
Themyscira under attack


Deep within the night, in a small tavern, a family of three sat around a small table, with dinner served, and were ready to eat..

The figures consisted of two beautiful women; one an older and mature woman with dark brown hair and a very beautiful face, and the other was a young girl with beautiful dark skin and hair, with a bored expression.

The last figure was a young man who could only be described as divine. His long golden hair was tied into a short ponytail, and his golden eyes glanced at the good on the table with anticipation.

"Let's offer a prayer before we eat." The mature woman spoke, while the other two rolled their eyes in annoyance. "Why do we need to pray to some weak ass Olympian Gods?" The dark skinned girl asked with a pout, and the only thing that earned her was a glare from the matured woman.

It's been about a month since Lemuel, Mazikeen and Orithia had moved to Themyscria. Although they were still unwelcome by the women of Themyscira mostly due to their stereotypes about men, they still made themselves comfortable.

Mazikeen and Orithia has gotten close and one could even assume that Mazikeen seemed to have a soft spot in her heart for her, even though Orithia was just as strict on her just as she was with Lemuel.

"Mind your language young woman! This is a tradition that has existed for thousands of years. You can go ahead and go to your room if you're not hungry!" Orithia clapped back while Mazikeen's lips twitched uncontrollably.

She obviously wanted to spurt out hordes of curses, but she knew how strict Orithia was concerning decency and image.

"Fine." She exhaled deeply and placed her head on the table in defeat. "Good. Now let's pray...We offer thanks to lady Demeter and lady Hestia for this meal..." She prayed with her eyes closed. "All right lets eat.." After offering thanks she opened her eyes and smiled.

"Finally." Mazikeen sighed and immediately dug in, taking large bites of the delicious grilled meat and rice on her plate.

Lemuel only have a small smile and began taking small bites of his meal with a distracted expression.

"Lemuel, is everything alright son? You've been quiet the whole day, is there a problem?" Orithia asked with concern.

"I'm fine mom. It's just that I've been having a bad feeling since the day I sparred with Diana.." He dropped his fork and placed his cheek on his palm and said.

"Wow..." Mazikeen raised an eyebrow which earned her another glare. "What?....Is the great Lemuel Morningstar depressed after losing to a Princess?" She continued with a teasing expression.

"Tell me son...what's wrong?" Orithia ignored Mazikeen's teases and grasped Lemuel's hand with her eyes filled with concern.

"I don't know mum, I feel like something or someone has locked onto me...but that's not what I'm worried about...what if the person or thing tried to harm you guys?.. Lemuel's eyebrows scrunched together followed by an emotional sigh.

"He's right you know...that thing within his body seemed to have sent waves throughout multiple realms. If it has been sensed by our Dads enemies then Themyscira isn't a safe place anymore.."

Mazikeen added as she wiped her lips with a tissue. "Themyscira is under the jurisdiction of the Olympians, and unless they want to start a war, they wouldn't dare to step here." Orithia said with a confident smile...



Themyscira, I week later....

The afternoon sun hung in the middle of the clear blue sky pulled by Apollo's chariot, sending waves of light and radiation illuminating the earth....

A group of Amazonian warriors stood on guard at the shores of ocean separating Themyscira from the mainland, their eagle like scanning for a hint of intrusion and threat.

"Boom!!!" A few moments later, a massive dark red portal materialized with a massive fiery shockwave which hurled them backwards. From within the portal, a tall humanoid figure with long white hair and a handsome face stepped out in a long dark robe.

His face was pale, his lips and eyes bloody red, and in his mouth were two razor sharp canines.

Behind him, hundreds upon hundreds of demonic entities materialized in hordes as the portal closed behind him.

The demonic figures instantly rushed to the injured Amazonian figures ripped their bodies into shreds, and devoured them, painting a gory and bloody scene.

The white haired figure licked his bloody lips and stretched forth his palm.

Instantly, the hordes of demonic entities rushed into the island at full speed, kindling havoc and terror wherever they passed.



Within Themyscira, Queen Hippolyta was offering incense and praying within the temple of Gods, when she sensed a mysterious and potent demonic aura on the island.

She instantly zoomed out to the main palace of Themyscira, grabbed unto a huge metal hammer and smashed it into a massive metal bell, alerting all Amazons all over Themyscira, before rushing into her chambers.

"Ding!!" The sound of the bell rippled throughout the entire island, and within Lemuel's small shack, he was reading a small scroll related to sorcery and magic, while Orithia was meditating. Mazikeen was in her room taking a nap when her eyes snapped open and rushed downstairs.

"Shit! We've gotta leave this place now!" She came down with a yell, as she saw Orithia already dressed in armor and Lemuel relaxed.

"We gotta leave this place now!! Arawn is here." Her eyes flashed with fear as she said..


A huge patch of empty land behind the habited areas of Themyscira had turned into a battlefield. The Amazon warriors were ready and fully equipped in armors and with weapons.

In their lead was their Queen, Hippolyta, dressed in fine golden armor with a sword strapped to her waist. She sat on a beautiful white horse which was armored.

Beside her was Diana dressed in an armor crafted by Hephaestus himself, with a long sword in hand. Beside her stood Orithia, who had a worried expression, Lemuel who was completely relaxed and Mazikeen who looked on in fear.

"Amazons.....It's been a while since this king had a woman of your quality..."

The white haired figure looked at the the Amazons before him with a small murderous smile. "Go back demon. We have no business with your kind."

Hippolyta spoke firmly, her presence radiating confidence, grace and beauty.

"I came here for him...but I don't mind having a little fun along the way..." He pointed at Lemuel who stood with his hands in his pockets as his golden eyes indifferently glared at the white haired demonic figure.

"Mazikeen, the king demands your presence.." He looked at Mazikeen who had already drawn her blades and said with a smile.

"Today, I, Arawn, Wielder of the Power of Envy, Lord of the Sixth Hell, claims Themyscira as mine..." He closed his eyes took a deep breath and spoke while stretching his arms in a dramatic fashion.

After that he smiled and stretched forth his arm. Instantly, the hordes of demonic entities rushed forward, with nothing but the intention to destroy.

"Amazons!!! Kill the intruder!!!!" Hippolyta wasted no time, she pointed her sword forward and charged forward on her horse. The Amazons let out war cries and shot forward, as the battle began.

"Be careful son..." Orithia hugged Lemuel before she waved her hand. A magic circle materialized beneath her feet taking her into the skies as she attacked the demons with everything she had.

Diana, Lemuel and Mazikeen were the only ones left. The trio faced off against Arawn who had a small smile on his face, as he walked barefooted towards them.

A/N: Sorry for not updating. Please send in more powerstones.