
chapter 1

In the city of Surabaya, there's a place called Morena house. The place is in a narrow alley, with no one who knows the way to lead, you can only walk aimlessly and get lost.

The opening hours was at 6 pm, right now there's many people going in and out of the cafe. In the dimly lit room, the soft hum of conversation and the rhythmic clinking of cups against saucers filled the air. A warm, inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the room, mingling with the sweet scent of pastry .

Going deeper there's a partition with the narrow passage to the back room. Here you'll find many box with a closed door and an LC, someone who can accompany and serve you. This is a place where you can have fun all night.

Inside one of the boxes, the loud noise is deafening, cheers and laughter filled the air as individuals take turns to sing. The thumping bass reverberate through the space, no doubt how the enthusiastic people inside.

"Baby, it's your turn to sing, don't just sit here in a daze." A middle aged man with a greasy hair slung his hands behind the sofa and said to the people besides him.

"I'm sorry boss, I had a stomachaches. If you excuse me to go the bathroom." In the loud room full of holing dog and chicken,the middle age man hear his voice clearly. The boy voice is calm and unhurried, like a gentle breeze on a warm summer day, captivating whoever hear it.

The boy sit properly on the sofa. His red lips open and close inviting people to peek inside to see if his tongue is as red as his lips. He exuded an effortless charm that left an indelible mark on everyone he encountered.

His features were like a sculptor's masterpiece, with chiseled jawline, sparkling eyes, and a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. His tousled black hair, framed his face with an air of casual elegance.

The middle age man look at him in a trance. Truly a befitting the title of the most beautiful boy in Morena.

"Go ahead" he pause, and then lean closer to his ear, "i already booked you tonight, don't disappoint me", and then he lough out loud with his big-trembling belly that the other people in the room startled.

Tsk, disgusting!

Everyone know how lecherous this man is. The customer who book an LC usually only make them accompany singing and drinking. If someone feel comfortable with the LC, then they can make a reservation with the madam who owns this place. Man and woman can make a fortune here, it depends on who's you serve that night.

The middle age man usually like beautiful boy. Whoever serve this man often came back in black and blue the next day. Madam can't deal with him, who asked him to have power in the police, she depends on the police to take care of her business. But that beautiful boy is the top selling in this place, let's see if the madam still let that leacher ruin him.

"Thanks boss". Aril got up and leisurely walk out of the room. He moved with graceful and fluid gait. Every steps deliberate and unhurried, exuding confident. His posture is straight, those long legs and beautiful curve adding an element of sensuality and allure.