
Is it Him?

The very first place they searched was her bedroom. Usually, all of Archie's stuff was in her room always, even Archie. But not this time. "Can you bring me some of Archie's stuff that he loved the most?" said Nathan looking around. Alisha quickly ran towards the place where Archie's cushion was there. She picked up a blue and yellow rubber ball and gave it to Nathan.

Nathan was acting weird. He was trying to hide something. He took the ball and held it as if it was some precious diamond. He let out an understanding nod as if he knew what was next. Suddenly there was a "woof" outside her house.

Alisha ran as if she was trying to win a race. As she opened the door, all the energy from her, drained. It was not Archie as she expected, it was a stray dog, who was almost hit by a car. She walked back to her room. She locked her door and saw that Nathan wasn't there.