
Arcane Innovator

Darian was reincarnated from a modern-day Earth into a harsh new world as a poor villager. He wondered what he did to deserve such fate... Until one day when he discovered that magic is real. "I live in a fantasy world!" "Since I have nothing better to do, I want to try if I could cast some magic..." ... "I did it...! I can use magic...!" From that day on all he could think of was to fulfill his dream to become a mage. But he was still only a poor villager... To change that he must carefully navigate the dangerous world with his newfound powers and risk it all to pursue his dream. Many will try to stop him as power is not something that is freely given here. You have to seize it for yourself and destroy anyone who stands in your way. "I will not rest until I had achieved my goal, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead. For I am Darian, and I am destined for greatness."

CosmicQuill · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Going to the City 2

As I stepped through the door of the herbalist's store, a warm, earthy scent enveloped me, instantly transporting me to a different realm.

The aroma was a mix of freshly dried herbs and fragrant oils, creating a heady scent that seemed to relax and invigorate me all at once.

The shop was dimly lit, with flickering candles casting dancing shadows across the walls.

The shelves were lined with jars of different shapes and sizes, each filled with dried leaves, flowers, roots, and other plant matter, their labels written in a flowing script that I couldn't read.

Behind the counter stood the middle-aged shopkeeper, a woman with a lined face and hands rough from years of tending to her wares.

Her hair was tied back in a messy bun, and a pair of spectacles rested on her nose. Her warm brown eyes crinkled at the corners as she greeted me, her smile kind and genuine.

"Hello, there young one, what can I do for you?" she greeted me.

"Good afternoon," I replied, taking a moment to glance around at the various jars, vials, and sacks of ingredients that lined the shelves.

"I noticed these herbs are growing around our village. Can you tell me what they are called?" I said while pointing at a particular herb that I was certain I saw before in the forest.

"Well, aren't you a curious little boy," the shopkeeper remarked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"This is called Umbrifila and is used for medicinal purposes."

"You can make a healing paste out of them and apply it directly to a wound, which helps heal minor injuries. They are also used as an ingredient in healing potions."

"But these require specific conditions to grow and are mostly found in the woods. So how come they grow in your village? Where are you from?" She asked

"I'm from the westernmost frontier village, I came here with my father to the market."

"I see. You live close to the Wild Lands, don't you? No wonder then," she replied, understanding dawning in her eyes.

"I was wondering if I brought them to you, would you buy them?" I asked, hopeful.

"Well, Umbrifila is always in high demand, especially from the beast hunters. So I'm in constant need of them. But they need to be picked properly and then preserved so they keep their quality," she explained.

"Can you show me how to do that?" I inquired, eager to learn.

"What is your name?" the shopkeeper asked.

"My name is Darian," I replied.

"Hmm, I suppose I could, Darian. Come with me," she said, leading me toward the back of the shop.

There, I saw rows and rows of herbs hanging from the ceiling, each one labeled with a neat script.

The shopkeeper, then showed me how to pick the herbs properly, emphasizing the importance of harvesting them with the roots intact.

She also taught me how to quickly dry them in a specific way so that they keep their properties.

"High-quality herbs are valuable, but most of the stock I can buy from the market has poor quality since the hunters usually gather them in a hurry. So if you could bring me high-quality herbs, I would pay you handsomely," She explained.

"Thank you, madam, for showing me all this," I said, feeling grateful for the knowledge I had gained.

"You can call me Isadora, young one. I like your enthusiasm. You often don't see that, so I'm looking forward to what you bring me," she replied, her eyes twinkling with approval.

Leaving the apothecary, I breathed in the cool, crisp air, still tingling with the excitement of my new knowledge.

I then went back to the market. My father was already looking for me since he already finished purchasing our supplies, so I quickly ran up to him.

We made our way to my uncle's house where we would be spending the night.

As we walked, my father turned to me with a slight smile on his lips and pressed four small coins into my palm. "I managed to sell your hides," he said. "Here is your money."

My heart raced as I gazed in wonder at the small coins. "My first money!" I exclaimed, thrilled at the prospect of being finally able to buy things for myself.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Konrad casting a jealous glance my way. I ignored him, thinking to myself that it was his fault for not going hunting as I had.

I turned to my father, eagerly asking how much they were worth, and he explained to me the intricacies of local currency as we walked.

In this world, the currency system is based on the concept of "weight and worth." The value of each coin is determined by both its weight and its worth, with larger coins being worth more than smaller coins of the same metal.

There are two types of coins - smaller pennies and larger marks. The cheapest and also what most people use are made of copper, then there are also coins made of silver, and the most valuable is made of gold but most people go all their lives without seeing one.

The mark is worth ten pennies, and one loaf of bread is worth around two copper pennies.

I got four so that means I can buy two loaves of bread, I'm rich! or not...

Soon, we turned into a smaller alley and found ourselves in front of a two-story building that served as both a shop and a house. We knocked on the door, and my aunt Ingrid welcomed us inside.

In front of me was my uncle Leif's family. He was the older brother and worked as a carpenter in the city, inheriting the family shop in the process. Ingrid, my aunt, was a pretty woman with a warm smile, and they had two daughters, Kari and Ylva, who were both around ten years old.

The aroma of roasted meat and freshly baked bread filled the air as we settled down at the table for dinner. Platters of food were laid out before us.

The first course was, a rich, savory soup made with tender meat, with sweet root vegetables looking like carrots. The broth was thick and hearty, and the vegetables were cooked to perfection. I savored every spoonful, letting the flavors of the soup dance on my tongue.

As the soup was cleared, the next course was brought out. Platters of roasted meat cooked to perfection, the juices flowing out as I cut into the tender flesh.

I couldn't help but close my eyes in bliss as the flavors exploded in my mouth. The side dishes were equally delectable - buttery mashed ertiber, and sweet roasted fruits similar to apples.

As we ate, we told stories of our travels, my father then began speaking about what was apparently the main reason he was here.

He turned to my uncle, "Leif, I was hoping you would consider taking Konrad on as your apprentice."

Both I and Konrad looked at him surprised.

Leif rubbed his chin thoughtfully, considering the request. "I have no son of my own," he said after a moment. "In order for my business to stay in the family, Konrad would have to marry one of my daughters."

My eyes widened at the suggestion, and I looked over at Konrad, who was already throwing shy glances at Kari and Ylva.

My father slammed his fist on the table. "It's settled then!" he exclaimed. "I would also like for the business to stay in the family."

It was then decided that Konrad would marry his cousin Kari and they would be betrothed in the spring after he starts his apprenticeship and would marry when they reach adulthood.

As they toasted to the new arrangement, I congratulated Konrad and the adults would then proceed to celebrate with drinks while we children were playing in the corner.

The next morning, we set off for our journey back to the village. The ride was long and uneventful, and my mind kept drifting to the thought of what my own future held.

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