
The Dream

"Come here, Archie!" said Alisha. "Woof," said Archie, as he ran towards her, with the wind on his face and his tongue sticking out. "Good boy," she said with a giggle while patting his soft golden fur. Suddenly she heard footsteps and a rustle behind the mulberry bush. Her smile faded. She slowly walked towards the sound, protecting Archie behind her legs.

There was another sound, but this time behind her. She turned around. There was no one to be seen, not even Archie. "Nooooo" she screamed frightened for losing Archie, again. There was nothing she could do. She sat there and cried her heart out.

Suddenly she heard a voice calling her name, a familiar voice. " Alisha, come here. It's all right." That voice was known, and she had heard it before. But she couldn't remember that whose voice was it. The sound was coming from everywhere. Then she tried to listen from where the sound was coming. She checked everywhere in the garden, but she couldn't find the place from where it was coming. Then she decided to check her house in the dream.

She checked everywhere, and only one place was left- her bedroom. She opened the door and was surprised to see her parents there. They were waking her up. Then she realised that the voice was her mum's. She woke up in a daze and saw her parents waking her up. "Thank god, you finally woke up!" said her mum. Alisha nodded slowly, still confused between her dream and this world.