
Arcana × Tech

Technology and magic. These are the sides that divide a futuristic world. On one side: evolved human beings, who can manipulate technology with their own will. On the other: Wizards: a race that manipulates the laws of this world using a mysterious process called magic. Keyner Blake is a 17-year-old human who does not have the ability to manipulate technology, but who does not let this be a excuse to go in search to the great secrets of this world.

Willam_Quest · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Chapter 18: Pact with Demons II

   After being rescued by Morello and Yurion, I was bombarded by several concepts. 


   Mastrea was one of them.


   The most advanced Wizard class to date. They were the Wizards who mastered only one of the eight primordial mana elements: fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, ice, light, and darkness.


   But this was the first time I had heard "Mastrea candidate". As far as I know, Wizards are born as Mastreas.


   Well, I am the most ignorant about the situation I am in, so this is a good opportunity to inform myself.


   -Won't you say anything?


   Or would be, if the seven most dangerous humans weren't surrounding me. 


   Only Naila was without her helmet. They were all forming a wheel between me, leaving me with no escape points.


   But I guess that didn't matter now.


   -When I am in doubt, but in an uncomfortable position, I prefer the conversation to lead me naturally to the answer. 






   The captains surprised me. But it was not my response, for even with the debauchery, I took care that it was not something that would make them angry.


   But it was the fact that I sat cross-legged on the floor, while looking at the captain who called me "Mastrea Candidate".


   -This boy is a bit of a debauchee. Can I break his spine?


   -Are you blind enough not to realize that he is aware of your place?


   -You shit, who are you calling blind? 


   The pair that was made up of the captain with a mature tone of voice and the captain who was always going against what she was saying started to argue. At least boredom wasn't what was going to kill me today.


   -They get along well, right?


   -You think so?


   The captain who had been questioning me answered. He was also paying attention to the discussion of the other two, but clearly had run out of patience. It was when he tripped the girl and elbowed the boy that the discussion came to an end.


   -So, second captain. What did you mean by calling me "candidate for Mastrea"?

   When I said this, the captains broke up the circle around me, staying more spread out on the field. This helped to ease my tension, allowing me to breathe more easily.


   What indicated that this was the second captain was his stealth uniform symbol on his left breast: four circles with a triangle inscribed in each. This coupled with an octagon on his right breast, with a star at the second vertex. 


   -Before I start, could you please stand up?


   -I really need to rest my legs, but okay.


   Disgruntled, I stood up from my position.


   However, something was wrong.


   The number of people didn't add up.


   Seven people was the number of people present.


   But this was already supposed to be the number of captains. Now, it was the number of people I could see.






   I turned my head, expecting the worst.


   I did the right thing, for one of the captains was swinging an indigo blue axe at my head. 


   A sound of clashing blades was the sign that I was not killed by this attack.


   -It was fast. 




   A contest of strength between the second captain's axe and my swords. Apparently tenacity was not the best attribute of this captain, as he had problems dealing with me.


   Or so he wanted me to think.


   The force of his axe began to tend toward my side, which forced me to kick the ground and retreat.


   As I was dragged for five meters, I was able to better analyze the weapon of what was supposed to be the fourth captain. 


   An indigo blue axe. It was about ten feet long from the handle to the largest end. I can't imagine any material that would make it so light, since the physical conditioning of the second captain, if judged by aesthetic appearance, was the same as mine.


   The axe was shiny, but you could see that it had a slight transparency.

Unfortunately, I couldn't analyze it any longer, as he again came at me.


   A descending blow was delivered against me. In case he wasn't holding back by now, I could easily infer that he was less slow than Naila, given the time it took him to get me in range.


   I was ready to intercept his blow and then try to get a shot off. At the right moment, I attacked well, to block his attack. 


   And once again I was surprised at what the elite soldiers of humanity can do.


   At the instant that my upward "X" shaped attack would collide with the second captain's axe, the axe started to glow in a pixelated way. But the most important thing about it was its change of form.


   The axe took the form of two swords, and my attack was completely useless, as it only hit the air.


   And the second captain's two swords were now meeting my head and chest.


   Perspective: Marino Sasaki 


   There were 4.


   Nearby, there were 4 swords.


   As a Sword Wizard, I could know the location of any sword within a certain range.


   I knew each of these swords.


   Two were the swords of a certain stupid guy. 


   The others were the weapons of the fourth captain.


   They... were trying to kill each other.


   Or at least that's what the possibilities indicated.


   But I think I would only make him hate me more if I were to interfere. 


   "I wish I didn't hate you, but I can't.


   That was enough to make me spend the rest of the night biting my tongue to keep from screaming in anger.


   They were words that, even with me cultivating them all my life with lies and manipulations, I was not ready to receive.


   But that still hadn't been enough to keep me from interfering that very night.


   I opened my eyes, finalizing my apologies to those before me.


   Or to those who were meant for what was before me.


   It was the place where Keyner had probably fallen in the fight against Naila and Aeon. The lower part of a plain. If climbed, it would be possible to reach the South Airport.


   There were two sword handles nailed into the ground. 


   No, this is what a person who did not understand the context of this memorial would conclude. 


   They were sword handles, yes. But at the end separating the handle from the blade was a shape reminiscent of a gun.


   Gunblades. But destroyed. 


   In the act of removing the connection to the Lightning Mastrea, I destroyed them.  


   I destroyed a gift that I myself gave him.


   And he uses them now as a memorial, it only indicates one thing.


   He was burying his memories of Techmetriun.


   Which did not exclude what we both went through.



   -I don't think he would mind if I switched.

   I forged gray rectangular bladed swords of the same design as his old swords. After that, I destroyed the blade of each, leaving just enough to be able to drive them into the ground. 


   I proceeded to the front of the memorial to exchange the swords.




   As I expected.

   Hearing the firing noise, I rebuilt the blade of one of the swords, blocking the shot.


   But it was an incredible shot, as the blade was totally destroyed, in a more pitiful state than before.


   -Good reflexes. It lives up to its reputation among the Wizards.




   To my right. There was a figure in a black cloak. By the sound of his voice it was a man, and he was holding a pistol.


   However, it was a gun that I had never seen before.


   No, it was a pistol that I could not take note of its shape. It looked more like a colorless blur in the shape of a pistol.


   -Are you my ally or my enemy?


   I asked the man, who kept his pistol pointed at my head. 



   I found his silence strange. But it didn't take long for me to realize why he didn't answer me.

I unsheathed my swords, which made the person raise his neck a little. 


   -That will depend on what you answer me now.



   I knew this voice. Or at least I had heard it before.


   The person's face was covered by the hood, but not only that. I could feel something hiding his face in a deeper way.


   This person would rather lose his life than have his identity revealed.


   Having a nothing watching me was giving me chills. Coupled with an unknown weapon capable of destroying one of my swords without much difficulty and a relatively familiar voice, I was surrounded by only one person.


   -Are you an ally... or an enemy of Keyner?


   As I pronounced "enemy", his arm was tilted upwards, like a death sentence for those who fit into the second set. 


   Perspective: Keyner Blake 


   *BANG* *BANG*


   It had been too close.


   The instant I would be punched,I managed to switch to my pistols, getting range with the shots and deflecting the blows.


   At least that's what they must be thinking, in case no one has telepathy.


   I managed to completely deflect the blow that was going towards my forehead, but the blow that had my heart as its target was deflected only to graze my left arm. 


   Using my black pistol, I fired one more shot, causing him to block with his respective sword. But with my white pistol, I fired at the fourth captain's head. 


   The shot broke his helmet laterally. The only reason it was not a direct hit was that he recoiled at the moment of the shot on his left side. 


   -He's good. There's not much weak in what you said, Ketley.




   The fourth captain was talking to Naila. His axe was shattered into several indigo-blue fragments. His helmet was slightly destroyed on the left side, while a small amount of blood dripped from his cheek.


   I had a cut on my left arm, just below my shoulder. It was nothing serious, and I already put myself on guard again.


   -That's enough.


   The second captain said to me in a louder tone of voice than before. Meanwhile, the fourth captain was having his wound treated with the captain who had been arguing with him earlier.


   -We just wanted to confirm that you didn't have that problematic technique of yours activated.


   If "problem technique" is something that would only be prevented with a direct attack, then he must be talking about Alter.


   No. Not necessarily. They spent practically a month watching me, so they must have a better sense of what I can do.


   The problem now was to find out which of my techniques they were trying to avoid. If it is one of the two that I planned to use, I will be trapped.


   Now, I had to come up with a new tactic. I was without those three, as well as...


   -We don't know any of your strategies, but don't think that's an advantage to plan something against us, kid.


   -The what?


   I am roused from my thoughts by the second captain's threat. 


   -Can you read minds?


   -No. Has anyone ever told you that your expressions make your thoughts a little predictable?


   Okay Keyner, calm down. You have to stay calm. Don't forget, one false move and you're going where your assholes parents are. 


   I calm down and do what the second captain ordered me to do. But instead of dematerializing my pistols, I put them on the ground. 


   -I told you that you don't need to be on guard. All we know about you is what Ketley told me.


   -What do you mean?


   -She suggested a place for us to watch you, but I declined and limited myself to just keeping the location of the four of you fixed. 


   I couldn't be happier. 


   One of the captains was acting peacefully. And given how older he looked thanks to his voice, height and authority he had over the other captains, I could consider myself safe.


   My ass.

-How would you expect me to believe something so convenient? For one thing, you would be at the top of the list of people who want my head. 


   I spoke quietly, but clearly forced. 


   You were the captains of the AWA. The acronym was enough to keep me on my guard: Anti Wizard Army. If I am an ant, they are the dedetection. 


   -Really. But I wanted you to believe me.


   -And why?


   -Because we're not here to kill you.


   -Put me out of this shit.


   After a long silence, Naila raised her voice.


   -He himself knows his place. "We're not here to kill you. Don't tell me you're starting to...


   Naila stopped talking.


   I was also speechless.


   No one was being killed, and it wasn't even something trivial.


   Well, at least for now.


   The second captain's hand was under Naila's head, and it was clear that from there, she could be killed.


   She had an inexpressive face at the moment. Her face looked like a stream reflecting the calm and fullness of a cloudless sky.


   But, as her best friend until a month ago, I knew that this was her face of surprise and frustration. 




   She silently went to the place from where she was shouting before. The other captains watched her as still as tadpoles.


   -Did you feel ecstasy at seeing a human risking his life?




   I choose to reciprocate with sincerity.


   Watching Naila in fear as the second captain threatened her with death made me want to see it happen. At the very least seeing her head being slowly crushed or being suffocated would be enough. 


   These were my feelings as a person, since I hated her. But my instinct as a wizard didn't keep it down.


   -I am confused. You didn't come to kill me?


   -We came to ask some questions.


   -Okay. Go ahead.


   I pick up my pistols from the ground. As I hold them, they glow with their respective color, becoming swords. The swords glow, disappearing.


   -Calm down?


   -A little...


   I again sat down on the ground. This time, the second captain did the same.


   The second captain began by asking how long it had been since I had my powers. In answer to this simple question, I told him my complex story of how I went from useless human to an assassin, member of one of the Arcane races and enemy of Techmetriun. And by the pact, I avoided talking about the three Wizards who helped me.


   -Good, that's it.


   -Ketley, up to the part where he did the test with the Code Core, do you see any irregularity in the facts?


   -No. This proves that your suspicion about him was right.


   -Wait, what suspicion are you talking about?




   What Naila had just said could mean one of two things.


   The first was that he suspected that everything that had happened was really set up by larger forces, in this case my parents. Since I had tried to escape from Techmetriun without killing anyone and let the soldiers from Marino's platoon escape.


   But the second one irritated me just imagining that it existed.


   Even though my arms were trembling and my legs were numb from sitting cross-legged, I stood up quickly and walked towards Naila.


   -What suspicion did you have about me?




   -Speak up! Last week you wouldn't shut the hell up!


   I held her shoulders tightly. The level of danger she offered was totally forgotten now. Just as last month, I was letting my emotions and doubts speak louder.


   The only explanation why Naila hadn't killed me last month was either because she didn't have orders or because my bluff really worked.


   -Boy... Do you really want to do it that way?


   A female voice sounded from my left ear. It was calm, but defiant and a bit debauched.


   Looking back, I see one of the captains. From the position of the star in her octagon, it was the third captain.

She was also wearing a helmet. She was shorter than Naila, making me assume she was about 1.54 tall. She had a well built body, which could indicate that she was a martial artist, the worst kind of enemy for me.


   I turned away from the two and went back to where I was before. The third captain had an aura of impatience, which could make anyone think that she takes it out on anyone. 


   -Could you explain?


   -Do you remember Caius Fort?


   That name being pronounced reminded me of who killed him. My disgusted face must have been visible enough, because I bit my lip in disquiet.


   -You knew him a while ago, when he was a class monitor, didn't you?


   -Yeah... He told me something about me beating up some guys. I remember that, but I don't think I could have done something like that.


   But that was because at that time I was still living as a human. But a differentiated human with inferior attributes to others.


   -Exactly. At that moment, the school security camera footage captured you in a moment of simultaneous rage and pleasure as you punched the boy in the nose.


   I don't like how this could end.


   -Since that time, I've been going through some details of your life to make sure it was just a misunderstanding. It became much easier with her brother and her best friends inside the AWA, with the exception of Sasaki, who was uncontrollable and did whatever she wanted.


   I could finally say that I experienced a more unexpected situation than my discovery as a Wizard.


   I couldn't think. I couldn't speak. Swallowing dryly and continuing to listen was all I could do.


   My mind was starting to become clouded with information. After all .


   ... I had been used by others for a long time. 


   -But the freedom that Marino had was convenient, since the fact that she continued to live with you made me suspicious of her, which made me take the initiative and try to mobilize her unit less and less.




   He spoke with a change of tone at the end of each sentence, so that he became more relaxed. It was the diction of someone who had had enough and had just accomplished a big task, big enough to boast about.


   My legs were heavy as if I had run around an entire city. My shoulders were heavy as if someone was under my back. My throat felt as if someone was choking me.


   I sat cross-legged on the floor again. But looking away from everyone who was here.


   -The only one who knew about Lightning Mastrea being in Code Core was me, since I was the one who put him there. I only revealed this when you finally caused the blackout. From then on I was sure that you and your family were Wizards.




   No doubt the second captain was the last person I should try anything with.


   -But... What about those who died in this?


   -The end justifies the means, kid. Just as I didn't care about Ketley murdering her entire second class platoon to ensure that no more Wizards would infiltrate, I shouldn't care about your friends. It may be irrelevant to you, but I was the one who made sure that Fort was your examiner for the exam.



   -And finally answering your question about "candidate for Mastrea"... We will only answer that if you join us.



   Perspective: Naila Ketley


   This is taking too long.


   Although it's my fault for acting outside the search agreement.


   -Join me... What do you mean?


   And here he goes again, repeating what they say to him when his mind is broken.


   -Yes! The first platoon had many casualties, as the sixth platoon is without a captain. You have already proven yourself suitable to join the AWA. We can put you in the research sector, as you had hoped to do before.




   It must have been a nice surprise.

The side that was trying to kill you for a month is now offering a hand. 


   But I think Xion should have informed everyone from the beginning. I wouldn't want to have spent my whole life with a wizard.


   Even if I didn't break entirely because of my brother thanks to one of them.




   Stopping to remember, Alex was Killian's friend.


   I remember that it didn't last long that after Alex left Techmetriun, Killian was next. 


   I am going to require this boy to be brainwashed to make sure that he is not lying.


   The weather started to get a little colder. It was already around 4:00 pm, and the sky was overcast, with a pretty good indication that a storm was going to start.


   -I'm sorry, but I wouldn't join you even if the moon disappeared or the sun turned purple.


   -I figured.


   Xion turned away from Keyner. I'm glad he didn't accept. I feel sick just being around that wizard.




   No, better not lose focus.


   -If you are going to capture him, then it had better be fast. I have a few things to ask and the other Wizards are moving away.


   -You're right. As for taking him, I'd rather you leave him here.


   -Do we immobilize him?


   -No. Let's let him go.


   -I'll pretend I heard wrong...


   -He's a victim. Even though he's a Wizard, you yourself said he was weak and not dangerous.


   Yes, I said that.


   However, he was no danger now. In the long run he would certainly be a headache. 


   After all, I know Keyner.


   He was a weakling who was always trying to get stronger so that he could compare himself with others.


   He recognized that he was at a level worse than the bottom of mediocrity.


   He never wanted to be a hero of justice to protect everyone. He never wanted to be the strongest of all.


   He wanted to become someone he was proud of himself. 


   I am sure that in our last meeting, he knew the difference in our strengths. And I believe he knew that I was accompanied by Aeon, but he eliminated this from his mind so that he could focus only on me.


   A hypocrite who said he was never interested in fighting, but he fought. A hypocrite who always said "I have no interest in being the strongest".


   They were words that made him blind to the unlimited reach of his ideals.


   He could never do something that Marino, Jack, Caius and I could do.


   But he knew how to do it. All he lacked was strength. 


   But now...


   -I present no danger?


   All the captains looked at Keyner, who they thought was responsible for the place being strange.


   Keyner was still sitting cross-legged on the floor. That was normal.


   But the murderous aura was not. 


   His gaze could finally be seen.


   It was one of the very few times that I saw Keyner angry. Not even when he found the corpse of his parents did he have that look.


   I already had an idea why that was.


   -Arcan Art: Prison of Heaven and Earth!

   A large Yin-Yang symbol appeared on the ground. It was covering the whole place, presenting an area large enough to build a camp.


   That's when I finally understood the rainy weather.


   That's when I finally understood the meaning of "Mastrea Candidate".


   A person capable of using the powers of a Mastrea. I didn't realize something so simple.


   Only thunder at the beginning. Now, light and darkness.


   The first one seems to suppress the other two. But he...


   ...could really become a Mastrea. 


   -Will you stand in our way anyway, brat?


   -If necessary, I will use my body as part of the barrier that will keep you trapped here. 


   A hypocrite who doesn't mind using the powers of a Wizard, but doesn't want to be recognized as one.


   Wizard of Dualism... I wonder if that sounds right?