
Archdevil in Cultivation world.

Note: The Cultivation world being used for reference here is-[Banished Disciples counterattack] Archdevil Mephistopheles , the Devil of combat had challenged God one last time as their 500 year deal stipulated. But, not even his power of absolute limitless transcendence through combat could defeat the power of the true absolute being and ruler of creation. So for the first time Mephistopheles had truly lost a battle and the result was his total destruction, but Mephistopheles wasn't angry at his loss. This was because he had gotten his wish and fought the greatest battle in the history of existence, it's reputation surpassing even that of the first war that broke out in heaven. Mephisto was at peace with his death, or so he thought. Opening his eyes the Archdevil found himself as a fetus trapped in a comet which had crashed into a planet that was identical to the human planet called earth and was now part of something called a sect. This was a whole different reality than what he knew, Humans here were superpowered beings whom referred to themselves as cultivators and immortals. And putting together pieces of memory he remembered about his brother the Archdevil Mastema talking about a reality like this in passing but Mephisto had paid no attention to it. With his curiosity ignited, the Archdevil decided to find and experience he can about this new reality and experience some new things he had never bothered to before, even finding out about a power he didn't know was sealed inside him before.

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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation.

Mephistopheles found himself falling out of the throne room of God and downwards to the lowest level of heaven, a huge gaping hole in the middle of his chest.

His crimson red cat slitted eyes looked to be completely lost in a daze, the Archdevil was an absolutely beautiful existence, so beautiful to the point it could even somehow be an insult to refer him as just beautiful, but there was no other way to describe this being.

Amongst the other Archdevils who were created as fragments from the second most powerful being in all existence and the fallen one known as the Archangel Lucifer, Mephistopheles had always been the one closest in both feel and beauty to the Archangel, although his two brothers and his sister were also beautiful beyond belief existences too but Mephisto was simply in a league of his own.

He was the fragment that inherited the true essence of the fallen Angel and also the only one whose Avatar was closest to that of the Angel. Mephistopheles had always stood out in a strange way right from the very beginning, he was the oldest amongst his siblings and also the one recognized amongst between heaven and hell as the most powerful of the four Archdevils.

All but one shared this sentiment, the Archdevil Beelzebub, he was the devil closest to Mephistopheles in power but Beelzebub regarded himself as the more powerful devil between them both.

Although the four siblings had their quarrels with one another, they had kept each other in check since even before the beginning of time, they ruled the nine hells and also kept the four Archangels and the army of heaven at bay.

Four Archangels and four Archdevils, the balance that had been sustained for so long had been broken on this very day that 'THE' Archdevil fell.

What was going to happen now? Mephisto didn't know, or well should he say he knew.

With hell taking such a huge blow, the forces of heaven will be in high spirits.

That will be until they realise that Beelzebub still exists amongst the Archdevils even with Mephisto gone, and with Mephisto gone Beelzebub would be in the hands of Mastema who shall become Beelzebub's new punching bag for eternity.

Mephisto was the only one who could put Beelzebub in his place, at some point Beelzebub will leave Mastema alone as a punching bag and either go into a state of hibernation or just wage full on war on heaven and creation as a whole as his concept demands.

The underworld has undoubtedly taken the hugest blow possible no doubt, but the forces of hell still remain the most powerful faction. The only Archangel capable of rivalling Beelzebub was Micheal, and since Micheal is someone isn't fond of the idea of war unless he's been absolutely pushed, the forces of heaven will remain calm under his rule and this is even without even mentioning the presence of Cha shihoon, the transcendent human capable of fighting an Archdevil though in a losing battle, but as for which side he fights for that would be up to him now.

The friendly relationship between he and Michael will also make things easier for both sides, hell truly was secured. Mephisto finally smiled, he had never regretted a day in his life and even on his deathbed he still did not regret his decision.

<<THUD!! >>

Mephistos body bounced heavily like a ball off the floor of heaven and then kept rolling until he came to a stop, he looked up to see the four Archangels of heaven standing around him.

And all Mephisto could do right now was just keep on smiling, he closed his eyes as his body was set ablaze by his own flames which then broke apart into multiple million dark spots of light that faded into oblivion....







In the star filled and silent void of space, a blazing meteor tore through the Atmosphere of a blue planet.

And inside the core of the asteroid was a little baby, barely looking over three weeks old. The child's eyes were closed as he lay in a fetal position, it's hair was crimson red with an immensely soft feel to it and wrapped around the waist of the child was a black sleek tail with an arrowhead like tip.

The core of the meteor had begun turning red hot and melting up around the child but strangely it was unaffected by the heat dangerous enough to melt the flesh and bones off a normal human.

In fact the child just cooed in comfort as it fell into a much deeper sleep, unaware the commotion it's arrival was causing to the outside world.








<<100 years later>>

[Some Hundreds of thousands of Kilometers away from the Heng Yue sect]

In a wide grassy plain under the beautiful starry night sky full of rich spiritual energy stood a woman basking in the essence of the moon, her eyes were aflame with spiritual energy.

Her hair and dress blowing gently in the wind, around here were multiple mutilated dead bodies who basked in their own blood and guts. The surroundings were full of mighty deep gashes that spanned multiple hundreds of kilometers, craters with a depth of up to 60 meters and a width of near 130+ meters at least.

And right in the centre of this field of destruction and blood was this woman, her beautiful jade dress no longer recognizable as it had been fully drenched in blood while some parts of it had been torn. It was unknown if it was her blood or just that of the dead bodies around her, but even in this ragged state this woman of pure undescribable beauty had never looked more divine than now. But it seems there was a flaw after all, a thin line of blood trickled down the side of her lips but she wiped it off a second later.

"You..you hid your cultivation all this while!?" Said the elder before her who was on his knees and bleeding out, but his eyes held such bewilderment at the monster before him, who could have imagined she was this powerful, the heavens really played a cruel joke on him this time.

Her cold gaze met his and without uttering a word the elders throat flew open as a huge gush of blood spilled out, he instinctively covered his throat with his hands but it was of no use. Blood washed over his hands as he kept choking on his own blood and then fell to the ground lifeless, his eyes still holding that very same look of bewilderment until the end.

The woman outstretched her hand towards the elders dead body, a small golden tablet at his waist began floating up and head right into her hands, she held it and looked at the inscription written on it then coldly turned around to leave.

She head straight for the beast forest up ahead, and as it's name implied it was the home of beasts. No normal cultivator could just pick up the courage to step in here so casually, but she was far from a normal cultivator.

She let a bit of her aura leak out and once the low level beasts on the outside sensed it, a heavy terror struck their hearts as they all immediately ran for their life not daring to approach this woman. She naviagted her way through the forest with a visible feeling of familiarity in the way she walked, just like she had been here more than a hundred times over.

After a 5½ minutes walk she was finally at her destination, inside a particular section of the beast forest was a sacred pool and this was the object of her search.

She gracefully walked towards the pool, her bloody dress disappearing into ashes the closer she got until she was fully nude and that most beautiful skin was fully exposed under the grace of the heavens. The texture of her skin rivaled that of a spiritually sculpted true jade as not one single blemish could be found on this body of hers, she walked into the glowing crystal blue water which sparkled under the night and settled into it leaving only her head and a bit of her neck out.

Immediately after she settled into it, multiple rich strands of white spiritual energy began flowing into her body, nourishing it and healing all internal injuries she had suffered in this battle. At the same time the energy was also slowly but surely strengthening her inner energy, after sometime she just closed her eye lids and fell into a deep meditative sleep. For a cultivator there was no such thing as too much cultivation, almost everything a cultivator does or sets out to do is all just another step for the sole purpose of achieving a greater cultivation.

Her silvery dark blue hair gained a very serene glow from time to time as the spiritual energy kept nourishing her and around her body was a huge blazing golden yellow aura, her mind sunk into her inner world which held a golen sea that seemed almost infinite. But the sea wasn't wasn't behaving like a normal sea, instead of waves all there was is a steady spiral.

The whole sea moved in this way and around in the massive space of her inner world was what seemed like the universe at large but tainted with a golden essence, in the very centre of the spiral within her sea was multiple hundred of energy tendrils pouring into the sea, her spirit levitated high above her spiritual sea watching the process so as to make sure there wasn't some problems.

She began working to effectively use the energy she was receiving wisely, she took control of the incoming energy and directed some of them away from her spiritual sea and instead began regulating them around her whole body to strengthen her bones. But what she did wasn't just simply wrapping the energy around them like most cultivators practiced, what she did was something entirely different.

She was throwing the excess energy against them like a heavy wave and drilling them directly into her bones, she did this over and over again and if you thought that this had to hurt then you would be right, it indeed hurt like hell but on this womans face there wasn't the slightest bit of expression and neither did her body tremble in pain. Looking at her all you would feel was peace and quiet as she slept, completely unaware of the grueling way in which she was treating her body right now internally.

After some more minutes of doing this over and over again it had become an automatic process that no longer needed her control so she left it and truly slept whilst her body underwent a gruesome tempering. And right at the bottom of the pool was an extremely dark object, it was coarse and full of tiny little holes in some places. Around the object were tiny little winged beings the size of a needle who stood guard around it, some even resting on it.

After so many years of standing guard around this rock, something finally happened.

<<CRACK >>

The noise resounded alerting them all as their eyes were staring dead straight at the crack on the rock, then another crack. They knew it, the time has come now and so they all became frantic as they dispersed far away from the rock. This time there wasn't some more cracks, instead the rock began melting like molten larva and this was when she finally awoke.

The water reached an insane boiling point and feeling the heat against her unprotected skin made her instinctively burst out of the pool at lightning speed and onto the ground, her aura flaring around her as she sent out her spiritual sense around the entire forest and into the pool.

But instead of feeling the enemy like she expected, she was met with something unexpected as her spiritual sense couldn't penetrate the pool at all.

This was unexpected because she could easily do this before, but even without the need of her spiritual sense to feel the pool it was obvious to even the lowest cultivators who hadn't awakened their spiritual sense yet as the huge red glow in the water was more than enough. There was also an incredibly powerful and dense amount of spiritual energy rising up from the pool, it even dwarfed hers as she could feel a suppression on her direct being.

She had to raise her power to even higher levels to reduce the feeling of suffocation gripping her whole being, but to her greatest surprise the power which was suppressing even her somehow had no effect on the beasts as they all began coming out, even more surprising was the fact all of them had a huge resonance going on between them and the energy in the pool and right before her bewildered gaze they all began taking a bow one by one.

And right in this moment a huge red crimson pillar of energy shot right up into the sky, the earth began trembling at the presence of this power and the sky turned blood red as crimson lightning and thunder struck down on the earth in different places. A huge pulse of energy washed over her and spread for about a thousand more kilometers before finally fading out as the pillar of energy too died down and slowly went back and the skies turned back to normal, the big red energy in the pool had only become a small glow which was getting a bigger and bigger still.

But this wasn't because another phenomenon was about to occur, instead this time what she witnessed was a huge crimson red egg rising up out of the water as well as two little winged beings around it, the beasts moved far back and gave way for them to pass through, these two were the size of a human palm unlike the others and if this wasn't surprising enough already what really gave her a shock was what she was seeing inside the glowing red egg.

"A child?" Naerin spoke softly beneath her breath, then her gaze went to the two winged beings before her.

Looking at them she felt no threat, what she felt was them trying to reach her as they placed their tiny hands on her cheek. The energy they exuded felt familiar to her and of course it did, this was the very same power that filled the pool in which she used to temper herself, but this power felt far more potent than the one she absorbed in the pool.

Although both of them were trying to communicate she still couldn't understand them and this posed a problem, so the little winged beings decided to use actions instead.

From the looks of the little beings the both of them were females and beautiful ones at that, the one on the right side of the egg pointed towards the egg and then towards her

"Huh? Me?" She asked more than slightly bewildered and they nod their head with a smile forming on their lips.

The little winged beings suddenly gained a dark look on their faces as they looked far into a distance, and although Naerin couldn't feel them as her spiritual sense wasn't active she could already guess the reason for their current expression.

There was no way such a huge phenomenon wouldn't draw the attention of hungry cultivators, the thought of a heavenly treasure or heritage appearing in the world was just too mouthwatering for any and all cultivator on the planet and she didn't exclude herself from this also, the little winged beings looked at each other and then at Naerin.

They both took Naerins hand and placed it onto the egg, she was a little hesitant as she herself didn't know what she would do with this, there was a literal child in there, who was the mother and what sort of beings were they because this was in no way a human child.

But even with these thoughts running through her head she couldn't bear to refuse them, if these two beings were the reason for why she had become exponentially powerful in a such a short time then she owed them indirectly for her life right now because if it weren't for the pools rich spiritual energy greatly raising her cultivation then there was no way she would've been able to stand against;

-2 5th and 6th Layer Void soul cultivators.

-1 9th Layer Void spirit cultivaor &

-80 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th layer Core formation cultivators.

A spiritual barrier suddenly formed around them and Naerin could feel her blood essence being absorbed by the egg, she was about to ask questions as anything that involved blood essence meant...

And it was as she thought, a strange little red marking appeared in the middle of her right hand palm and through the egg she could see one forming on the right side of the child's bicep.

The connection was instant, Naerin could feel the child and it's current emotions which was....well....sleeping.

But it was happy in this state and she could feel something else, something she identified as the life force of the child and it was absolutely endless, how could it be this endless? There would be no answer to her question unfortunately as the winged beings began fading away little by little, Naerin was surprised about this and panicked.

"What's wrong, why are you--

She was cut off when she saw them smile, and it was then that Naerin noticed the outside world around them was frozen, it was all frozen in time.

And this little barrier around them was what kept her from being frozen too, but the power to freeze time...just what exactly were these beings, though she wanted to know these questions weren't important at the moment.

The two beings held hands together and then began gathering a massive amount of energy, something was being created before Naerins eyes and the end product was a white crystal ring with a crimson touch to it as a jewel.

Naerin understood they wanted her to take it and she did so although not knowing what it was, due to it being created by beings like this she was sure it was something immensely powerful, the two winged beings came forward and placed their forehead to Naerins giving her one final smile before they both faded away into nothingness, the barrier shattered to bits and time was now flowing once more.

Naerin worked fast and quickly wore the ring, barely a second later she felt the effects of it, the only thing she could bother to note as ofnow was the massive increase in power. It felt like her power had multiplied over 20 times over at least but she didn't have the time to revel in the feel of her new power as many hundred cultivators were on their way here.

Even the old monsters who had all entered seclusion were amongst them, and once they arrived here an unnecessary battle would break out leading to an unnecessary slaughter. So Naerin mentally activated her spatial bracelet and stored the egg along with the badge she took from the elder she killed, then she took out a new set of clothes and immediately began running.

But then suddenly to her surprise a huge 2 meter tall flaming shadow Lion beast came before her and crouched down, she understood and climbed atop it.

Holding on tightly onto it's dark flaming shadow manes which didn't burn her but instead brought a feeling of comfort, the lion began zipping through the forest at insane speeds. Crossing about two thousand kilometers in 3 seconds and it was still speeding up, going faster and faster till it's whole body turned into just one dark line, then thousands of meters instantly became tens of thousands of kilometers in about 2 seconds.

Naerin felt herself suddenly pop out somewhere, it was almost like teleportation the way it happened.

She hopped off the shadow beast and looked around to see right in the middle of beast city, she knew this place. It wasn't that far away from the Heng Yue sect which was the most important thing.

Naerin noticed the surprised and bewildered gaze of the people around her and the gossip, she couldn't blame them as a shadow beast was indeed a rare thing after all, they're quite known in the records as the fastest things to exist and only rivaled by another very peculiar race. But the shadow beast wasn't the only thing that had the gaze of everyone around them, she could feel each and everyone one of them, the jealous, the perverted and the rest of them all.

The Lion nudged Naerin prompting her to look up at him, the look it gave her was like it wanted to know where she really wanted to go now as even beast city too was dangerous. She flew atop the lion and sat on it, right now she could only return to the sect. Naerin communicated her intent to the beast and so it began on its journey once more.....







[Meanwhile back at the beast Forest]

"You couldn't find anything else?" An elder asked and the disciple shook his head, many cultivators and elders had arrived here some moments ago and sent their spiritual awareness around the forest.

They found a place where the energy was at its strongest but they couldn't find any treasure, instead they were met with a pool.

"Elder, this pool is very rich in spiritual energy. Based on how rich it is, bathing here for a month can give more than 20 times the increase in cultivation speed. It's very--

The disciple cut off his speech with a hard cold gare from the elder and immediately bowed, in the elders heart he was saying-

What's a 20 X cultivation speed increase compared to a heavenly treasure or inheritance? Nothing, absolutely nothing! The other elders around shared the same sentiment also.

"We should try going to the bottom of the pool, perhaps we could find something. There's no way something that powerful could just disappear" suggested an elder while stroking his beard.

"Hm, good idea old Tang. Let's each send one of our disciple down to search, we have to work fast as more cultivators are already approaching" echoed another elder.

So the elders decided unanimously to send down disciples to the bottom of the pool, they would find nothing and more cultivators would arrive. At some point it sot of became a game, those who were here first would watch silently as the newcomers searched frantically for the treasure, go into the pool to find nothing and in the end leave disappointed.

It was a small relief that made them feel better about whatever or whomever could have possibly taken the treasure or possible heavenly inheritance , in the end the ones that stayed had to settle amongst themselves what to do with the pool. The elders all decided amongst themselves to start bringing ONLY the No.1 and No.2 geniuses amongst their sects, the other disciples were a little down but they understood the reason why and couldn't fault the elders.

The brightest amongst them are the ones who would soon hold the fate of the sect in their hands, plus some years from now the sect competition would begin and this was a chance for every sect to strengthen their future combatants.

Nobody wanted to lose, but it would seem the elders hadn't completely ignored the other lower disciples amongst their sects as they began talking about how such a pool would allow for more better and quality cultivation resources to be allocated towards them.

No matter how trash an up to 20 times + cultivation speed increase is in comparison to a heavenly inheritance or a treasure, it still was a massive boon in it's own right compared to most other things. Even in the highest grade tiers of pills very few could only offer up to 4-8 X the cultivation speed increase and these were super expensive, of course there's pills that can give higher but no sect wants to go bankrupt.

And the people who can make pills with a 4-8 X cultivation speed increase alone are held in super high esteem while also incredibly rare let alone those that could make higher. But the painful thing about pills is their effect going down the higher your cultivation is so the elders were truly grateful for this pool ane now that they thought about it, geniuses were not easy on the pockets to raise at all, this place would then go on to become a marked spot for the sects and since the pool was located in a beast forest it means there was the added boon of disciples sharpening their skills the deeper they get into it.

So not just only would they get to cultivate at such a great speed, they also get the benefit of using the beasts as practice to better their control over it while also deepening their martial arts skills and for more motivation a reward would be placed for them slaying high level beasts, this would be more than enough for them.

All had been agreed on, except for one final problem. It would take a bit before cultivators stopped coming here because of the phenomenon they sensed which could cause a bit of a problem, but what could they do about it? Fighting now would do no good as no sect is in any shape right now to suffer such great losses, so they went with a better option and that was either sealing off the area around the pool or just taking the pool with them.

Unanimously deciding to go with sealing off the area around the pool, the elders of different sects joined together in casting multiple different arrays which sealed off the entire space.

The array would also alert them whenever one of them stepped into this place and sent a live feed to their spiritual senses, this would prevent any funny business from either one another or possibly someone else entirely, the deal was done now and the elders all began moving back to their respective sects as each and everyone of them had things to attend to, today had been greatly disappointing but the consolation reward was bearable enough for now.

Meanwhile Naerin had arrived at the Heng Yue sect sometime ago, the shadow beast had done something very surprising as it didn't want to leave no matter how much Naeri warned it about the danger.

If Naerin had to guess the reason would be because of that child in egg so she had no other choice other than to take the shadow beast with her to the Jade Maiden peak, so she took off the ring on her hand which was making it hard to suppress her power since she wasn't accustomed to it yet.

Then urged the beast to enter her spatial bracelet which could hold living beings unlike the normal ones.

*Did those old fools leave too, I'm sure they did as I can't sense then at all* thought Naerin to herself as she flew high into the skies, the Heng Yue sect was absolutely massive, it was like a whole country onto itself although not that exaggerated.

As she flew she recalled the events that had transpired in just one day, then suddenly her eyes turned cold as she recalled the fact that that people were sent to kill her on this day and whomever it was absolutely wanted for her to be dead in every way possible, the line up of cultivators wasn't just something anyone could do so easily.

"If I find out the old fools here were in on the conspiracy against me, then the Heng Yue sect would be suffering it's largest blow ever recorded" she solemnly swore to herself as she looked ahead to see he jade maiden peak coming into her vision amongst the dense clouds, the instant feeling of home rose up in her chest as a comfortable warmth and she could help but slightly smile and go even faster, there were so many things she had to do now but in time she would achieve them all.
