
Arcane Academy: The Divine Extraction Legacy

Faced with a certain death, Kyle has no other choice but to gamble. He was warned that he could perish in the Arcane Academy, but he gritted his teeth and took the risk... and because of his decision, he unveiled many secrets about this mysterious world, discovered many mystical practices, touched upon forbidden relics that would change his life, and gained the enmity of powerful existences. Thankfully, he didn't transmigrate alone. The Divine Extraction System was with him as he treaded his chosen Arcane Path… *** 14-17 chapters per week. Early chapters are now being edited for quality purposes. Please bear with me.

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The agents tried to defend themselves, but they were no match for the Half-Immortals. They were quickly overwhelmed and defeated by the powerful spells…

However, because they couldn't feel the killing intent from the spells coming from the two Half-Immortals, Agent Fox and the others were hesitant to reveal their secret weapons.

 In the end, Agent Fox ordered a retreat…

As soon as she did this, four Runecasters stepped forward and threw an orb to the ground.


The orb created a mist that allowed them to retreat away from the castle walls. Furthermore, the place they retreat in already has a huge Magic Circle drawn on the ground that they can activate anytime!

Apparently, one of the Agents was setting up this Magic Circle while they were battling against the two Half-Immortals.

Vale had no idea what that Magic Circle could do, but if he were to make a guess, he felt that it was most likely used to escape…