
Armored Titan But This Is A Mecha World

Earth the birth of humanity, yet it would seem this one is much much large, with the Advance of Technology in the 21st century, giant metal humanoid machines were created, called mechas,like all things used for war, driving humanity apart, as different countries seeked out new land and new kingdoms were built on old ones, but this has happened before, humans repeated the cycle, when this world was ruined many humans took to the stars, terraforming the planets in this galaxy too fit there needs those who were left behind,destroyed these machines in hopes that future generations would not make the same mistake. Humans slowly turned this world back into a place of peace kingdoms were formed great cities were built, until one such kingdom stumbled on the remains of a mecha, and the age of war came again unlike there ancestors they did not tear the earth apart using them in only times of war, protecting there land, some kingdoms more advanced tried to make there mechas better and better while others in there traditions found other ways to keep the idea of there ancestors and make better humans, wars, greed, and sometimes peace rained , until the ships started to fall, bringing with them greater Technology and weapons of war, but before this a few relics from a time long forgotten were found, in one such relic there was a man who would change this world, but there in lies a problem, for those who claimed some of these relics, who would take ownership of them. I don’t not own anything but my oc, the cover art is not mine, there may be plot holes cause it’s a oc mixed world, I have not dropped any other story i will update when I can.

Armoti_Nelson · Anime y Cómics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Titan?

[mc pov]

Alaster "*gulp....you are in the kingdom of rebirth" watching as the large cores, came out of my back as I walked forward.

"Kingdom of rebirth?" This is where?" Coming out as the relic closed.

Arthur "it is a kingdom in the karless sea, the land of arkus, not far from Wakoku lands" answering.

'Wakoku?, isn't that Japan?' Thinking to myself.

Alaster "enough! We seek your help! Our land needs protection, the world is under atta.."yelling before I put up my hand.

"I don't not care I just woke up, the first thing you wish too ask is for me to fight, no I will not" looking down at him.

Alaster "you are nothing but something made by the ancients, too be used for war, it is your purpose too help humanity, Arthur we have no time do it!" Looking at Arthur.

Arthur "lord" slamming a handle on the large computer set up.

Watching as 2 silver like Cylinder came from the ground, beside me as gold like cuffs shot out wrapping around my wrist, and my neck, as green Electric, shot from the floor to the cuffs, trying to bring me to the floor.

"Interesting, a weapon you have no idea about, you thought too use force ?" Reaching my hand over pulling the cuff apart, with a toothy smile.

Arthur "back away lord!" As he pulls Alaster, hitting a button.

Alaster "i do it!" Backing away, as clear reinforced glass as hard as steel, shot from the roof and floor in front of me.

Look out at them, and looking back at the monolith, then up to the ceiling as vents opened, and the small of some kind came from them, in a stark a fire like spacecraft exhaustion hit my body.

'Ahh it feels weird, as I burned' Thinking to myself.


Alaster "they are here Arthur, take my children as you said and leave this place!" As he nods at the guards.

Arthur "lord but what about you?!" Walking behind the king.

Alaster "they will come for me, I will not let my family suffer for this relic, I will take the consequences, if anything we can save our people" talking out.

"That is a honorable thing too do, but you will be dead" grinning as the fire stopped.

Arthur "how?!" Looking at me.

Alaster "....." slowly turning his head.

Seeing in the glass as my face burned as spot i have burns at steam coming off, holding my arm up too then as the muscles formed, as a the wounds healed.

*boom *boom the sound of large explosions outside in the city.

Arthur "my lord we must go now!" Grabbing him with fear in his eyes.

Alaster "guards go, hold him off the rest move now!" As the few scientist ran pass the guards.

Watching as Arthur and the king left. Hitting a button on the side of the giant door, as hit closed, sealing the room as the large gears could be heard.

Raising my fist hitting the glass a few good times as it cracked, breaking it as the guards shot bullets at me, ignoring it as I ran to them, breaking necks, grabbing others making them shoot each other, slaughtering them.


[Krisna forces]

Host "I'm sorry too out you and your team into this, seeing as you wanted to stop fighting and the threat from the stars but we need to Secure this relic rygart" talking on a Monitor.

Rygart "I understand hodr, it's what I sighed up for *sigh are the reports true, that one of towers finally awakened?" In the golem pilot seat.

Sigyn "yes a unit moved towards the land of Wakoku, destroyed part of a city before being killed, yet the mech used self-destructive" joining in.

Rygart "damn it! It's bad enough we need to fight our own, now beings from outter space?" Getting upset.

Sigyn "calm down rygart, I think they were probing us, with the Discovery of the relics, like the one you have now, as well as Japanese, we can fight them, but for now we need to take this relic, even though they will fight over it, we can not leave it too the kingdom of rebirth" getting rygart to calm down.

Hodr "she's right rygart, you will be dropping soon, once your team has taking outer there defenses, we will move to negotiate taking the relic from king alaster"

Rygart "very well" as the ship he was on stopped, the screen in front of him changing to see outside, as he looks at the ground below.

Sigyn "be carefully rygart" in a caring voice.

Rygart "aye! Team move out" dropping.

Team mileni "yes sir!" Dropping as well.

The rebirth kingdom was futuristic yet had a touch of medieval, as the Krisna hovered, dropping there golems(aka there name for mecha) large anti-air cannons shot heated core rounds, used to make air ships burn from the inside out.

Yet it did no good, as rygart and his team as long with other teams, made quick work of them, making there way to the giant palace.

Rygart "hodr the place is Secure" going up to the palace large doors as the back of the golem opened, jumping down.

Not long after a ship unlike the fighter ships came down, landing at the center of the Square, in front of the palace. Rygart walked up to the ship to greet hodr, when the ship opened a blue eyed, busty blonde in red Krisna formal attire long coat, white and gold short shorts as well as knee high long gold and white boots, a compress crystal gun at her side.

Rygart "sigyn why are you here?!" Confused.

Sigyn "are you not happy to see me, but the king can not move so easily so I have come" giggling at him.

Rygart "yeah I guess hodr can't, the AA cannons are dealt with as well as the fighters, the castle is left" turning around.

Sigyn "then let us go, hopefully king alaster will see reason" smiling walking behind him, while guards followed.

Walking up the long steps, reaching the door.

Rygart "something isn't right" putting his hand back, stopping sigyn.

Sigyn "the king should know by now that the defense have failed, why would lock himself away?" Pulling her gun.

The guards move to open the door, forming up as they passed through the empty palace, coming too the throne room only to see, blood all over as many Science is lay dead, and a tall shirtless man holding the king by his neck off the ground.

Sigyn "stop!.." watching as the figure turned his face then crushing the kings throat, blood running down his robes as his body dropped.

Rygart "is he a broken?" Standing infront of sigyn.

Sigyn "I do not know but he killed the king!?" Putting her gun over his shoulder, firing.

The spike looking bullet went straight hitting him in the back as it broke to pieces, a small big of steam came from the spot.

"I just woke up and this is the second time someone's tried too kill me" turning too them.

Sigyn "just woke up?!....wait you...you were in the relic?, your not a broken?!" Yelling.

"I don't know what I broken is, I am a Titan, this king wanted to use me too fight in there war and tried to kill me, I returned the favor" looking down.

Sigyn "Titan?" Confused.

Rygart "it doesn't mean you should kill him, with your strength you could have left this place" yelling is peace bull shit.

'Isn't that rygart from broken blade?, what the hell?' Thinking to myself.

"Doesn't it?, the beautiful women you stand infront of would you not kill those who tried to take her life?" Walking too them.

Sigyn "on behalf of the 5 kingdom relic management act, we will have too bring you with us" pointing her guy again.

"I will not there is much i don't know" walking forward.

Sigyn "stop!" Trying to fire, before I pushed rygart away, crushing her gun.

Rygart "ahh" sliding across the ground.

Siygn "rygart!, fire!" As the guards unloaded.

Moving forward.as I grabbing on by his face holding infront, while i took the bullets, throwing the body at a few passing through the doors.

Sigyn "after him!, are you ok rygart?!" Helping him up.

Rygart "yes we need do go after him!" Getting up and running outside.

Getting in his golem, looking at me as I ran much faster then a human past the queens ship.

Rygart "girge!" Yelling to a red golem.

Girge "what Is it sir" in a lazy voice.

Rygart "why did you not stop him?!" Confused.

Girge "you did not tell us too fire at people?" Standing at the back of his golem.

Sigyn "he is not human, he is what was in the relic, he killed the king, we must bring it back, his skin is extremely hard, use thin vibration bullets too bring it down now!" Yelling as she watched by back.

Girge "yes your highness" going into the golem, takin the large rifle off his the golems back.

Rygart "your going to use a anti mech weapon on him?!" Yelling at her.

Sigyn "we can not let whatever comes from these relics roam free, everyone of them holds a powerful weapon in them, you must understand" trying to reason with him.

Rygart "still sigyn....."

Sigyn "rygart if he's as durable as I think, he will survive, even if he is not, we cannot risk it,girge fire!" Looking up.

Girge "yes your highness" coming from a speaker, squeezing the trigger, as a high pinched sound was created.

The round, caught up to me in seconds turning my head to see it, I move my body so it clipped me.

'Ahhhhh! That fucking hurt' in my mind as I dropped the large thin spike a little away from my vibrating.

Girge "it's down my lady" looking threw the monitor in the cockpit.

Sigyn "let's go now, Capture it" looking at rygart who nodded.

Getting in his golem, the queen getting in the golems hands as they moved, hovering close to the body, putting her down.

Sigyn "what the?" Looking at I lifted my body off the ground the side that was blown out.

The muscle, bone and skin having steam coming off them, as they closed.

"You used a mech weapon on me?, I did not want to hurt anyone, just too see this word, I am not anyones property, I don't know what you guys think I am but I am not something you can control too use for war, I guess now is a better time then any" looking at the golems and queen.

Sigyn "we can not allow a the contents of a relic, too roam unchecked!" Yelling at me.

"I don't need your permission, see the thing is, I was created and locked away for being more then the world could handle at that time, I don't need a mech, I said before I am a Titan" as I raise my arm, looking at it heal, as small yellowing orange electricity, came from my wound on my arm and side.

Rygart "sigyn back away!" Seeing what was going on.

Girge "narvi! Move back you too loggin and nyle! Prepare yourself!" Falling back too a more advantageous position.

Sigyn "what is this?!, " Looking at the electricity became larger, pulling out a recording device.

Rygart "I don't know sigyn" holding her in his golem hand softly, moving away.

"*sigh...if you had offered more then being teared like a weapon I would have gone" then a few large bolts of yellowish orange lightening struck the spot I was in, destroying near by buildings, as muscle strands came from my eyes, a large skeleton was formed as muscle wrapped around it, no skin but harden bone all over with gaps of muscles holding it them together, the bone was light blackish grey, like gunmetal grey yet it was bone. No pupils, just a shining yellow color, white short hair, as steam came from parts of my body.

Narvi "what the hell is that thing?!" Pointing her weapon.

Girge "I don't know, loggin take up a position at the castle, what do we do rygart?!" Looking Over as him as loggin moved.

Rygart "hold on!, sigyn?! What do we do?" Yelling at her.

Sigyn "just what did the ancient create? A Titan? Why would they do this?, rygart we need to move back now!" Watching as, my jaw lowered, showing my teeth, as fast flame like that of a exhaust pipe came from my mouth, with a large amount of steam.

Getting down low as if a track runner, looking at them, my jaw closed as I kick off breaking the ground, destroying it with every step.

Everyone "move now!!!!"