
Arial Skies

A High-schooler one day is blessed with the power of the heavens. What crazy little adventure could he get into with those divine powers. (Don't take anything too seriously it's just for fun.)

Benithereader · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Prologue part 1:"piss baby"

I was just chilling in my classroom listening to my teacher's lecture, then the next moment it seemed that everything went dark, I awoke in a misty biome with two women with wings floating over a lake.

Where am I? I thought to myself.

I saw one woman dressed in some demonic type of clothing with many tears and openings showing off her voluptuous body, the other would be dressed in some type of angelic attire, like the ones from the bible would wear, not as sexy as but showed off her curves nevertheless. The two of the women then begin to attack each other with some type of magic having them both dodge each other by dodging and ducking under fireballs, light arrows, and whatnot. The fight would then end up with two women with holy/demonic weapons. The shockwave from the two would then send a wave of water my way, having come over to try and make me all wet.

" Oh shit!" I yelped getting hit by the water

At the exact moment I'd get hit by the wave I would awake in my classroom with my body jolting up and my pants soaking wet.

"What was that?"

I'd whispered to myself

Everyone would've been paying attention to the lesson my teacher was giving until I had unfortunately awoken, meaning everyone was looking my way. In all honesty, being someone with eyes on them would be a good thing but in this situation, you wouldn't want all that attention, I was blatantly embarrassed but the fact that my pants were wet was bad, but having everyone's eyes on you and having your pants being wet was just like someone was playing a bad joke on me, or my luck was just shit.

My teacher would then call on me,

"Grim can you please tell me what you think makes a bad person since you so ecstatically gathered everyone's attention" He'd say

I glared at my bald-headed lowlife of a teacher and responded to his question

"Well, Mister Morris, I'd say that…"

He'd abruptly cut me off from talking by coughing twice then speak once again saying

"Could you please show some respect to me and your classmates and speak while standing so the entire room can hear you, Mr.Skies, hmmm." He'd then smirk grimacingly

Damn it, man just my luck now I'm going to be the laughingstock of the century. This guy has always hated me because of my purple hair and blue eyes stuck out like a sore thumb , I thought to himself.

I then began to stand up with seconds feeling like minutes and minutes feeling like centuries. Once I stood up I told my teacher

"Well, Mister Morrison I believe that it's all about perspective and I believe that in any way one person looks at something it could be different from each person that perceives it."

"Ha nerd, this kid pissed himself!" Derek, the classroom bully shouted as he pointed at my crotch laughing along with the rest of the class.

I then sat down back in my seat waiting for this wretched class to be over with.

After about 30 minutes of laughter because of, "my little accident'', the class was finished and I could finally get to go home. When finishing the class I'd gather my things and just jet outta the door then pursue my way out of the school building to meet my good friend Dawn Apollo, a six-foot ebony-skinned dude who was as geeky as I was but way smarter. Dawn and I went way back, since 2nd grade. We always had each other's back no matter what, because ever since he'd saved my butt from getting ganged up on by Derek and his goon squad, he showed me what the power of true friendship can do for a person like me. Once I saw my good buddy I ran up to him and greeted my old pal with a smack on the back.

"Dawn Apollo, my man, how are you doing homie?"

Dawn would be shaken up a bit by the slap on the back then looked at me uplifted.

"Grimm Skies, the man of the hour. How was it having Poseidon visit your under regions whilst you slept in the middle of class?"

I was confused by this take of his because I was kind of wondering how he got this information.

"Wait, you know?"

I answered

"Of course I know, everyone was talking about how the Sophomore, Grimm Skies, was pissing his pants at the age of 17."

I'd just look up towards the sky then look back down to the surrounding area when I caught the glimpse of an angel sent from heaven: Rosemary Apollo, Dawn's Hot popular sister, She was beautiful, her eyes were a wonderful brown color, so warm, and her hair dark as night, not to mention her sizeable breasts, and her scent smelling of tangerines, she used to hang out with Dawn and me, well until middle school, when middle school hit she started hanging out with the athletes and the popular people because how couldn't she, she could've been a model if she wanted.

Dawn would peer where I was looking, seeing his own sister, and made a quick remark.

"Damn isn't she just one fine piece of ass, I'd ride that horse anytime."

"Ayo, what homie, isn't that your little sis?" I looked at Dawn in disgust, thinking to myself, No way, does this guy really have the hots for his sister?

Dawn would just turn to me and shrug, telling that "I see 'em like I calls 'em, and right there I see a fine piece of ass." He'd proceed to lick his lip and rub his hands together.

I didn't know how to respond, Dawn and I sat there awkwardly for what seemed like ages before his sister finally came over to us. I'd catch a whiff of that holy smell of tangerines.

"Heya boys, how's it going?" She asked after a quick wave, I couldn't collect my thoughts she was so beautiful, fuck I hope she doesn't know about "the accident" I thought, and then suddenly that's all I could think.

"Grimm, I hear you pissed your pants "

Ah damn, I thought to myself before I stuttered speaking to her, "o-oh that? Wha- no I didn't piss my pants, I uh, I um, I was just washing my hands when some water spilled, ah-ha, heh"

Rose giggled innocently, "it's okay Grimm, we all have accidents."

Derek would then come along and Smack me in my face with his brolic stature "That's what you get for messing with my girl, piss baby."

"Your girl?" I heard Dawn ask but that was it, I had enough today, this was the last straw, "Fuck off Derek, I'm tired of your shit" I said clenching my fist.

"Oh no, the piss baby is tired, maybe he needs a nap." Derek placed his hands on my chest and shoved me down to the ground.

"Derek, stop, leave him alone!" Rosemary shouted.

"Baby come on, don't be such a Debby downer I'm just having some f-" his sentence was cut off by me hitting him square in the face with my brave, heroic, strike, definitely not a sucker punch.

A group of kids would start to surround Derek and Me chanting " Fight!" Some even saying, "Beat that piss baby's ass, Derek!"

"That's it, pissy, you're gonna get it now!"

Derek now with a face raging with anger would seem to double my size like I just awoken a beast that was closed in its tomb and wasn't supposed to be unleashed, in short, I fucked up. My human nature would start to kick in. It was either fight or flight but I was embarrassed enough today and now it was time for me to stand up for myself so I put up my hands near my face and got ready to fight. But it didn't seem to matter, Derek's fist went straight around my defense and into my face, I couldn't even see his hand move, and with a flurry of even faster punches he pounded my face into the dirt savagely, my vision was blurry and I could barely hear chanting from everyone around before I finally passed out.

As I gradually awaken once again I just feel pain all over my body but mostly my face, I'd wince from the pain and go to sit up looking around at my surroundings. It seemed that I was in the nurse's room.

"Great, my day can't possibly get any worse than this."

Again for the second time this day, I would go escape this school building this time with my face messed up and my body hurt all over. Once going outside the school I'd find nobody waiting for me as well as it turned from midday tonight, just my luck everyone must have gone home after I got my ass beat on display for the campus to see. I'd think to myself.

I just start walking home by myself, being all lonely. I would make it halfway to my house until I just felt this weird presence in the air like something was happening in the skies above. Lightning crackled all around the clouds as if it was clashing with itself, "That's weird it's not even supposed to rain today." I would tell myself while looking upon the light show happening before me. The ray of lightning would seem like it would begin to come closer for some reason but it seemed I was being an idiot, the lightning wasn't coming closer it was coming at me! I stumbled backward as a gust of wind blew me off my feet, having me land flat on my ass, moments afterward I blinked, my eyes were closed but for a split second, as I reopened them I would see the mother of all chest in my line of view, the most beautiful pair of knockers that ever graced my sight was right in front of my face, this second felt like an eternity until I heard a strange noise coming closer, it was like I heard this noise before like from a game or something, and then I remembered why the sound was so familiar, it was a God damn explosion! As I snapped back to reality my eyes focused down the road to see several lavender-colored fireballs coming down in a straight path, my face broke into a sweat, either from the heat, fear or both, almost instinctively I would quickly try and get on my feet to jump out of the path of the flame. It would seem that I tumbled into a wall, unfortunately, I would go and hit my back to add on to the damage that was already done to me. Using the wall to help myself get up, I would then gaze at the lavender flames that were lingering in the street. "What the hell is happening? I thought magic was fake and was only in anime and movies! Nah this might be a dream." I'd then start nodding my head quickly. Then I rose up to touch the flame but was stopped by the voice of a gentle someone and when I went to look back, it was her, the woman with the incredibly large rack. "Hey boy, don't touch that, unless you want to die!" she yelped. I would snark at her and just say in an abrasive manner, "you ain't my momma." Then I would stick out my tongue before getting blown away by an explosion. I'd lay on the ground as my vision would begin to blur once more. What was happening was simply not registering in my brain as a true event that could even be happening. I hopped on my feet and began to run away, breathing heavily, I could feel every step hitting the ground pushing me further out of this madness, "I can survive this!" I said to myself thinking I had even a slight chance of actually doing so. It was then, I felt something sharp and timid pierce my back, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed in pain looking down at my chest, to my surprise it looked just like an arrowhead, only it was made out of light or something, how the hell can something be made out of light? This is absurd, "yo what the fuck? Dude, did you just shoot an arrow at me!?" To my surprise I was barely reacting to the pain that I had felt, actually, there was no pain at all, until I started to think about it more and more, until finally, the arrow induced volcanic levels of pain to erupt from my chest, "AHH-" I barely had another chance to scream before the pain became too much to endure and I heroically fell asleep, because I didn't wanna deal with it, and no other reason at all, of course.

heh, mouse quest ;)

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