
Arcane College

As they tended to the cut on my side, their fingers deftly working with the first aid kit, I couldn't help but feel the warmth of their touch. "You really didn't have to do this," I muttered, my attempt to sound casual falling flat in the face of their gentle care. They looked up, their eyes meeting mine, and a soft smile played on their lips.

Metanioa · LGBT+
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13 Chs

Entering the Realm

The sun is just starting to dip behind the horizon, casting this gorgeous, warm glow over the campus, almost like something out of a movie. I've always loved golden hour, but tonight it feels special—like it's marking the beginning of something huge. The air has this weird charge to it, making my heart race just a little faster. I can't help but smile. This place? It already feels magical. 

As I wander deeper into campus, I'm completely mesmerized by the high ceilings of the main hall. They're covered in these strange, beautiful symbols that seem to shimmer in the fading light. It's otherworldly, and I can feel the weight of history in every corner. My eyes land on a figure I've only heard rumors about: Professor Nyx. She's infamous—at least in my realm—but here, she seems almost timeless, her ageless face taking in the campus as if she's seen it all before. Honestly, she gives off serious mysterious-vibes, like she's been alive for centuries and could drop some mind-blowing ancient wisdom at any moment.

I head toward the main gathering area and spot a group of students, all from different realms. One girl, with this wild mane of curly hair, bounces over to me, her energy infectious. "Hey! What's your name?"

"Elysia," I say, trying not to be awkward. But she's so bright and bubbly it's impossible not to smile.

"Elysia! Cool! I'm Marnie. So, are you excited for the semester or what?" Her eyes practically sparkle with excitement, and I can feel myself getting caught up in her energy.

"Yeah, definitely," I reply. "It's like a whole new world here."

Marnie grins. "Same! Back home, everything was pretty predictable, you know? Kingdom life and all that. But here? It feels like anything could happen!" Her enthusiasm is contagious, and I'm glad I've already made a friend. We laugh, swapping stories about where we're from and what brought us here, and with each laugh, I feel some of my nervousness melt away. Maybe this place really is going to be as magical as I'd hoped.

As we chat, though, I can't help but feel a slight shift in the air. It's subtle, but something darker, more mysterious, is weaving its way into the atmosphere. I glance around and notice a pair of twins standing off to the side. They're both wearing masks—one that only covers half a face, the other completely hidden. But what really gets me are their eyes, these piercing amber eyes that seem to glow beneath the masks. They're talking to someone… something, I can't quite tell, but the whole scene is so intense, like I've stumbled into a hidden moment I wasn't supposed to see.

My attention snaps back to Marnie as she gasps, "Isn't this all just exhilarating? There's so much to discover!"

I laugh, shaking off the odd feeling. "Yeah, it's wild. I mean, I never imagined something like this."

We continue exploring, eventually wandering into the lecture hall where Nyx takes her place at the front. "Greetings, my dear students. I am Professor Nyxandria, and it is my honor to guide you through the corridors of wisdom," she says, her voice soft but carrying centuries of knowledge. "Here, where magic and knowledge intertwine, you will discover not only the secrets of the arcane but also the mysteries that lie within yourselves."

I feel a spark of curiosity rise in me, so I raise my hand. "Professor, what exactly can we expect in our classes?"

Nyx's eyes glint with mischief. "Expect the unexpected, dear Elysia. Each class will be a journey, an unraveling of the unknown." Her smile is knowing, as if she's holding back secrets that could change everything. I can't help but grin back—this is going to be interesting.

Later, I find myself wandering through the vibrant town just beyond campus. The mix of the magical and the mundane is everywhere. It's like stepping into another world, but still somehow familiar. I chat with people, explore little shops, and before I know it, the moon is full, casting a soft light over everything. I head back to the university, a sense of belonging settling into my bones.

When I return to my dorm, I see the names on the door: Marnie Fae, Rala Wolfe, Astraea Moon, and Reese Black. I step inside, only to be greeted by Marnie again, her wild curls bouncing as she tries to organize her things. 

"Oh, hey! Elysia, right?" she says with a grin. "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself properly earlier—Marnie Fae, princess of the Faerie realm."

I laugh. "So that's what you meant by your castle and kingdom!"

She giggles, a playful glint in her eyes. "Yep, guilty as charged. Welcome to the enchanted realm of Dorm Room 207. I promise, no summoning woodland creatures without a heads-up."

She's already arranged a collection of trinkets on her desk, each one glowing faintly with its own magic. "So," she says, turning toward me, "tell me about yourself, Elysia. Got any magical talents or secret realms I should know about?"

I shake my head, laughing. "Nope, just a regular human trying to survive college. But I've always been drawn to the magical side of things."

"Well, you've come to the right place," Marnie says, her wings fluttering slightly as she sits on the edge of her bed. "There may not be dragons, but trust me, there's magic everywhere here."

As she talks, I can't take my eyes off her wings. They're stunning, these delicate, iridescent things that shimmer in the light. It's like they're made of glass spun from rainbows, fragile but somehow full of strength. They flicker with every movement she makes, reflecting hues of green, blue, and purple. 

It's hard to believe someone so lively, so full of light, has been through so much. "So, why Arcane University?" I ask. "Why leave the Fae Kingdom?"

Her expression softens. "It wasn't easy," she admits. "After my father… well, after he was taken by faerie hunters, my mom wanted me to follow the royal path. But I needed something else—something more than what my kingdom could offer."

I nod, understanding the need to escape the weight of expectations. "And Nyx? She seems to mean a lot to you."

Marnie smiles, her eyes softening. "Nyx was the first person to really see me, you know? She helped me realize that I could write my own story."

Her wings flutter as she speaks, almost like they're a part of her emotions, reflecting the freedom she's found in choosing her own path. And in that moment, I realize we're all here for the same thing—to find something more, to write our own stories, no matter where we come from.