
Arcane Innovator

Darian was reincarnated from a modern-day Earth into a harsh new world as a poor villager. He wondered what he did to deserve such fate... Until one day when he discovered that magic is real. "I live in a fantasy world!" "Since I have nothing better to do, I want to try if I could cast some magic..." ... "I did it...! I can use magic...!" From that day on all he could think of was to fulfill his dream to become a mage. But he was still only a poor villager... To change that he must carefully navigate the dangerous world with his newfound powers and risk it all to pursue his dream. Many will try to stop him as power is not something that is freely given here. You have to seize it for yourself and destroy anyone who stands in your way. "I will not rest until I had achieved my goal, no matter the obstacles that lay ahead. For I am Darian, and I am destined for greatness."

CosmicQuill · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Going Out for Dinner

As the Alchemist's apprentice walked away from the shop, I couldn't contain my excitement any longer and let out a triumphant chuckle. My plan had gone even better than I had anticipated.

Closing the doors, I quickly retreated back to the workshop. With the Moonlight Aster sold, not only had I made a handsome profit, but I had also earned the attention of an Alchemist.

It was the first step towards establishing my own connection with them and their secretive world. I don't know how advantageous it will turn out to be.

But any kind of advantage over others will be very useful in order to establish myself in the city.

From a moral standpoint, it felt a bit wrong to take advantage of Isadora in this way. She has been nothing but helpful to me so far, despite my humble origins.

However, I quickly brushed those thoughts aside. In this world, one has to seize opportunities whenever they present themselves.

Back in the village, I get to know many honest and hard-working people. But such people were usually taken advantage of here in the city and then tossed aside by those who were willing to do anything to further their own status.

If I want to succeed here, I need to let go of the values and morals I carry over from my previous life and become like that too.

Not that I had any strong morals, to begin with. Humans are the same everywhere.

I realized a long time ago that the world is governed by endless greed.

Greed for money, for power, for recognition...

Behind all the rules, smiles, and pretty words hides an ugly truth that everyone knows but nobody wants to acknowledge.

That is why I never had much ambition in my previous life. I found it all quite pointless.

In a world where success was defined by an endless hunt for little pieces of paper that someone arbitrarily decided were valuable, I didn't want any part of it.

That was why I just did the bare minimum to live comfortably and instead focused on things I enjoyed...

Here, however, things were quite different. Greed remains the same, but society seems to be a lot more straightforward about it.

But the most important difference is the existence of magic.

In this world, you can have power. Not just the illusion of power that society bestows upon you, but real power—power of your own.

And all those without it have to bow to you, no matter how much money or influence they have.

That is what I realized from the moment I was reborn and found out about magic.

On that day, something within me changed, and I found my passion.

I don't know what brought me to this world, but I intend to use this second chance at life to the fullest and realize all the possibilities it has to offer.


The day ended without any further incidents. Both Isadora and Elena returned to the shop shortly after, their appearances restored to their usual elegance.

They pretended like nothing happened at all. I, too, maintained an air of innocence and cluelessness to not give them any reasons to be suspicious of me.

Isadora approached me to ask about the meeting. I told her everything—well, most of it—and gave her the money for the herbs.

She studied me for a moment, but then she sighed, and I could see the relief in her eyes.

'I hope I have proven myself to her and she will give me more important tasks in the future.'

As I was heading back home from the shop, I decided to celebrate today's great success by treating myself to dinner at an inn.

I usually just buy some food at a stall along the way, but this time, I entered one of the more prestigious establishments in the Southern Quarter that cater to merchants and rich travelers.

'I know it is kind of a waste, but I think I earned it,' I thought as I reluctantly entered the elegantly decorated hall.

The inn was bustling with activity at this hour as patrons dressed in expensive-looking attire enjoyed their meals and lively conversations filled the air. I found a table near the corner, allowing me to observe the room while enjoying my meal.

The savory aroma of roasted meats and fragrant spices wafted through the air, teasing my senses. The innkeeper, a quite plump man, approached my table. "What can I get for you, lad?" he asked with a smile.

I ordered the daily special "Deer Stew" and some ale to go with it. Most people chose to drink ale over water as it was a much safer option, and I kind of agree with them given the state of hygiene in the city.

Plus, there isn't any restriction on the drinking age. As long as you have the money, nobody cares how old you are.

As I waited for my meal, I let my gaze wander around the room. Patrons chatted, their laughter mingling with the soft melodies played by a minstrel in the corner. Long gone were the days when most of the people here would look down upon me.

Now, nobody would mistake me for a poor kid from the village anymore, as I looked quite handsome being clad in my apprenticeship attire.

Soon my dinner arrived, and I listened to the conversations of other guests as I savored the food.

I spend most of my time either working or practicing magic. This was a rare opportunity to learn about the latest news and rumors, so I listened with interest.

At the neighboring table, a group of merchants were engaged in a heated debate.

"I tell you, the Count is plotting to raise taxes on all imported goods!" a portly merchant exclaimed, his face red with anger. "He seeks to line his own coffers while crushing our profits."

An elderly merchant stroked his beard thoughtfully. "I've heard whispers that the Count's coffers are running low," he said, leaning back in his chair. "They say a lot of monsters have been sighted in the northern mountains, and he will need plenty of money to pay the army sent out to suppress them."

The portly merchant replied to him, "That is no concern of mine! But if these taxes come to pass, we'll all suffer."

'Well, you certainly wouldn't suffer from going on a little diet.' I thought amusingly.

Meanwhile, a young, curly merchant interjected. "It doesn't look like they are running out of coins! Word has it that the Countess has commissioned an opulent gown for the upcoming harvest festival." He said with excitement, eager to prove his knowledge.

They continued with their conversation, but I didn't listen anymore as I was already finished with my meal and getting ready to head home. Most of it was of no interest to me as I wasn't well-versed in either trade or politics, but one thing there caught my attention.

'Harvest festival, huh?'

'I guess I could go there this year.'

I've never been there before, but I heard it is a big celebration marking the end of the harvest season and the start of the autumn market in the city.

Something similar to the harvest feast we had back in the village, but on a much larger scale with plenty of food and entertainment to go around.

But the food isn't the main reason I want to go there. This is one of the few opportunities where you can see the Lord of the City, as he will address us - the subjects at the start of the festival.

The rumor has it that he is a powerful mage, although no commoner has ever seen him cast any magic in public before. But that doesn't change the fact that he knows magic, as he wouldn't be in such a high position without it.

That is why I want to see him with my own eyes, as I have wanted to lay my eyes on a real mage for a long long time.

Before my trip to the fortress, I was too afraid to go anywhere near the nobles, but they don't seem to have a way to detect someone's magic from a distance. That is why I think it will be fine for me to go.

'Besides, I could invite Myra to go there with me.' I thought with a smile.

She really helped me by introducing me to her uncle, so I owe her quite a bit. Her father should still be busy with tax collection for a while, and as she doesn't seem to have any other friends, I'm the only one who could take her there.

'Yes, I think this will be the perfect opportunity to return her the favor,' I thought, as I didn't like to owe any debts to anyone.

At least that was what I told myself was the only reason for inviting her...