
Are these feelings are really mine

"Why can't i see her I don't see his face at all.Is she in the world, or only because of my feelings develop, I make a picture of a girl in my mind .Who are you really? Doctor ; How did you feel today ? Jay;I don't know about my condition as of now.This girl is coming to me in my dream. I don't know her But then I would like that this girl should not appear in my dreams Doctor: This is because you don't wanna not forget this girl. Jay :It's not like that anymore.I will go and search her. Jay is a stubborn person not easily chase by everyone. Jay has personality disorder. he is possessive in his way . In the period of his life he again met his childhood friend whom he forgets easily.He will be confused with his feelings but they again met and fall in love . Sylvia is independent girl . she doesn't like to live her life at someone else's will . she met again with his childhood lover In the young age . after getting know him much she again fall in love with him . Kevin is person that has a bad personality. bad circle of life . he is totally exhausted from everyone but in his he met a girl who changes him to a new person first he will not like her . but in last he will love her , understand her , changed himself for her Ziyu is very charming personality. she is very beautiful that everybody can fall for her at first met . In his life she met a guy who was totally opposite but she wouldn't leave him after fall in love . Jun is character of being happy but also being sad when the thing go far from him .In his life He changed his personality and become a successful person because of a girl . Sam is the understandable person who understands everyone but become stubborn and rude when he want the things on his way. He met a girl who he doesn't like . but in last he will like her . Jelena is character who love everybody but have anger issue like his brother . she can't control but changed for a man who doesn't know how to camn down her . and there are so many couple and moments that cheer you up . so let's read .

Zuiyu_ · Acción
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46 Chs

Totally a changed person now

Kevin : you took my place here too

Ziyu : again it's you

Sylvia:did you know him ?

yes that's what I told you about who was fighting for the seat.

Sylvia: this thing happened

Kevin: get out of my place

Ziyu: You can talk calmly. illiterate

Sylvia: get rid of him

Ziyu: Keep your place useless person

Kevin looked at her very angrily

Sylvia: I thought he was going to kill you.

ziyu: That's exactly how it felt to me. Let go of him .

The time in our game was fixed and we started playing the game at this time every day.

Sylvia: I don't know how to play you go yourself

Ziyu: As you wish

let's go home now

Sylvia: Let me go to my home today. mother has called me

ziyu :please come back soon

The weather was bad. He didn't like the rainy season much.

Sylvia: Don't worry, I will come quickly.

Ziyu: Okay, you go home from here.

I'll just play games there until then

Sylvia: I came to pick you up

Sylvia goes to her home Jai from behind walking with her following her.

She doesn't leave notes at all that someone is following him

reach home at the door

His watchman says that the person behind is with you.

sylvia: who

just behind

When she sees behind, she startled,

Sylvia :where did you come behind me?

Jay : I wanted to surprise you

Sylvia: These actions don't suit you.

Become the same as you were when you were a child.

Jay ; how was I ?

sylvia's mom :Son, come inside

Sylvia's mother:Who is he ?

You go inside and then I will tell you.

everyone sits on the sofa

Sylvia's mother: its face looks like it has been seen somewhere

Sylvia: Mother, he was my childhood friend. Because of which I used to fight with you all .

Sylvia: He has changed a lot now

Jai: Let me tell you the truth.

I don't know about my old memory

Sylvia; did means

Jay: I have lost my memories

I had a car accident in my childhood Then I don't remember anything from there.

Sylvia: this is very sad (Sylvia remembers her flashback of how Jay used to tease her, once out of anger he threw her into the water and was very scared But she used to like him in childhood and that's why she used to get beaten by him.Now I took revenge from him )

Jay Don't worry, I brought back your memory.


I will go to now mom

Sylvia's mom :i just wanted to see you Are you eating or drinking something? you are very weak

Sylvia; I'll eat well reason Is that paper is running these days, I don't know how to handle life

Sylvia's mother;

" but even if you busy in life food should be given at all costs Because when you eat well do whatever you want, you remain happy. If you are happy then the work will go well anxiety will reduce. Value your health and wake up early and sleep on time. "

Sylvia: okey mom

Jay : I am leaving now, see you tomorrow

Sylvia's mom ; no please eat dinner first then go anywhere

ziyu ;While playing a game, someone comes from behind and says, this level will not be play like this.