
Are we still gonna be friends in another world?

please don't expect anything here. go now shoo this is gonna be an uncompleted work anyways. I just wanna dip my feet on story making now go away from this book before u get disappointed. also it has some filipino references and culture here cause i just want to.

metriely · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Prologue - Our Friendship

Herald Masipag, Chance Tanggal and Anrey Ganda are close friends, ever since the three of them both enrolled the same school, ever since they're young. Now, they're in their fourth year in highschool .

"guys.. the exam is coming next week are u even gonna try and study?" Anrey says in annoyance to the two boys at the back of her seat.

"uh... wait a sec.. im still trying defeating this asshole" Chance says, as he focus on his phone. "shut up! I'm winning this!" Herald says. The latter seems to be struggling more than the former.

Anrey rolled her eyes. As she rolled her pad of paper and smack it to the two boy's heads. One exclaims "hey!", while the other says groans in pain.

"Uugghh... stop playing M***le L***nds and teach me our math lessons!" says Anrey, as she nudges Chance more.

"wait....almost there...YES!" Herald exclaimed victoriously, "HA! FINALLY GOT TO BEAT YOUR ASS UP!"

Chance looking quite annoyed for a bit, but then looks smug the next moment. "hmph, you might win this battle, but you lost the war." he smirks "you just won once out of the three rounds we have."

"gh.. still though.." Herald says dejectedly.

Anrey sighs, "you guys finish now, or what?"

"yup, we're finshed here" says Chance as he gets up from his seat.

Herald sighs defeatedly. "Fine... let's go do some studying.." Herald too stands up from his plastic arm chair.

The three of them then walks out of their classroom. The school corridors is filled with students running around, talking with each other, eating their lunches, and studying in their own.

They still need to walk downstairs, and go to the back of their school to find the old school library.

Anrey then puts her hand to her pocket and brings out a key. "huh? how did you get the key to this old library?" Herald asks.

"Did you still remember, that time one of our teacher called me to give me a task for?" Anrey says as she try to open the chain-locked door of the library.

"Did that teacher give you a task of cleaning the library?" Chance tried to guess, what the teacher asked of from Anrey.

"Kind of..., but it's more like making me the librarian of this old library."

"Why would she ask you to do that? No one uses this useless library nowadays?" Herald asks about it more.

"The teacher just wanted the list of books that is here on the library, and make sure y'know, no one is destroying the place. Apparently I did such a good job with it, the teacher just trusted me the place." Anrey says as she unlocks the lock and unwrapped the chains around the doorknob."Well, you are a teacher's pet" Herald says jokingly.

Anrey rolled her eyes. "Well, now I just keep on using this place when I need some time for myself." She says feeling content for having this place. She then puts the key on the keyhole, making the doors unlock and opens.

"but... I hate locking and unlocking this place though.." Looking annoyed as she says this.

The three of them then enter the old library. There bookshelves attach to all of the walls and a ceiling light on the middle and three long tables with three chairs each sides, though all of it seems old looking. On the right side, there seems to be a short wooden table and one chair pushed in it, and it looks much more older than the rest of the other chairs.

"Woah.. this place is like old 'old'." Herald says in awe.

"We should make this our hangout place." Chance suggests.

"As much as I like that I idea. Don't forget why we're here now ok?" Anrey reminds them.

"Same here too, Chance. I also kinda need some help..." Herald says timidly.

Chance sighs "What do you guys even think of me. Your personal teacher?" He says mockingly to his helpless friends.

"We can't help it alright! It's too complicated!" Anrey explains. "Yeah!" Herald exclaims in agreement.

"Alright, alright, let's get started already." Chance says smiling a bit.

"You are such a live saver 'hance." Herald says with his arm around Chance neck.