
Arise Lord From The Ashes

Zafiel Rizfal Rises from the ashes as an Outcast by the Gods. His one goal is to make things right. Growing stronger than the gods is one thing, but to make things right he needs to go back Home, even so he must protect his habitat once he dose. The cover isn't mine.............

BrokenMc · Fantasía
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11 Chs


[Location: Inside the Headquarters of Sky-Fate Guild.]

A young man with a grey suit and a female dressed in a black business suit.

"How did you survive?"

"Sigh* By the time I had woken up, I was inside a hospital, for a week we were under observation and by the time I wanted to find answers, Bear had already left the country and I never again met Victor. That is, until I heard he was building up Dark-Dust Guild. The only way to meet him now, is to stand on the same level.

Sigh* I've hidden myself from the world, but that could be the same as other monsters out there."

"Do you think there are other S-Rankers like you out there?" - C Marshall

Heading to sit back on her seat she replied.

"Yes, and they aren't just physically powerful but financially as well."

Looking through the transparent window.

"Now that another S-Ranker has appeared I wonder how many things will change." - Rose

"Victor, do you know why I'm telling you this?"

"Is it to be extra careful when we set foot on the eleventh floor?"

"Yes, but it's also due to what happened a half a month ago."

A hologram appeared when she passed her right hand over the desk.

- - - - - - - - - - -

"Retreat!" 'F*ck, it's been easy this entire time, then why did the difficulty suddenly increase.'


'T-that isn't a monster t-t-t-t-that's a demon....a God.'

- - - - - - -

"For safety measures a total of 30 ranker's were sent to clear the eleventh floor, but only one survived."

"Hasn't that been a hot topic lately? We don't even know what that monster looked like."

"The monster is one thing to be concerned about, but the real matter is that the floor we encountered never appeared again, and there were no holograms showing the floors that were locked or the floors that were open, but that isn't all... The fact that there were no blue words describing what that thing was or how much her HP was raises a huge red flag. That place is like a game, but what if an actual living thing exists in that place, things that communicate and things that can easily conquer our world?"

"We've spoken with that sole survivor and do you know what he kept saying?"

"No, Guild Leader."

"He had already become a lunatic and kept repeating the following words.....'He's coming back soon.'"

The suspense when black rose paused created a sinister and spine-chilling environment.

"Who might it be?"

"Sigh* we don't know yet, but the tower might have some clues."

- - - - - - -

A fantasy world should have been a place to escape reality, a place to escape every day's nightmare.

Some peoples' nightmare initiates when they lay down and close their eyes, however, that's not the case here, it starts the second one opens his eyes.


* * * * * *

[Host is Recovering]

Health Bar [Complete - 95%]

[Stairs climbed - 2,000/2,000]

[Mission: Cleared]


1) Mental Strength Increased.

2) Physical strength Increased

4) Stamina Increased

5)Soul Strength Increased

3) 4 Status Points

* * * * * *

" At last something beneficial."


* * * * * *

Name: Zafiel Rizfal

Age: 16

Race: Human

Origin: Earth

Level: 1 <<0/1,000>>

Rank: 2,980

HP: < 100/100>

Physical Strength: 20

Mental Strength: 20

Soul Strength: 20

Stamina: 19

Dexterity: 5

Wisdom: 1

Luck: 2

Bloodline: Scarlet

Skills Mastered: <<None>>

Power Unlocked: <<0%>>

- - - - - - -

Caw* Caw*

"Nothing's really changed."


The world where Zafiel came from was already on the brink of futuristic technology, although he couldn't afford a virtual helmet to play virtual reality games, he still knew most of what these words meant.

In fact, he had already guessed and analyzed his Status Bar.

I mean, what else could he do for 4 years without getting bored.

As far as he knew, is as follows:

Physical Strength was basically having more muscles and more strength that's all it had to it, that was Zafiel's simplified interpretation.

Physical strength not only toned up his body, increased his appearance/handsomeness/height, but also meant that he had extra strength to give a hit, had more endurance to be able to resist against attacks and damage, and lastly had reinforced bones that couldn't be broken easily.

Mental Strength, Zafiel had no idea what this was, but he concluded it had something to do with the mind - maybe telekinesis.

What it really meant was that Mental strength not only could increase his mental prowess, block against mental attacks such as hypnosis, mind reading, charm, and dark magic but it also aided his concentration, perception and will during battle.

Soul Strength aside from withstanding assaults to the soul, pressure, aura and killing intent it also aids in increasing DPS, control of power, and double the power in a soul orb(An orb where souls are imprisoned).

Stamina prolongs endurance, speed, and exertion of strength, it also reduces the increase of fatigue, poison effect and hardship during a battle.

Agility affects the ability of movement speed, dive, accuracy and evade.

Wisdom/ Intelligence aids to discern enemies movements, be aware of his surrounding, problem-solving, and learn foreign knowledge

Luck aids in the success of an attack hitting its target, successfully evading and earning valuable items.

Skills Mastered, should be different forms of power he could use, but he hasn't had any as yet.

Zafiel was also still oblivious as to what Bloodline and Power Unlocked meant but it had to be related to Gods.

- - - - - - -

"Sigh* I was expecting too much of them."

[Hel laughs at you stupidity]

[Odin can't believe such a person like you exists]

"Hmm.. stat points, it's like a game, then lets distribute it on Stamina, Dexterity, wisdom and luck there the lowest so it's ok to use them."

[Hel is irritated and wonders why you're ignoring her.]

"I wonder how strong I am, the last time I saw my Status Bar was..."

- - - - - -

[Warning] [Warning] [Fatigue has reached 60%]


Name: Zafiel Rizfal

Age: 16

Race: Human

Origin: Earth

Level: 1 <<0/1,000>>

Rank: 3,000

HP: < 100/100>

Physical Strength: 2

Mental Strength: 1

Soul Strength: 1

Stamina: 1

Dexterity: 1

Wisdom: 1

Luck: 2

Bloodline: Scarlet

Skills Mastered: <<None>>

Power Unlocked: <<0%>>

[As shown Host Is to weak to move forward]

[Recommending Host to rest]

* * * * * *

On the fifth floor he fell and blocked out

- - - - - - -

"Gosh* How many times have I fainted?

"Hmm... I haven't noticed but does the sun ever go down?"

"It's like time here doesn't exist or is it just me?"


[Host has Recovered]

[Proceed forward]



Let me know my mistakes. Make a review and let me know if I should continue writing more chapters. Also check 'Parallel World of Wonders' let me know if you want more chapters.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BrokenMccreators' thoughts