
Archmage's Arrival

The Archmage of Winterhold, Magnus, has done everything there is to do. Facing a dead end at the hands of Miraak leads him into a world of Devil's and Angel's. All TES Magic used

FreyrtheGreat · Derivados de juegos
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

"What now?" I asked, for once unsure. I've always had a goal, and always had something to push me forward.

"Good question, for now I would lay low, and test your new abilities before starting any other plans." Lay low?

"Anything you would like to share?" I replied.

"Heh. Devil's infest this city. They have you in their sights because of me. And with your new found magic energy…"

Ah I see.

"Should I destroy them? Are they truly a threat?" I never condoned needless murder.

"Devil's are creatures from hell, the ones here are harmless compared to our power. They most likely want to recruit you, and turn you into one of them." Ddraig explained.

"No thanks, I love my humanity. I've turned down better offers before." And it's true. I had the chance to become a Vampire Lord and denied various daedric artifacts. I enjoy my independence and freedom.

"Our time here is closing, Issei." Ah, my new name. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about that. But this does give me a chance at a new life. No more quests, no more obligations. It could be a lot worse.

"Good luck, partner."

Everything twisted and before I knew it, my eyes were blinking open. I suppressed the urge to open my eyes and quickly recalled that I passed out in the middle of class. The smell is odd. Hearing nothing I opened my eyes and was greeted by a white tile ceiling. I slowly get back on my feet and leave the room.

Rias Gregory POV

"You said his scent changed?" I asked my precious Rook. It seemed he passed out in class. Her nose was top notch and had never failed. Koneko Tojo nodded her head.

"Yes Buchou, a nauseating smell of dragons and blood."

Now that is an excellent development. Dragon sacred gears are all powerful.

"So you think he awakened it?" My queen, Akeno Himejima, wondered out loud with a smile.

I nod my head, that's the only explanation.

"We need to make our move. Quickly." I was under a deadline and needed all the power I could get.

"He's a pervert." Koneko stated simply. I winced. He was a pain in the neck for Sona. Still though.

"That can easily be fixed." Or at the very least addressed.

Koneko shook her head and then went back to eating her chocolate.

School ended quickly and I made my way to the school library. Normally such a hoard of knowledge would be heavily guarded but it seemed that in this world it's freely given. It almost made me chuckle. All the knowledge in the world, and yet everyone is still lacking in knowledge. The glares are annoying though. Seems that my reputation is completely stained because of his past actions. An open pervert? That would be hard to fix. Whatever. Going into the library after school ended was not only allowed, but also encouraged.

"Issei! Come on, remember? It's the weekend, we're meeting up at Matsuda's house to binge watch the newest eroge!" I couldn't help but be surprised. Sure his memories said they were open perverts. But this was embarrassing.

What was wrong with you, former Issei?

I turned around and looked at my former friend

"No." I stated coldly. I needed to distance myself from the two immediately. I heard whispers and could tell everyone around me was staring at us.


I put my head down and turned around, walking into the library fully. The smell of paper was always nostalgic. The silence was good as well. I spent years like this, it almost made me sad. I spent more of my life reading and gathering power than I did living, I see that now. Right now it's necessary. I promised myself right then and there that I would truly live. Issei made decent grades before I came here. It was evidently hard to get accepted here. As a scholar and student, I will accept nothing less than the best. I picked up an advanced mathematics book and got to reading.

I went through several books, neatly filing them in my mind for later. The perks of being a genius. I could remember anything I saw in vivid detail. Probably one of the reasons I was so formidable. Spells required deep understanding after all. My phone went off and I got a text from my new mom. What a weird world I've found myself in. I never thought I'd have another family. I opened it up and read it.

Mom: You okay? You're late from school?

Issei: Yes, just getting some extra studying in. I'm on my way home.

I sighed and grabbed my bag and returned the books. Making my way out I was interrupted by a cute girl that seemed to be slightly older than me. She had silky black hair and amethyst eyes. She was dressed in a school uniform different than mine

"H-hello, Hyoudou-san." I glanced at her in interest.

"Yes?" I replied.

She fidgeted and I grew annoyed.

"I am Yuuma Amano, would you please go on a date with me?" I couldn't help but grimace at her bad acting. Whatever, I don't have time for this.

"No." I stated, enraging her. An inhuman face filled with rage passed over her expression.

Maybe one of those devils?

Her face reverted back to a shy human.

"S-Sorry for wasting your time." Oh well. I then went home, aware of the amount of rage she has.


"That damn pathetic human worm!" I cursed. Hysterical laughing rang out in our church.

"I'll kill him. I'll kill his family. I will torture him until he's a dusty old man!" I spat out.

"Someone doesn't take rejection well." Mittelt goaded, enraging me further. The humiliation, the audacity!

"Perhaps this needs a woman's touch." Kalawarner said grinning, pushing her larger breasts together. I glare at her with all my malice.

"I am Raynare, a Fallen Angel, I've lived for millenia, I've bedded the best looking men in history, this little pissant will die, and he will suffer!" I yelled out.

"Whatever, just get the job done, before he gets stronger." Dohnaseek said with apathy. I glare at him. The job huh? This just got personal.


Having a family is comforting.

Was this what I was missing out on? The warmth radiating from my mom was nice.

"Eat up Issei!" I nod my head eating this world's food was heavenly. Chicken roasted with garlic and some type of potato soup. I glanced at my mom and saw that she was worried about something. I was always good at reading people.

"Issei…" She started.

I look at her confused.

"Normally your with your friends on the weekend, and you're acting different. Tell me what's wrong." Ah I guess someone extremely close to me would notice.

"I reevaluated my life. I've decided to think about the future and I realized that being a open pervert is not worth the social stigma." She looked ready to cry at that. Uh oh.

"Honey, are you getting bullied?" She said softly.

"No, but I need to change, for myself and my happiness." Pure bullshit, but she doesn't need to know that.

She nodded her head.

"I've decided to focus solely on my studies." She sniffed, but it turned into a smile.

"My son is going to be a functional member of society! Momma is so proud." I couldnt help but smile. I must've been seriously worrying her. I finished dinner and made it up to my room. I looked around at the mess and felt anger.

It was filled with pornos and soda cans were everywhere.

Guess I'll clean tomorrow.

I laid down on my bed.

"That wasn't a devil girl. It was a fallen angel. She reeked of it." Ddraig suddenly spoke in my head.

"A fallen angel?"

"Seems there is a fight between two of the biblical fractions about to happen. Fallen Angels, and Devils. Kuoh is basically owned by the devil's. A fallen angel here can only be trouble."

"Perhaps I could use that to my advantage." I say, already making a plan.

"They without a doubt know. Why they haven't dealt with it is odd."

Very odd. Were they waiting for something?

"The fallen one will attack soon, I'm sure your aware. You pissed her off something fierce." I shrugged. He was right though, she was ready to kill me right then and there. The question is, will I wait or actively go after them?

"Our powers need understanding if you want to be active." Wait a minute.

"Our power?"

"Your magic and my gauntlet. Those two together you would be the most powerful Red Dragon Emperor to exist so far" That sounds awesome to me. I doubt it's free though. Free power doesn't exist.

"You said it's a gauntlet. I'm not a close range fighter." Which was true.

"I'll explain everything tomorrow, for now rest your body. You're exhausted."

chapter 2 done. weekly updates

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