
Ark- Surviving a New World

I woke up to the glaring rays of the sun, and went to cover my eyes, when I saw something imbedded in my arm. I turned my arm over quickly, and was slack jawed as this was supposed to be from a slightly scary, funny, and very hard survival game. With Dinosaurs. I really hope this is a dream.... {There will be a lot of Jurrassic Park and Jurrassic World references intermingled with this. Especially Rexy, Blue, and a few others You have been Warned}

SpedaHooves · Derivados de juegos
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14 Chs

Ch. 1 - A New Friend

I woke up to the glaring rays of the sun, and went to cover my eyes, when I saw something imbedded in my arm. I turned my arm over quickly, and was slack jawed as this was supposed to be from a slightly scary, funny, and very hard survival game. With Dinosaurs. I really hope this is a dream....

I got up, and looked myself over, and sighed in relief when I saw my semi-normal body, but at the same time, maybe it would've been better to have bulging muscles in order to see if I can get some materials. And when I looked around, I gulped. Everything looks so much more realistic, especially a singular Dino I can see. A Giganotosaurus, one of the most deadly Dinosaurs in the game, and also one of the scariest in my opinion. Scared me half to death many times when playing Ark.

It stared at me, as I stared at it, for a few solid minutes, before it's look changed to one that looked like 'You stay away from me, I'll stay away from you', then promptly turned and left. I don't think I've ever held my breath that long, but I was near passing out, breathing in deep relief.

If this is real, I'm not going to let myself die. I gathered myself up, and looked around until I found a decently sized sharp rock, then walked up to a tree, starting to break it down.


I underestimated how long this would take. I've been at this for three whole hours, and I've just barely cut the tree down, and into four same-sized logs, while saving the sticks for later. The leaf covered branches were set to the side for the roof eventually, or a makeshift bed.

When I had the first looks of a new foundation for a new home, made of a mix of wood and thatch, I filled the bottom out with stone and clay, making for a decent foundation that wasn't in the game. I continued the process until I had about nine blocks layed out. I started the walls, when the sun started to set, and thankfully when I finished getting the walls decently high enough so no Dino that isn't a flyer could get in, the sun came down.

I slept on the hard floor, but it wasn't that bad with the mixture I made, kinda comfy. The next morning, I finally ventured farther out to see if I could find some food, and as luck would have it, there was an actual pair of chickens. I brought them back home, with a few eggs they had laid in a small nest, and let them into my new temporary house.

After cooking my eggs with my fire, using a smooth clean stone, and eating, I set back out, while keeping my chickens inside. I wandered out a little further, wondering if I would be all alone, when I bumped into a baby Raptor. I was scared if there was an adult, or more nearby, but then I saw sadness in it's eyes.

I saw why, when I walked a little further. a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a real one, was feasting on a pack of seven Velociraptors, and it was.... very gory compared to the game. I may, or may not, have thrown up in the bush I was in.

I returned to the baby Velociraptor, and offered my hand to it, to which it sniffed, and then nuzzled it, in a way that reminded me of my past pet Cats.

"Shhhh, don't worry, I won't hurt you... C'mon, let's get you away from that. A baby like you shouldn't have to witness that much bloodshed, aside from when you eat.", and it did just then, jumped onto my shoulder, and then I set off back to my temporary home.

"I think I'll call you.... Blue.", and the Raptor seemed happy with the name. She did, after all, have the same blue markings as my favorite Raptor from Jurrassic Park. Honestly inside, I'm fanboying out a lot, as Velociraptors are my favorite Dinosaurs, though I do feel really sad for her, for losing her family. Maybe I can help her get vengeance on that Rex in the future, if I'm strong enough to take it down and all.

When I got home, I set Blue down on my 'porch', and started looking around until I found a dodo. I feel a little guiltyz but I managed to strangle the animal, and brought it home to skin it with another sharp stone. When that was done, I cleaned it's nasty bits out, then set it on my cooking rock, over the fire.

Thirty minutes later, we have cooked Dodo, and I cut off a decent amount for Blue first, before digging in myself, enjoying my meal, as Blue seemed to love having her meat cooked.

Yeah, I think I'll enjoy this new life, if it's real and all. I just hope I'm able to survive those Monsters, with how scary they can be and all.


{Author's Note- I wonder who'll find out why I put Harem in this story, considering usually there's no other Human survivors unless stated otherwise. Let me know y'all's guesses in the comments.

P.S- Blue will be the main Dino in the story, at least from what I'm planning on. Suggest for the next Dino, and a name for it. But be realistic, as this is my real life take on what would happen if us people actually lived in Ark, how we would survive, the time it takes for things, everything I'll try and get down.}