

Outside the Vampire's room, the Arcanists of Kirkham City started sharing their opinions.

"Let's escape! If we all used our power, there's no way the castle walls would stop us! We can just forcibly make a way out…" Leonel voiced out as he knew that Denise had a way to open a path if it was really necessary.

"Since the Vampire is still busy with Drake's squads, this is the ideal time. I agree with Leonel." Roy chimed in.

"Let the official Arcanists deal with that beast. Scouting the Vampire should be a good enough job. Even if we don't get the whole reward, we will still get paid for it."

"That's right! We can't risk our lives here. This is even a foreign land! I don't want to die in such a place."

The other leaders said. As for the rest, they stayed silent but still agreed.

There were only three people who seemed to have different plans.

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