this frequency, It is encrypted'

"Master Qui-Gon, before you leave, there is something I must tell you. Rumors have spread of a warrior wielding a double-bladed red lightsaber. Some say he is an assassin trained in the dark arts. Others believe he is a rogue Jedi. However, I fear he is something far worse—a Sith. Likely an apprentice, not a master. Please, exercise the utmost caution on your journey to Coruscant. And ensure this rumor reaches the Jedi Council. It may be critical for their understanding of what we face"

Qui-Gon's eyes narrowed, his usual calm tempered with a glint of concern. His hand rested on his belt, fingers brushing the hilt of his lightsaber as if the thought alone brought him a measure of reassurance. He studied me for a moment, then gave a slight nod.

"I will ensure the Council is informed," he said, his voice measured. "If what you say is true, this could mark a turning point for the Jedi Order and the galaxy itself. You have my thanks for bringing this to light"

I inclined my head, concealing the full weight of my own thoughts. As the Jedi and his companions began to board their ship, the wind kicked up dust around us. Queen Amidala paused briefly at the ramp, turning to offer me a faint, knowing smile. The young Skywalker followed close behind her, his gaze darting curiously between the Queen, Qui-Gon, and myself. He looked eager and restless, as if the galaxy were a puzzle he had yet to solve.

And then, for just a moment, I felt it. A faint but chilling presence. My senses prickled, and I turned sharply toward the horizon. There was nothing visible, only the rolling dunes and the faint hum of the departing ship's engines. Yet the feeling lingered, gnawing at the edges of my awareness.

Maul was out there. Somewhere. Waiting.

As their ship lifted off, disappearing into the golden sky, I felt a deep unease settle over me. I returned to my base, the message to Qui-Gon replaying in my mind. If the Jedi failed to act swiftly, the Sith would gain the upper hand. And I refuse to be someones pawn.