
The Part Of Me That I No Longer Need

"I don't need to search for my own happiness, I don't need to show others my pain or tears. Long time ago I didn't want to smile nor listen to the laugh of others. I believed when I met that one person, and that I will be complete with him, that I can fly freely and forget all the worries I had. Even now I am still searching for that someone where I can show my smile and happiness. My flowers hug me each day, just like I hug them. Love should happen to everyone, and we should always wait for the love to happen. We all have different love in our mind. Someone needs to have somebody next to them. There's some people who only need to see others smile and that is enough for them. The family will always be there for me, and they will always know how am I feeling today or how did I felt yesterday. They will ask, they will care, they will hug you. I don't need the part of me where I feel like I lost something or someone lost me. I don't need to think that I was bad to someone, just because someone did something bad to me. I don't need to feel sorry to the people who would stab me in the back. There's many things that I don't need to doing life, but sometimes we do what we hate the most. I hope I will change again, this time I will have to write down what I hate or like, so that I can do better next time.

We all change, because we were hoping for that change. May the flowers guide me toward the future I'd love to have. May the future be better than it was before.

We learn to love and to have when we were kids and slowly began to understand life.

I don't need to run after people who hate me, I don't have to show them my appreciation.

I only have to be me and me only. I changed many times but I will always love myself. Why not loving myself a little more than before?

Even if I lost someone, I will met someone else again. I shouldn't be sad, I should be happy that I had memories with them and that we shared our precious time with them.

I love the memories I had with him, and I hope he thinks the same as me. I'd love to meet more people like him, but I would never like to go through the things I had to go with him.

I love the happiness I had and the butterflies, everytime I saw him. But I hate the sadness and stress.

These days I am more focusing on myself, my friends and family. I can now help people in need and have fun with others.

I was sane to say goodbye to you, and I still stand what I said.

Hopefully love will find me again, just like the future I'd like to have."

-The end of Flora's letter to someone she used to love.