
Arcane Innovator

Darian was reincarnated from a modern-day Earth into a harsh new world as a poor villager. He wondered what he did to deserve such fate... Until one day when he discovered that magic is real. "I live in a fantasy world!" "Since I have nothing better to do, I want to try if I could cast some magic..." ... "I did it...! I can use magic...!" From that day on all he could think of was to fulfill his dream to become a mage. But he was still only a poor villager... To change that he must carefully navigate the dangerous world with his newfound powers and risk it all to pursue his dream. Many will try to stop him as power is not something that is freely given here. You have to seize it for yourself and destroy anyone who stands in your way. "I will not rest until I had achieved my goal, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead. For I am Darian, and I am destined for greatness."

CosmicQuill · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Looking for More Herbs

It was now the height of spring, and the forest was alive with vibrant colors and fragrances.

When I walked through the dense foliage, I couldn't help but be awed by the beauty that surrounded me. The leaves were a rich emerald green, and the flowers were blooming in a rainbow of colors, filling the air with their sweet scent.

As I managed to dry the first batch of herbs. I then spent the following weeks scouting the forest for more.

With each subsequent batch of herbs, it became easier and easier, and my confidence grew. I moved with a practiced ease through the woods, my eyes scanning the ground for the telltale signs of the plants I needed.

But I run into another problem. As I searched for the elusive umbrifila, I realized with a sinking feeling that I had already collected all that grew nearby.

As I pondered my predicament, Konrad's tenth birthday approached, and it was time for him to leave for the city.

He would train to become a carpenter under the watchful eye of my uncle, and it would be a long time before we would see him again.

The day before his departure, we gathered for a celebratory feast, a bittersweet occasion that was tinged with sadness.

My mother had outdone herself with the feast, cooking up a storm of delicious dishes that we all savored. We ate, drank, and laughed long into the night.

As the night wore on, the fire flickered and danced, casting a warm glow on our faces. We sang songs and told stories, making memories that would last a lifetime.

The celebration was a welcome respite from my worries about the umbrifila, and I allowed myself to forget my troubles, if only for a moment.

He left early in the morning together with father. I asked if I could go too, in the faint hope that I could manage to sell my growing stockpile of herbs, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.

Since my father will only escort him to the city and will be coming straight back, he would have to move quickly, and thus, I would only slow him down, and because I can't exactly tell him why I'm so eager to go there, I have to wait until the market in the autumn.

But it had a bright side. I could use their absence to go on an even longer expedition into the forest to try to find more herbs; I managed to gather quite a pile so far, but who in their right mind would turn away more money, besides there isn't anything else I need to do at the moment, so why not?

The forest loomed before me as I set out, a vast and ancient expanse of trees that seemed to stretch on forever. The air was heavy with the scent of pine and moss, and the occasional hoot of an owl echoed through the trees.

The forest floor was a carpet of fallen leaves and moss, soft underfoot but hiding all manner of unseen dangers. I stepped carefully, listening for the snap of a twig or the rustle of a bush, but the forest was silent and still.

As I walked deeper into the forest, I felt a sense of unease creeping up on me. The once lush greenery that surrounded me had now turned into a twisted and eerie landscape. The trees grew closer together, and their branches seemed to reach out and grasp at me as I passed by.

But I was determined to continue my search for more herbs. The thought of the coins that I could earn kept me motivated, and I pushed forward despite the unnerving surroundings.

The air grew thick and heavy, and I could barely see the path in front of me. But I pressed on, my eyes scanning the ground for any sign of the herbs that I sought. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig, made me jump with fear. I knew that I wasn't alone in the forest.

I still didn't discover any umbrifila even after walking for what seemed like hours. While I was pondering whether I should abandon my search and return home, I heard a deep growl coming from up ahead.

My heart raced in my chest as I realized that I had stumbled upon something dangerous. I quickly hid behind a nearby tree, peering out to see what was making the noise.

There, in front of me, stood a massive bear-like creature with fur as black as coal. Its eyes glowed red in the darkness, and its teeth were as long as my hand. It sniffed the air, and I could see the muscles in its body tensing up, ready to attack.

I stumbled back a few steps while thinking how to escape this predicament.


I wasn't given any time to think as the bear roared furiously and jumped straight at me. I guess I infringed on his territory.

So, fight it is!

The creature charged at me with incredible speed, and I quickly fired my "Stone Bullet" at it.

The pebble hit the bear's chest, but it barely even flinched, and there wasn't even a dent in his fur.

"He's like a fu*king tank!" I exclaimed, feeling frustrated.

I had only five pebbles with me since I never expected such a fight. The creature swiped at me with its massive paw, and I barely managed to dodge in time and hide behind a tree.


The tree snapped in half like a toothpick, and I stumbled back, feeling terrified by its strength.

I knew that I had to act fast. I fumbled while I aimed my gun at it, my fingers shaking. With a quick breath, I raised my hand and released my pebbles one by one, while increasing their speed as much as I could.

The first pebble hit him, and at last there was damage; then the second and finally the third pebble hit him and tore his paw straight out of his body, but it didn't stop him; it only made him more angry, and he charged at me again.


I was down to my last pebble; it was now or never, so I quickly decided to throw away my caution and put my full power into this last shot.

Air started to swirl around me while my surroundings buzzed with static electricity.


The pebble flew out at a tremendous speed, like a shot from a canon. My poor little gun shattered in my hands. But it was all worth it because, in a split second, it hit the creature square in the chest.


The bear literally exploded, and chunks of flesh and blood rained all over the place, and the ground turned crimson red. I was hit with the aftershock of the explosion and rolled helplessly on the ground.

I was left in a sorry state, my body battered and broken. My forehead was bleeding from a shrapnel that hit me and my clothes were stained with blood, both mine and the beast's.

I had underestimated the monster, thinking I could defeat it easily, and it had nearly cost me my life.

I tore my shirt to create a provisional bandage and tied it around my head to stop the bleeding. My fingers shook as I worked, adrenaline still pumping through my veins. I could hear the distant howls of other creatures, drawn by the scent of blood. I needed to get out of there.

As I stumbled away, I turned and saw a glint in the blood-soaked ground. Curiosity got the better of me, and I walked over to investigate.

It was a small, red-tinted gem, covered in blood and grime. Hm, this must come from the bear; it reminds me of something similar to a monster's core.

Quickly, I grabbed a few leaves and cleaned the gem as best I could. I stashed it in my pocket, thinking that it might be worth something at the market. Then I turned and ran as fast as I could.

It took me hours to make my way back to the waterfall near the edge of the forest. I was exhausted and in pain, but I knew I had to clean myself and my clothes before I could return home. I built a small fire and set my clothes out to dry, wincing as I peeled them off my battered skin.

I then sat down by the fire and sighed with relief that I had survived. I knew I could defeat that monster, but all it would take would be one hit, and I would be dead and nobody would ever find my body.

I shivered upon such a thought and decided in the future to not attempt fate and stick close to our house.

As the sun began to set, I gathered my clothes and limped back home.

It was a bittersweet victory, one that showed me just how weak I was in this world. I needed to train more to become stronger and more skilled if I was going to stand a chance here.