

A group of maniacs organized a dangerous game approved by world governments. The game was to help reduce the world's population. Maxwell Rogers was invited into the game to save his girlfriend by those who organized the game. What could they possibly want from him??

Afolabi_Michael_9613 · Ciencia y ficción
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5 Chs


Chapter three:"who are you?"

"Nah, not really! I've met alot of people so identify yourself."

"You're really crazy now,aren't ya? Well if you want to save your girlfriend you have to find your way to me!" Ross replied.

"What the fuck? Who are you?" Maxwell replied. The Line got disconnected. He tried to call the number back but the couldn't get through. Maxwell threw his phone on the floor angrily. An old woman was passing by and was surprised by the way Maxwell smashed his phone on the floor.

"Hey, young man you can't go around smashing your phone on the floor like that. You know these days people don't really know how to appreciate what they have. If the phone isn't important to you, you can always give it to someone else." Said the old lady

" I'm sorry granny!' he replied as he picked up his phone on the floor.

Maxwell fell to his face on the bed as he got home. Different thoughts were flashing through his mind. Who is this person and what does he want with him. How is Juliet doing? Then suddenly he remembered the voice

. "Ross!" he said to himself.

"Yes, it Ross. Now where did I put the card that scoundrel gave me. Maxwell searched the whole house but he couldn't find the card. Finally he sat down crying. After few minutes of sobbing it finally dawned on him where the card might be. He was going to go get it the next morning.

There was a gentle knock on the door and Maxwell was alarmed immediately. The gentle knock soon became a pound bang on the door. Maxwell slowly picked up a mop stick as he walked slowly to open the door.

As he opened it a 5 feet tall lady with a big breasts barged into his house almost bumping into him.

"Laxmin!" Maxwell exclaimed.

"Yo, I've been trying to reach Juliet I can't get through to her and she is Nowhere to be found," she yelled right to his face.

"Well I also have no idea where she is, okay! I was just at your place Earlier today to ask you about her," Maxwell replied in a fraustrated tone.

Maxwell lived in a one room apartment. His whole room is looking very rough because he had scattered everywhere looking for the card Ross gave to him.

" Why is your whole room in such a mess?" asked Laxmin

" I don't know. Leave me alone," Maxwell replied.

Maxwell received another message on his phone. Laxmin noticed the phone lying down in the middle of the floor. Laxmin must have been moved by a spirit to go and pick up the phone one the floor.

"She is safe with me," Laxmin read out slowly.

Maxwell collected the phone immediately from her.

"What are you doing with my phone," Maxwell said.

" Who sent you that message?" asked Laxmin.

"It nothing okay! Now come and start heading home it late already"

Maxwell pushed her out of his apartment.

"Good night!" he said as he slammed the door

The following day, pay 8pm in the evening, Maxwell took his shower, dressed up and went out of the house. He took a taxi to Troubleville. It was about an hour drive. The car stopped in front of a strip club and Maxwell got and paid the driver

Maxwell walked into the place he had promised himself not to enter again since the last time he walked in.

A lady walked up to him holding 4 glasses of wine in a tray. "Do you care for a drink?" she asked Maxwell.

"I'm here to see Patricia," he replied.

"Well you know where to find her," she replied smiling.

Maxwell walked to the top floor of the building where the big boys were. He found Patricia sitting on a table with four boys caressing her.

"Please excuse me boys," she said as she noticed Maxwell presence.

She walked up to him smiling

" I thought you said you won't come back here again. You claim you only came here the other night because you were drunk!" she said as she displayed her feminine features in front not him.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for the Jacket," he replied

"Which Jacket?" she asked

"The one I gave you the last time, remember?"

"Yeah I left it in your quarters the last time. "

"Oh that! It still where you left it. Why don't we go there right now and I'll give it to you. Unless you are afraid," she said

The strip club is actually a secret brothel. Different ladies have their own room where men can come and make love with them.

They both walked to Patricia's quarters. She took the well folded Jacket and threw it at Maxwell. He caught and quickly searched the Jacket. Luckily he found the card in one of the pockets.

"Thank God," he sighed.

" What so important about that card?" asked Patricia.

"None of your business," he replied

"Are you leaving already?" she asked as Maxwell turned his back to leave.

" What happened the last night Will never happen again," Maxwell said sternly as he barged out of the room.

He another taxi back home. He found the Laxmin and two corps standing at the door.

"You are under arrest," said the deep strong tone.

"Laxmin, what is all of this?" asked the confused lad.