
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

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360 Chs

-95- Powder: I can't beat her...

Powder really wanted to grab Linwin's arm and bombard him with questions about what he was thinking. 

Four years of absence, and now he brings a woman back? Don't you know my feelings? How else do I express myself?

Standing there, Powder looked distressed. She was now seventeen, no longer a child. She had hoped to tell Linwin about her feelings when he returned, but this unexpected situation arose. Why did she have to deal with this when she was the one who came first?

Powder was aware of how Linwin had always seen her - as a sister. But she had grown up, and she wanted Linwin to see her differently. However, seeing Kai'Sa made her emotions even more complex.

Thinking about her own maturity, Powder looked at Kai'Sa with a critical eye. Despite her dissatisfaction, Powder had to admit that Kai'Sa was a beautiful woman. 

As Powder's gaze traveled down, her initial disdain turned into shock, resentment, and finally, a sense of frustration.

Powder's eyes were filled with grievances.

She felt so unfair.

The reason for her grievance was that she thoroughly examined Kai'Sa.

Examined Kai'Sa's neck, chest, waist, hips, legs—everything.

Powder: "."

Silently lowering her head, a feeling of defeat crept in.

Linwin, puzzled by her sudden mood, said, "What's going on? I told you, she's just a friend."

"Linwin, do you see her as a sister too?" Powder approached Linwin, looking up at him. "Tell me, is it true? You always liked collecting younger sisters, right?"

"When did I ever say I liked collecting younger sisters!"

Linwin exclaimed as he looked at Powder.

"Younger sisters? The only siblings I have are you and Vi! And the way you talk about collecting younger sisters sounds strange, almost like a weird lolicon."

Linwin explained, "Kai'Sa and I are the same age."

Powder responded, "Ah."

Well, this is unexpected. Powder had a direct "Ah" moment.

Same age?

Powder realized she couldn't compete. Not exactly. After calming down, she realized that the woman Linwin brought back was really good-looking.

Especially her figure.

How did she achieve such a balanced physique?

Even better than Vi's!

Powder used to think her sister Vi had a great figure, but now, looking at Kai'Sa, Powder suddenly felt Vi was a bit "plump."

Her physique was just too perfect.

If she had to use animals to describe, Powder would say Vi's figure was like a lion – strong and muscular, with a certain female charm. But this woman named Kai'Sa was like a cheetah – perfectly proportioned and flawless.

Upon comparison, Vi's muscles seemed a bit exaggerated.

As for Powder's own physique?

Ha! What physique?

The word "physique" had nothing to do with her. She used to think her only advantage over Vi was her long legs..

But now, looking at Kai'Sa, Powder suddenly felt so unfair.

Her face is attractive, taller than herself, larger breasts, and a perfect chest shape! Even under the tight outfit, it looks lifted – is this for real?!

Moreover, what makes Powder really angry is that, even though she looks much slimmer than Vi, she has the same big butt as Vi! And she's even taller than Vi! How am I supposed to compete with this!

I can't beat her.....

Powder temporarily fell into a state of melancholy.

And Linwin, concerned, looks at Powder, but he absolutely has no idea what she's thinking right now.

Powder bites her finger, frustrated.

I've been drinking milk diligently, but why can't I grow! 

Oh goddess Janna, can you tell me the reason?

This is just not fair!


After she calm down, it's been over ten minutes.

Powder took a deep breath.

Then she saw Kai'Sa whispering in Linwin's ear on the side.

Powder's anger immediately surged again!

You're doing this right in front of me, huh!

Does that mean you're even closer in private?

And indeed, Linwin and Kai'Sa were secretly talking.

But the content was about Powder.

"Is she the sister you were talking about?"

"Yeah, isn't she cute?"

"Cute? Ah, she is cute, but Linwin, your sister seems to dislike me. The way she looks at me is strange, and I'm familiar with that look. It's like... I stole something from her."

"Well, this is not your fault, Kai'Sa. It's my problem."

Linwin said to Kai'Sa with a wry smile.

Being liked by Powder. When she was little, he could consider it as a younger sister's affection for her older brother. But slowly, Linwin realized that Powder's feelings for him and Vi were different.

Since when did Powder start liking me in that way?

Linwin had an indescribable feeling.

Is he happy? Of course, very happy.

He's a normal man.

Powder has changed a lot, becoming very beautiful, exactly like the Jinx he knew, but different. Powder's eyes are blue, a very beautiful blue.

Looking at himself, her eyes were full of joy.

Being liked by someone from the bottom of their heart is, of course, a happy thing.

But Linwin is a bit at a loss; he finds it challenging to deal with this kind of affection. After all, he's not someone with a Loli complex. Back then, Linwin really treated Powder like a little sister, without any other thoughts, including towards the more mature Vi.

At that time, they were just focused on surviving, surrounded by dangers, and when they discovered these feelings, there was no time to deal with them.

Dragging on, he thought as time passed and they grew up, Powder's feelings would change.

But now, Linwin realizes that Powder's feelings for him have not only weakened but have become stronger.

He thought Powder liked him because Mylo would often bully her, and he was always there to protect and care for her. So, she liked him.

In any case, Linwin is now in a difficult position.

"Should I keep my distance from you?"

Kai'Sa noticed Powder's gaze.

At this moment, Linwin's sister was holding her blue braid with both hands, opened her mouth, and bit it angrily, standing there looking at Linwin and Kai'Sa.

Her feet in long boots were stomping the ground forcefully; she was extremely angry.

This action made Kai'Sa find it both funny and cute.

Should hair be bitten?

Biting her own hair?

Doesn't it hurt? Even if it doesn't hurt, having wet hair doesn't feel good, right?


Linwin tilted his head and also noticed Powder's actions. Helplessly, he called out softly, "Powder."

"I'm here!"

In response to Linwin's voice, Powder immediately hopped over.


Getting close to Linwin, Powder looked up at him expectantly, "?"

"Let's talk later."

"Okay, okay!"


What does it feel like to be "isolated"?

Kai'Sa thought she was familiar with this feeling.

She thought she had gotten used to loneliness.

She could accept loneliness, but now, watching Linwin and his sister chatting happily while she sat there eating, Kai'Sa surprisingly felt the desire to speak up.

She wanted to talk, with Linwin and his sister.

Otherwise, it would be really awkward.


But she couldn't join in.

And the slight sense of unfamiliarity between Linwin and Powder, which was present when they hadn't seen each other for a long time, had now disappeared.

Their relationship had always been good.

The joy of meeting immediately washed away that hint of unfamiliarity, and the topics they could discuss became more abundant.

Sitting there, Kai'Sa hugged her knees, looking a bit pitiful as she stared at them.

She didn't know what she was thinking.

After getting to know Linwin, Kai'Sa felt she had become weaker.

Clearly, weakness in the Void is a big taboo.

Reaching out, she took a cookie from the nearby plate, nibbling it like a hamster, and Kai'Sa ate several cookies in succession.

Then, comforting herself in a whisper:

"But... I'm not in the Void right now."

"So, it's okay to rest a bit."

"Anyway, no one will say anything to me."

She glanced at Linwin and Powder.

The two were laughing and talking.

And Kai'Sa?

Since you guys aren't going to talk to me. Well, then I'll just keep eating!
