
Archim's Disease

A young girl seeking the truth for the death of her fiancé. An enigmatic man who claims to have lost his memories. Two individuals intertwined by fate. Will they uncover the mysteries surrounding them?

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3 Chs

Your Nightmare

It was dark but when I lifted my hands to look at them, I can see them. My surroundings? Not as much. I kept looking back and forth between my hands and ahead of me but there is still nothing. I had no choice but to move forward. Only the sound of my footsteps can be heard and it's deafening. Every step that I take I could feel my head pound, hammering away as if to make me unconscious, as if to make me stop on my tracks? I ran. I ran aimlessly, not really caring where I end up or if I bump into something in this darkness. I just want out of this place. The next thing I know is that I am hearing a bunch of pitter patter on the ground but I see nothing ahead of me. I looked at my hands again and this time I see what seems to be droplets. I closed my hands and rubbed my palms trying to make out what these droplets are…they're wet?...they're rain. And with that I suddenly felt cold and soaked, I hugged myself for warmth but I felt nothing. I had to move forward again, and so I ran. My head was pounding faster as well. I just wanted to find shelter from this god forsaken rain.

I was starting to feel tired and very cold when all of a sudden, my nose picked up something. A smell unknown yet familiar. I tried to follow it and it got stronger. I inhaled deeply and immediately covered my nose with both my hands. This smell…this smell is worsening my headache. It hurts just to breathe, my nostrils, to my throat, and all the way to my lungs, I can feel it piercing through me. This scent is nauseating, it smells like charcoal and sulfur. Putrid. A smell so thick, I could almost taste it. I felt the urge to regurgitate but went against it. I now feel lightheaded. I looked up hoping to see the sky but there was nothing. I ran, I ran as fast as I could. I had forgotten about the putrid stench already; it's still lingering but it doesn't bother me anymore.

Next thing I know is that I saw something flickering ahead of me. It was small at first but as I move forward, it is slowly expanding while flickering still. I began chasing the light, thinking that maybe this is a way out of my nightmare. The light slowly engulfed me in its embrace as I got closer. I started hearing things like chirping of the birds, the gentle blowing of the wind, and the steady ticking of a clock. I was swallowed whole. Too bright, it's making me weak…and comfortable? I shut my eyes. I breathed in once, finally feeling the warmth in my body. And out, I have finally come to my senses, my eyes slowly opening.

What greeted me is a screamin green ceiling, I could feel my hands and feet atop a soft, silky, cottony surface and slowly moved them. I heard a slight breeze and breathing, not my own, and so I looked for the source of the sound. On my left, a girl was seated on a high backed oaken single chair, it has a white cushion, from the looks of it, it probably is made of wool with some golden inlays. It must have been soft like the one I'm currently at. She looked agitated by something, her face frowning as she stared down her phone with her thumb moving up and down. I gazed at her for a long minute trying to see if I recognize her from somewhere. I know myself that it is impossible to forget someone as beautiful as herself. Her face looked docile, still looked pleasing to the eyes despite all the frowning that she has made. Her small, round, hazel-green eyes remind me of trees that had their leaves fallen to the ground during autumn: yellow, orange, red, brown and yet reminds me of spring where they begin to grow out their leaves again, greener than they could ever be. Her hair was jet black, long and beautiful as it was swaying along with the gentle breeze from the large window behind her.

I can't keep staring at her like this. I opened my mouth and found that doing this little action is enough to tire me out "Where am I?" I could see how she flinched from the way her phone had tipped, her face show surprise but it immediately regained its composure. She placed her phone on a small wooden nightstand, probably made of oak too, so she can have her full attention to me. A kind gesture I thought. She had told me that I am in their house and did not explain any further, not that I am looking for more explanation. "How are you feeling?" she inquired. I felt funny at the question her kindness radiating. And right on instinct I looked around my surroundings, taking in as much information as I can. As to why have I done that? I have no idea. I looked at her and asked her name instead.

She said her name was Aries and that we are not relatives nor acquainted. That she along with her father had found me unconscious and helped me. I have thought it odd that they brought me in their home instead of a hospital. Something doesn't add up, but I will play with their games. "And you? May I know your name? Maybe we can contact your family and tell them your situation." My thought process stopped as soon as she asked me my name. I began to squeeze my brain for something, the way I have done things up to know seemed natural, but now that I think about it, I can't come up with a name or anything before I had woken up. I was only running on instincts. "I- I don't know. I can't remember anything. Not even my name." I stared down to the duvet that covers me. As if looking for an answer there. I tried to think hard but my head started to pound again, that all familiar hammering. I felt a hand on my left shoulder, I looked at her face, now it is kind of hard to tell what she is thinking. "Just calm down, I'm sure it will all come back to you. Just take your time and try to recover." I just stared at her. "I'll go and get you something to eat first. Just rest for now." She lifted her hand from my shoulder took her phone with her and stood up. I could hear her footsteps as she made her way towards the door, my right hand pressed my left shoulder where she had just touched, I can hear the door slowly creaking, I stared at the window outside, her warmth still lingering just after she had left it, and then shut.