

As she left her room, she saw Nathan walking out. "Where are you going?" asked Alisha. "Wanna have an adventure and find Archie? Then you should come" said Nathan with a smile. At the name of Archie, her face lit up, and she nodded happily.

"Where are we going?" asked Alisha out of curiosity. "Just wait and watch. You're going to be happy" said Nathan. She was relieved to hear that. They walked down the street and entered one which was deserted, besides a bunch of dogs.

There were so many dogs that it could take a whole day to count them. There were many like Archie too. But Alisha knew how to identify him. He was just different in a unique way. Then she heard it. A familiar bark. Archie's bark!

She was desperate to find him no matter what. She ran through the crowd, careful not to step on their tails. Something or someone was trying to stop her from going further. It was pulling her frock. She looked around and was shocked to see Archie.