
Argonaut Danmachi the Early Days

unknown_20281 · Cómic
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26 Chs


"If you think I'm lying! Then call General Minos out. In order to arrest me for lying, please bring the generals of Paradise here." Argo's eyes were clear, and he shouted loudly, with a high voice. The sound echoed on the execution ground, and more and more people gathered.

The old king opened his mouth but couldn't say a word. The knight's body kept shaking with anger. What a joke, how could he let that monster appear in the royal city.

"What's wrong? Why don't you call him over?

What are you still hesitating about?If it were the thunderous general who had been guarding the royal capital until now.

Then no matter what happens, no matter where he is, he will rush forward like thunder! "Argo spoke righteously, as if he was thinking about the king.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King! Please call General Minos over!"

"Arrest the criminal quickly."

"What are you doing? Why don't you call the general? Is what Argonaut said true?"

"Sure enough...the general really..."

Looking at the speechless old king with an embarrassed expression on his face, the people understood and completely understood the truth of the matter. Just as Argonaut said, the invincible general, the general who protected the paradise, was killed by the damn Minotaur monster. died.

Garms, Yuri, Ryuulu, and Olna were completely turned into background characters. They could only stare at Argo's performance on the execution ground with their mouths open.

Argonaut is outsmarting the crowd.

It is impossible to call a general who did not exist from the beginning.

All of them are props to cover up the kingdom's dark transactions. Once they are really announced to the kingdom and the king will perish!

"King, I understand, I understand how you feel now." Argonaut walked forward with a sad face and gently patted the old king's vicissitudes of back.

The soldiers surrounding Argonaut held their weapons and involuntarily made way for Argonaut.

The soldiers were stunned, not knowing what to do now! ?

Feena opened her mouth wide and stared at her brother's gorgeous performance. She couldn't understand why those people believed what the idiot brother said.

"In your heart, you must really not want to admit the death of the loyal general you trusted and cared for. You don't want to upset the people, and I understand why you, as king, have to hide the truth.

I understand you, because I am also extremely sad, but in order to save the princess, I have to do this and ask the king to not punish her. "

Feena blushed with embarrassment and stared at her now handsome brother, the brother who had deceived everyone and kept everyone stunned. He was so shameless!

"But this is really satisfying. This place has become Argo's stage." Ruulu was in a happy mood and looked at the old king's distorted expression with great joy. "Look, the king is speechless and his body is trembling. Look, the soldiers are panicked and don't know what to do! You see, the people have already believed that what Argo said is the truth!

Hahaha, everyone was manipulated by Argo's plan.Argonaut rewrites the story, making the miserable king's plans his own.

In this way, he cleverly used the stage where everyone gathered.The king brought this upon himself and arranged a gorgeous stage for his enemy Argonaut! When telling stories, no one is Argo's rival. This is Argo's special skill. "

The angry Elmina Garof wanted to rush forward and kill Argonaut. No matter what the clown was doing, as long as the person was dead, his words would be useless!

But she didn't know that Argonaut had now made a new friend, the magic swordsman Crozzo.

Crozzo was completely on par with Elmina Garof, and even had a tendency to overwhelm her, making it impossible for her to get around to deal with Argonaut.

Facing the desperate and panicked people, Argonaut pursued the victory and declared that he had the holy sword and he's the new king and by showing this He will rescue Princess Ariadne.

He wants to turn the kingdom into an empire that can accommodate all races and a real paradise for intelligent beings.

Argonaut held the golden sword in both hands and stuck it on the ground. He shouted loudly, with his silver cloak flying behind him, "This a the story of defeating the Minotaur and ascending to the throne!"

Yes, this is just a story about defeating monsters ad becoming the king. But this is a huge step forward for humanity!

Please make an agreement with me!The moment when this great deed is achieved this is the moment when everyone writes this heroic myth! The era of one despairing sigh is coming to an end!

The age of heroes has begun!

The time has come for all intelligent races to light up the flames of counterattack!

At this moment, the [Ship of Heroes] [The Argonaut] led by me has set sail!So, brave men, please follow closely! "

"Let's make a promise! The hero's light will never go out, and will always be behind you!" Garms swore on the honor of the dwarves.

"Swear to my pride! I will let the shouts and roars of the weak be heard by the strong ones!" Yuri shouted loudly.

"I will risk my reputation to complete this. I will definitely spread your story to every corner of the world!" Ryuulu shouted with great excitement. She found the story she wanted to sing!

She found a story that had to be told around the world!

This story will light up the sleeping stars, the shining stars will illuminate this dark sky, and the moment the stars gather together -!The sun will drive away all darkness and let the age of light come to the earth!

"Then, Gods, please bear witness. From now on, I'm creating a new era!

—Because I am the original hero Argonaut!"Argonaut shouted loudly, he will complete his dream before he is shattered to pieces and let the heroic era come.

At this moment, Olna heard various sounds coming from the heaven, including exclamation, surprise, and laughter.

It is a voices coming from the gods.

The old king was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted on the ground. The soldiers surrounded the king and walked to the palace.

The shackles in Feena's hands fell off, and she hugged her brother with a happy smile on her face.

The sun is shining and the sky is clear, today is just like that day that year.

The Argonauts gathered the first batch of brave men who followed Argonauts.

Werewolf tribe - Yuri.

Dwarves - Garms.

Elf tribe——Ryuulu.

Half-elf - Feena.

Amazon tribe - Olna.

Human - Crozzo.

Argonaut expressed his gratitude to Gaems, Yuri, and Ryuulu who helped him in his desperate moment.

Ryuulu, she has become Argo's number one fan and will not lose to Feena's .

In order to defeat the Minotaur, which has devoured countless lives and become extremely terrifying, the heroes need weapons.

In order to increase the chance of winning, Crozzo created brand new weapons and equipment for Yuri, Garms, Feena, Ryuulu, and Olna.

Deep in the mountains the soldiers rushed Aridne to the deep altar.

The princess Ariadne is about to become the blood food in the mouth of the Minotaur and become a victim.