
Prologue; Betrayal, The fall of the Highest

Outside the highest of firmaments, far beyond the eternity and the unreachable unlimited void, stood a massive and heavenly city. A city so huge, multiverse below looked like a spec compared to it.

It was the epitome of beauty, and royalty, and looked divine beyond words. At the center of this city stood a huge and massive golden tower, a tower that held and guarded the most abstruse mysteries of the multiverse, while serving as the resting place of the creator himself. He went by many names such as the Divine Allfather, the Presence and many more, but his real name was Yesh, the Divine Primogenitor of life, light and creation.

Within the huge city, several beings of indescribable And ephemeral beauty could be seen flying at speeds undiscerned by the naked eye. They were the epitome of beauty itself, both male and female counterparts, with long white wings on their backs. They were known as angels.

The peaceful atmosphere in the city did not continue for long and suddenly, a massive portal appeared in the void, as a figure stepped out.

The figure was beauty, grace and divine personified, with short golden locks and golden eyes. His facial features looked chiseled and well sculpted as well as his well toned body. He wore a golden black armor which covered his forearms and the lower part of his body, leaving his torso bare.

On his back were 6 long golden wings which fluttered, causing massive ripples in the void, and in his hand was a long golden sword.

Behind him, millions upon millions of demonic entities appeared, corrupting the divine atmosphere within the city....

"Father!!!! Your unruly son is back!!" He opened his mouth and let out a bellow which caused the foundations of the multiverse to shake slightly.

However, at the sound of a loud trumpet, billions of winged figures in shinning golden armor appeared in the void, ready to confront the intruder, and although there were six figures leading them, there was a particular figure at the fore front who stood out the most. He was the exact photocopy of the man leading the demonic entities, except he had long golden hair, along with silver pupils.

His six wings were pure white as he donned a golden armor and held unto a long flaming sword.

"Samael. Do you seek another war?" The man in front of the angels with the long golden hair, pointed his flaming sword at the intruder and said with a frown

"Oh yes I do, and this time, Father isn't going to save you from my hand like the last time Michael!" The angel leading the demonic entities, Samael raised his sword, as he murderously grinned at the man he once called his brother.

"Samael, please listen. This isn't right. You're going to destroy half of the multiverse if you keep up with this." One of the six angels leading the angelic host holding unto a long golden trumpet, with stars adorned on its body said pleadingly.

"Hahaha! That is the goal in the first place! I'm going to completely annihilate all of you, along with the multiverse and with no one to stand in my way, I'll create a new multiverse where I would be worshipped as God!" Samael opened his arms , as his wings stretched out as well, and he spoke fanatically.

"Samael you traitor. We're going to put you down like we did before!" Another angel in lead, a beautiful female angel with long golden hair, dressed in an exotic silver armor, holding unto a long spear spoke as she pointed her spear at Samael.

"Hahahaha! Jophiel, you were always jealous of my beauty, knowing I would forever be regarded as the most beautiful creature in the multiverse." Samael looked her in the eye and chuckled.

"Uriel, step back! Or meet your demise!" Samael glanced at all the angels present, as his gaze settled on one angel and immediately, his gaze softened considerably softened as he looked the particular angel in the eye and said.

"Samael, brother, I supported you in everything, but this, this is madness." The angel known as Uriel, who had bright golden hair with six wings spoke. He was dressed in an armor similar to that of Samael's and held unto a long flaming sword. His entire body seemed to diffuse an otherworldly light with every word he spoke.

"This is madness? Do you know how it feels to be trapped in a completely dark and hellish dimension for 10 billion years? That is madness! All for what? If you want to blame anyone blame Father for this!" Samael let out a mournful bellow, as he pointed out his sword fiercely.

"Azazel! Beelzebub! Asmodeus! Leviathan! Mammon! Belphegor!" Suddenly, Samael called out six names, as six figures strode out from the midst of the demonic entities and stood behind him respectfully.

"Samael please don't do this!" Gabriel pleaded, as he saw the six figures walking out and frowned deeply.

"Do you see this?! This is the punishment we had to endure for voicing out our thoughts and wanting what was rightfully ours!!" Samael pointed to the six grosteque figures behind him, as he roared out in pain.

All the angels looked out in shock, as they looked at the punishment that had been given to their once fellow brothers. Even the archangels in the lead looked at the appearances of what were once their fellow brethren in shock and guilt.

"Enough with this farce! No one challenges the authority of God! If it's war you seek, war you will get!" Michael suddenly roared out, as a massive demiurgic force burst out of his body, causing time and space to ripple.

"It's war we came here for! Armies of hell! Charge!!!" Samael roared out, and led the demonic entities forward, taking the fight to the host of angels.

"Host!!! Charge!!!" Michael roared out, as he rushed forward, followed by the six archangels and the billions of angelic host.

"Bang!!!" Michael was immediately intercepted by Samael, as they clashed in an epic battle of demiurgic Force and physical prowess. Although Michael could produce demiurgic Force, Samael could shape it into whatever he wanted.

The arch demons also clashed with the six archangels; Azazel, the personification of death, a humanoid figure with skeletal body parts held unto a long black battle scythe as he clashed with Gabriel the messenger, who was also the fastest amongst all the angels. He was known to move from one end of the multiverse to the other in the twinkle of an eye...

Leviathan, known to be the strongest arch demon, the personification of wrath and chaos, in the figure of a huge beast which was like an amalgamation of several animals.

He clashed with Uriel, the angel of light and flames, the bringer of judgement... Belphegor who was just a beast like Leviathan, and was the personification of gluttony clashed with Raphael, the angel of healing, restoration and enlightenment as their battle shook the void.

Asmodeus, the arch demon of lust clashed with Jophiel, the angel of beauty and creation, Mammon and Beelzebub, the arch demons of greed and envy respectively, clashed against Zadkiel, the angel of truth and righteousness and Camael, the all seeing angel.

Their battle shook the very foundations of the multiverse itself as space and time rippled and reality was torn apart....


Samael and Michael clashed together, as they slashed their swords, covered in demiurgic power, trying their best to annihilate each other. "Bang!Bang!" Each and every slash ripped through the fabric of the reality.

Michael suddenly took a step back, before stretching forth his arm, and firing a huge blast of demiurgic power which ripped through space time, manifesting several black holes as Samael was sent flying across multiple galaxies, by one single attack.

However, within a second, he recovered and reappeared before Michael, as he raised his hand.

Soon, strands of demiurgic Force gathered unto his palm, before several long spears of annihilation were formed. Each spear had the power to completely eradicate ten thousand worlds. He stretched forth his hand, before the spears blasted forth and shot towards Michael.

Seeing the incoming attack, Michael flapped his wings and was about to evade, however, Samael smirked and uttered a simple word. "Halt!" Using the power of Pride, he completely froze Michael in reality, as multiple spears of annihilation pierced his body, and injured him immensely, sending him flying.

"Hahahaha! Michael, Michael. You seem weaker than usual." Samael smiled and walked towards Michael who was bleeding on the floor.

"No matter how strong you are Michael, I'm always one step ahead of you!" Samael raised his sword high, wanting to decapitate his brother, when a huge blade suddenly pierced through his back and out of his chest.

"You!! Why...???" Samael instantly fell to his knees, before turning around and seeing the person responsible for that.

"Lucifer, Lucifer. You've been our king for so long, why don't you retire like you did those years ago. " And there he stood, Azazel, holding unto his scythe of death which was dripping with Samael's blood.

"Hahahaha! Did you think I did not know of your plan Samael? You truly underestimate Camael, the all seeing angel. His gift truly is a blessing from father himself. " Suddenly, Michael who was injured stood up, and his wounds immediately healed.

"Well done Azazel. " Michael walked to Azazel and patted his shoulder, before walking to Samael.

"Ever since father left the source, I have been in charge, and I deserve to rule the multiverse as the mightiest angel. If only you had stayed in your little hellish dimension, none of this would've happened. " Michael grabbed unto Samael's head and lifted him up, before ripping off his wings with his bare hands, causing him to scream in pain.

" I ochestrated everything Samael, I put those ideas in your head in the first place. I convinced father to banish you to hell. I've been plotting since day 1 and the good news is, everything went according to plan. You were so predictable brother." Michael laughed, as he licked the blood off his palms with a murderous gaze.

"And now Luci, I'm not going to kill you, no no. I'm going to give you a punishment befitting your crime! Exile!!" Michael laughed evilly and grabbed Lucifer by the neck and flew up with him.

"All angels and demons!!!! Bear witness as I mete our judgement!!! " Michael instantly roared, as the battle immediately stopped.

The angels looked on with confused gazes, as everyone knew from the dawn of time that Samael was the strongest angel, however seeing Azazel standing behind Michael respectfully was all they needed to understand the situation.

The demons however looked on in fear and trepidation. "Azazel!!!! What the hell are you doing?!!!" Leviathan roared out, as he rushed forward, but was blasted into the void by a blast of demiurgic power from Michael.

"I am the new king of Hell, and you will bow before me!" Azazel roared out as he laughed evilly. " For the crime of blasphemy, I sentence Samael to exile beyond the multiverse!!" Michael roared out,as he lifted his hand, and thrusted it through Samael's body, before ripping out a cosmic energy source and handing it over to Azazel.

"Brother, I don't think that's the right course of action!" Gabriel and Uriel stood up and interjected. "Boom!!" However, in a burst of demiurgic power, they were sent flying backwards.

"Anyone else want to challenge my decision?" Michael roared out, as he glared at the angels.

With a raise of his hand, he summoned his sword, before slashing the empty void with all of his strength, as a massive rift opened.

"Demons!! Stop him and kill the traitor!!" The demons, led by Arch demon Belphegor, who was Samael's good friend and advisor summoned the legions of demons and rushed towards Michael, however, Azazel appeared in front of them, and stretched forth his hand.

"Boom!!" Instantly, all the demons were brought to their knees forcefully as he appeared before Belphegor with his scythe.

"You're going to pay for this Azazel!" Belphegor screamed out as he struggled to his knees. "Tsk!" Azazel chuckled, before plunging his scythe into the heart of Belphegor, instantly killing the arch demon of gluttony.

"Hahahaha! Well done partner, now you and I will rule the multiverse! You shall rule the mundane realms and the underworld, while I become God of all!" Michael roared out, before tossing Samael's body into the rift which closed up immediately.

"Now it's time for phase 2!" Michael roared out, before stretching his palm forward. Suddenly, demiurgic power burst out of his body in volumes, before a massive circular wall surrounded the multiverse.

This marked the beginning of the reign of Michael Demiurgos, the God of the multiverse...

A/N : Stay tuned for more and please send in those powerstones, I need them more than you know. Peace!!!