
Chapter 4: Amity Arena and Nightmares

Chapter 4: Nightmares and Amity Arena


Jaune woke up in a haste swiftly moving up on his bed panting very hard as sweat dripped off of his semi naked body aside from the pair of black boxer shorts, jaune slept without his sheet as the sheer heat from the Vacuo Desert was strong even though the room was equipped with a A/C Unit the blonde however felt that he didn't need the sheet of comfort.

Jaune woke in a haste as he was suffering nightmares for the past few days which usually consisted of everyone turning against him then the final portion of the nightmare is jaune hanging himself after the loneliness had became to much and decided to just end everything.

The blonde heaved as he tried to regain the lost air from the dream while he looked to the right at the clock on the nightstand showing it was 3:44 AM meaning not even close to morning yet so jaune looks towards the rest of the ACMM on how they sleep.

Crystal was wearing nothing but her Snow White Underwear which was a sexy pair of white panties as well as a sexy pair of bra that contained her large DD Breasts which somehow got jaune to blush just staring at them even though the blonde genius grew up with Seven Sisters will never prepare jaune of the female body, Crystal looked very peaceful as she cuddled with the fluffy looking pillow.

Jaune turned his tired blue eyes towards Mizuki who was wearing an elegant yellow nightgown that covered most of her body much like a dress meant for sleeping but what was different aside from her bed ridden green hair that looked like Mizuki got hit by lightning, is the fact that she taken off her eye covers showing normal looking closed eyes. The Blind Priestess had the sheet neatly folded on her below the waist.

Jaune then looked at the final member of the newly formed team which was Doyle Murphy, Doyle was wearing a pair of sweatpants with no shirt exposing his buff upper torso and his hair so disheveled that it looked like the gunslinger was hit by a military grade wind fan, the sheet that Doyle had on his bed was tangled up and close to his feet.

Jaune frowned as he slowly got up to sit at the edge of the bed thinking about these nightmares that started popping up in the past few days though it wasn't new for the blonde genius since when he was 11 with no friends, these dreams formed and it never went away almost getting jaune to do the dead just so the symbolic message presented through such dreams would go away until he arrived at beacon meeting his former friends and for the first time gotten the bonds jaune craved for a long time only for the time of his transcripts to be exposed and everyone aside from Jaunes childhood friends(Team CVFY) had turned against him since then Jaunes Suicidal Nightmares returned with a vengeance and not like when he was growing up, these dreams were cranked up to the tenth dial.

The blonde man groaned to get up to sit down at the desk to his bed while swiftly turning on the desk lamp to allow a shine onto the Mahogany Desk, jaune placed the designer journal onto the desk to open it to a blank page at the near end of the book titling it then worked on a new idea as to help

Weapon Idea CCCXVII-

Name: Chun Li

Classification: Tank

Type: Ranged

Ammunition: Explosive Tank Shells

Dust Usage: the shells used is fueled with explosive dust mixed with plasma and fire dust with the metal itself capable of piercing tempered steel

Description: a tank with 6 Tempered steel with a massive cannon

Notes: this tank would be the first made on the assembly line as a way to combat against the Atlasian Paladin Mech in terms of fire power and durability though the Chun Li trades mobility for fire power, this war machine is capable of taking out battalions of Atlas Mechs no matter the model.

Jaune stopped writing down his next idea while drawing what looked like an ancient form of tank used by Atlas during the Great War before the advances of technology came through however the blonde man intended to bring back the tanks as a another form of warfare to be used again.

Jaune puts down the pencil to smile at the work of the page until he felt someone placed a finger on his left prompting the blonde genius to swiftly get up from his chair and backed up heavily while touching his left cheek the with parallel hand then his eyes landed on crystal who in no modesty didn't cover herself up showing her luscious curves and firm and natural breasts, the blonde man would've popped a boner right then and there but jaune was a man of literal will power meaning the blonde man could WILL his own biology to not act in sexual situations, Years of Biology Training that jaune undertook with his mother. It's not incest to jaune if he's learning how to magically pop a stiffy if he's in the need for it.

"Oh uhhh...heeeeey Crystal! Whatcha doing up so early?" Jaune asked obviously sweating at her though the snow haired, which is currently all over the place due to only waking up recently, leopard to stare with half lidded eyes "why are you up?" She asked curiously as her eyes drifted down to the book jaune was writing in to see the drawing of an old looking tank named the 'Chun Li' "Inspiration?" The Snow Woman asked as her eyes returned to Jaunes who held a very nervous look to the grilling session.

Jaune just sighed as he slowly closed the book intent on being honest with Crystal "just some bad dreams Crystal, no need to concern yourself. I'm hoping that putting together a few ideas would help" Jaune stopped taking a look of crystal to find that the snow cat woman isn't wholly convinced of Jaunes explanation so decided to just go for it "Jaune, I'm your teammate and partner so there's no reason why you should be dishonest about the reason" Crystal exclaimed slowly grazing a hand through her hair as her eyes flattened to allow the woman's right to comb through the messy snow colored hair.

Jaune soon sighed looking to the side very unsure if he should talk about his suicidal nightmares only to be grabbed by the shoulder causing the blonde genius to look at Crystal surprised "you don't have to tell me but I'm concerned for you." She exclaimed before turning back and walking towards her bed to be stopped mid way as she felt jaune grab her left wrist causing the snow colored woman to turn around to stare at jaune who the blonde man looked extremely conflicted "...outside" jaune simply asked hoping to avoid most ears this way so crystal pursed her lips and nodded.

Outside the room of team Alchemy(ACMM) where crystal stood still in her underwear would no doubt bring a passerby a erotic display "alright jaune, explain" she asked looking very annoyed by this hoping to figure what had been bothering jaune enough to talk outside there room.

Jaune looked around before sighing to himself speaking clearly on the nightmares that plagued him since infancy "do you remember getting nightmares every so often?" He asked looking at the Snow Cat Faunus who had a clear look of confusion though crystal thought it connected to jaune "under times of extreme stress, why?" "I have been having nightmares...however I had deduced that it wasn't stress that causing it. And the amount is abnormal for people"

The woman raised an eyebrow but intrigued at this point though jaune continued as he paced back and forth between the two walls of the hallway "my nightmares started at infancy, when my intelligence had gripped my young mind I've started doing grand scientific achievements while trying to get approval from my peers only to be disregarded completely as well as people turning other people away from me so it left me alone." Jaune stopped briefly as a way to collect himself from the painful memory trip.

Crystals brain stopped after learning that jaune had been getting suicidal nightmares for a long while "but how...I thought nightmares only appear every so often?" "Dreams is hardly an exact science" jaune commented with a slight snort before continuing "anyway before I came to shade, I was actually accepted to beacon for a few months where I met some people I thought were good friends...I guess my dreams agreed since I made these good 'friends' my nightmares were gone during that time until they turned against me when my transcripts were revealed to be fake, the first time I slept a couple days back is when those nightmares returned...with a vengeance" The blonde man finished speaking about the truth of his dreams taking one last look to his partner to verify her reaction.

Crystal didn't expose any outward emotion only to surge forward then grabbed her teammate and partner to place him into a tight hug though ignoring the fact that the snow cat Faunus was pressing her busty mounds onto Jaunes chest, with the latter forcing such will to not raise his meaty baton "why didn't you tell anyone?" Crystal asked pressing closer to jaune who raised his arms around her back while being very careful as to not lower then any further down her back.

"Back then, I prefer keeping my problems to myself. Present time isn't as different since we are trying to become humanities protectors" The Genius claims as he prefer not involving other people into his own problems "just..think about letting other people help. You'd be surprised" the Schnee Cousin reminded then pulling away from the blonde hunter returning into the room.

Jaune stood there looking shocked though even now he struggled to form any bonds again after his last friends dumped him like a sack of potatoes.

-Time Skip: Morning, 9:45 AM. Location: Vacuo's Amity Arena, Spectators Box-

Samara Midnight was in her privately owned Spectator Box in the Amity Colosseum watching as the arena is being reverted to a rocky terrain with a steady stream of water splitting the arena in literal half as a way for one team to claim.

Sam was wearing her teacher casual outfit consisting of a knee length black skirt and a white button up blouse complete with short length black heels.

"Ooook! I've escorted team ACMM to the break room then escorted into the storage facility with an hour time limit" Hera Blaze exclaimed entering the room with her teacher casual outfit which is clean sweatpants, a button up white shirt complete with her trademark lab coat, Sam turned her head to face the red haired teacher who said hair is neatly brushed for the day "thank you Hera, I've spoken to John and he said he managed to get a day off to watch today's activities along with several others".

Hera nodded swiftly walking over to the seat to sit down watching the workers putting together the terrain "Sammy? Do you really think Team ACMM has the potential of being a great team?" Hera asked looking over with her curious blue eyes.

Sam remained silent as she thought out each member of the newly formed team though aimed to do the introduction when the RNN, also known as 'Remnant News Network', shows up since Samara had gotten the support to show remnant the initiation as well as putting salt on wounds that turned their backs against the renewed leader.

"I'm more then positive that Team ACMM would manage to reach and surpass the popularity of Beacons Team STRQ" Sam said fully believing that the team would become even more powerful then the strongest beacon graduate team.

"Let's hope your right" Hera exclaimed looking down at the arena again until the door to the spectator box revealing three men in there early thirties.

The first man was a muscular male with bushy facial hair with the chin shaved while his buzz cut style hair was covered by what looked like a camo version of a fedora, his outfit was a white shirt that said in bold formatted wording 'VSDF' then his brown colored combat pants gives the air that the wearer is military trained, this man is John Price who is the Captain of the Vacuo Special Forces, Self Defense Force and Leader of a secret military unit known as Taskforce 141.

The second male was a man with a bushy brown beard with a hat that said 'Vacuo Army' which was a veteran for the Vacuo Special Forces, his outfit was basically the same to captain price only the change of hat that made the soldier different, his name is Gaz Blaze also known to be the Husband to Hera Blaze and a member of Taskforce 141.

The final member of the three men entering the box was actually a new recruit placed into Taskforce 141, he had brownish skin with a neatly trimmed stubble of a beard though haircut not hidden underneath a military based hat is a buzz cut style, he is Soap McTavish.

Samara turned to face the three new soldiers that entered the room then walked over to Price "thank you for coming today John, I know you must've been very busy" John shook the extended hand of Midnight with a smile "it's no problem Samara, it was a slow day on the upside I finally get to see this student your so proud of" John walked over to the edge while obviously ignoring the loud "GAZZY!" Shout from Hera who jumped from her seat and tackled her husband onto the ground though the man happily accepted the incoming attack as such prompted accept her into his arms "BABY!".

Sam turning away from her coworker to face the sight of the new man "you're new, I'm Samara Midnight and you are?" Sam asked extending her hand in hopes for a handshake which Soap looked at then accepted with a smile "Soap McTavish ma'am, I was recently recruited to Taskforce 141" he said with a deep but powerful voice which made the huntress smile "soap? A very odd name" she commented on the name making the tanned skin man to chuckle "captain price commented similarly" Sam chuckled as Soap walked to the edge of the room to have a good look of the arena.

Samara walks back over to captain price who was located at the middle section of the railing "so tell me, what did this kid do to make you think he's all that? I know you have an eye for potential but to actively seek this potential across the world is beyond normal" Price asked watching as the workers finished up the last placement, Sam merely looked down with a smile chuckling slightly as she leaned forward on the railing "tell me this John, what would you do for the advancement of technology? Technology is as important to us as is Aura. I've learned that beacon had thrown away what is perhaps the greatest scientific genius in the world." Samara exclaimed seeing John look over with a curious look "Science Prodigy? No offense Samara nor is my place to say what you do for your student body but are you really sure you should be wasting resources on a genius rather then a skilled individual?" Price asked the headmistress which John got slightly worried when she held a look of displeasure.

"Don't recognize someone just there skills John, intelligence is by far the strongest weapon Remnant has to offer and Jaune Arc...he's the smartest I've ever known" The headmistress exclaimed smiling knowing full well just how right her gut was.

John nodded slightly turning his head to find both Gaz and Hera returning to the bench continuing there love dove stuff like touching the tips of there noses together "yeah, when it comes to intelligence. It allows us to further the technological stand point and gives us an edge over the Grimm as well as the shadow factions" The bearded man exclaimed looking back at the arena.

The Door opens again revealing a hunched over old man with a cane though he had a suit and a very old looking beard, Sam turned her head and her eyes seemed to gleam in recognition of the old man and she grinned swiftly turning around to run and hug the old timer, the old man however merely accepted the hug with a grand smile "ahhh haha! Samara my dear! You have blossomed into such a magnificent woman!" He exclaimed excited letting go of her.

Samara pulled back slightly with a knowing grin "it's been almost 20 years since we last saw each other" she exclaimed her grin never leaving her face neither the old man "ahhh yes! Especially since I've given my position as headmaster to you which left me with a lot of free time. Gave me time to visit my Grandkids" the elder man informed the current headmistress as well as identified himself as the previous headmaster.

"I'm glad you could visit family Theo, but I called you here as to show you what is perhaps the greatest potential for a student that I've ever laid my eyes on" Samara explained why she invited Former Headmaster Theodore which made the elder man slowly walk over to sit due to the growing pains of his back "ahh, even back during your attendance in shade you always held the more analytical standpoint then the rest of your team Sam. If you believe this particular student has grand potential then I'll take your word for it" Sam nodded at this feeling that she hasn't change much since her time as a student in shade.

"Been such a long time since I've seen you my dear" Samara looked towards the door where an elder man, not as old as Former Headmaster Theo but is in fact old "welcome back Professor Long!" Sam exclaimed a greeting looking very happy that her old teacher was able to make it to the event, the elder man had a shaggy looking green beard though was bald and he was wearing normal casual black t shirt and grey sweatpants while using a walking stick as a way to assist his movement and used as his primary weapon.

The green bearded man grinned as he gave a quick hug to the current headmistress "it's great to be back my dear, has shade been as prosperous as ever since I left?" Sen as it was his name, asked curiously "certainly and it's been getting more applicants each year after I abolished the transcripts requirement" Midnight exclaimed with a smile seeing that her former combat instructor was also looking happy "that wonderful my dear! No doubt recommending you was the best choice for Shade now enough of memories of the past. Care to explain why you wanted me here?" Sen asked slowly sitting down at one of the benches watching as Sam kept close to the old combat instructor.

"Do you know the Arcs?" She asked wondering since Instructor Sen Long is known to have a knowledgeable stand point on most events and prominent families in remnant, stroked his beard lightly trying to remember the arcs before glowing as he remembered "ahhh the Arcs! Considered one of the top warrior clans in the entirety of remnant! There popularity is close towards the Schnees. Though why did you ask about the arcs?" He asked clocking his head slightly to his left watching Samara as she held a more disdained look "do you know about the only son of the arcs?" Sam asked seeing as long knows more.

Sen looks down thinking as he only remembered the arcs as he had been friends with the Grandfather of the Arc Clan also known as Cloud aka Vale's Super Soldier who fought in the human side of the Human-Faunus War, skipping forward in time Sen continued overlooking the growth of the arcs to see any potential and none has exuded potential in STREAM as much as Jaune Arc "yes I do, such a bright child even at such a young age." " ...was accepted into beacon through false transcripts before he was found out and promptly kicked out, but it's not what I'm explaining, held extreme potential and Ozpin..." She stopped briefly as anger was clearly evident on samaras face when Ozpin was mentioned.

Sen took note of this seeing as Samara was known to be extremely understanding to a lot of people but to force anger down on someone was extremely curious "Ozpin decided to not only try to blacklist from the academies but also try to actively sabotage his potential future and James had intentions of black bagging him to be worked as a slave for his potential" Samara exclaimed though quietly as to not cause the entire room to go into a rage frenzy.

Sen soon held a very angry look though in a calm stance as a man of his age could only achieve, feeling Ozpin is refusing to not only let bygones be bygones but actively trying to hurt a growing child's future, which is a petty reason especially since Sen Long knows the truth along with the two headmasters in the room as well as select few all across the world "is that so? Hmmmm" The Combat Instructor recedes into his mind obviously in thought once more.

the door opened once again revealing a woman wearing combat attire ie combat pants, boots, shirt with a bullet proof with long red braided hair with a pair of wolf ears on top of her head and dangerous looking green eyes. She is Lieutenant Scarlett Thorne of the Vacuo Militia "thank you for coming Scarlett." The dangerous look woman just shrugged slightly not even caring "it's fine, just interested on this new Vacuo 'Team STRQ'" Sam just chuckled slightly though didn't mention the top beacon graduates when contacted some people for the event, only mentioned them to John Price "well...thanks for coming!" With a mere shrug and grunt merely stayed in the corner.

Sam looked around the room seeing that most of everyone has arrived aside from the RNN Interviewer as she was still prepping the cameras however moments later sams scroll sounded off allowing the woman to pull it out from an undisclosed location showing the Scroll Message of one 'Maria Lavender' saying:

-Maria Lavender: Headmistress Midnight, all cameras are prepped to be viewed all across remnant. Do I have the green light to make the introduction?-

-Samara Midnight: Go ahead, and use the in-depth information of Team ACMM in the introduction-

-Maria Lavender: Yes Ma'am-

Sam puts away her scroll then spoke to everyone quieting the side conversations "alright, the start of the Match is coming just face the Holo Screens for the introductions" Sam said causing everyone to stare at the holoscreens that appeared above the arena and the image of a very professional lavender colored long haired woman appeared "good morning, noon or evening people of remnant. This is Remnant News Network and I'm your host Maria Lavender."

The woman now known as Maria Lavender in her professional suit looked at the camera with the same professional air as her Twin Sister Lisa "today, we of RNN has been given the opportunity of watching what is perhaps history in the making and is commented to be what could be the greatest team to ever walk ever since the time of Team STRQ of Beacon Academy. In the Vacuo Amity Arena is where two team from Shade Academy will be put against each other."

Maria looks downward towards the mess of papers looking through them before holding one up "from the third year shade team, Team Hailstorm(HAMM) is Cirius Hades as known as the leader of Team Hailstorm. At the Age of 20 and hailing from Atlas, has descended from an Atlas Specialist Team before being transferred from Atlas Academy to shade." Maria stopped showing a picture of a young adult male with a massive slash scar going down his face, he had red eyes and chocolate brown hair.

In the field is where the leader of Hailstorm walked into the rocky terrain showing his outfit consisted what looked like an Atlas Specialist Uniform while his weapon holstered on his hip was a three barreled shotgun though when stopped at the middle of his side across the stream just placed his hands behind his back and stood at attention.

Back to the RNN Host Maria who flipped the page on the pamphlet "Next on Team Hailstorm will be Asche Strauss, 20 Years old and Hailing from Atlas, comes from a similar family background of specialists but instead of being transferred due to academic problems merely asked to be attending Shade rather then atlas" Maria stops as a picture of a less then amused look of a grey haired man with equally grey eyes showed onto the screen.

Another man walks onto the side of Hailstorm was a man wearing light Atlasian Battle Armor while his head was exposed showing a deep pale skin showing Slight Albinoism Syndrome and grayish slightly long hair that seemed to reach a bit lower of the nape and his eyes showed a casual grey hue until he puts on what looked like a gas mask that's modeled to look like a Grimm Dragon Mask hiding away his face and eyes to that of ancient Grimm.

Returning to Host Lavender once again flipped the paper revealing more information on the opposing team "next in line of team Hailstorm is Marina Cobalt, 20 Years old and Hailing from Menagerie, is a Shark Faunus and is proud of her families immense Hunting Record and came to Vacuo to extend her families lineage"

The Third Figure walks onto the field on Hailstorms side, the figure was wearing a traditional wetsuit primarily used for Aquatic Faunus though her long marine colored reached the woman's lower back though such hair didn't cover the clearly visible looking fishy scaled gills on both sides of Marinas Neck and dangerous looking blue eyes that spelled a hunters gaze before she went towards her teammates side resting the harpoon weapon that had a rocket on the bottom end on her shoulder.

Maria flips to the last section of the pages to the final member of the Third Year Team "and lastly to the last member of team Hailstorm is Maryjane Greenleaf...mouth full...anyway, 20 Years Old and Is a native to Vacuo. Her familial situation isn't as grand as some since her family were ordinary civilians. Now folks that's the entirety of the third year team, Team Hailstorm"

Mary is seen wearing blouse that looks like a mini dress complete with as knocking heeled boots while her long green hair is tied into a pony tail resting on her shoulder, her green eyes showed love and affection even to people she doesn't know though her weapon which was resting on her shoulders showed it was a large scythe that looked like it was primarily used for farming though it may look like any normal scythe but it held a SECOND scythe hidden within making it a double bladed scythe!

Maria puts down the paper looking back at the screen "now folks, the team being pit against a heavily experienced group while many would explain why putting a first year team against a third year would spark debate but such team was hand picked by the Headmistress of Shade Academy herself."

-Location: Mistral, Murphy Household-

Marcus Murphy sat in front of his TV watching RNN when a live battle match was being taken place in Vacuo came on and it really interested the Huntsmen, Marcus held a stubble beard long hair tied into a pony tail and his outfit gave the appearance of a 1900's Cowboy without the hat or ascot around his neck "girls! Get in here! Awesome stuff on RNN right now!" The father called out to his daughters who both located in the kitchen.

The eldest was Rachel Murphy who is going to Haven Academy herself as well as being the leader of her own team, Rachel is 21 Years old "what's up dad?" She asked entering the living room in her casual t shirt that fit the young woman along with casual looking jeans though the other sibling was another young woman two years younger then Rachel though had shorter hair that barely went past the years and had glasses, her outfit was more or less the same with Rachel but her name is Lucy.

"RNN is presenting with a fight originating Vacuo" Marcus exclaimed allowing the more silent glasses girl to sit down moments after that statement but the elder Murphy woman still looked curious "why would they give us feed? Vacuo is considered more Reclusive then the rest of the four kingdoms" "who cares, I'm interested to see the types of fighters the sandy desert could produce though I highly doubt they could even remotely match you two"

-Maria Lavender looked down as she picked up a four page sheet before looking at the camera continuing her work "now for the next team: Team Alchemy(ACMM) this particular team was hand picked by the Headmistress of Shade Academy, Samara Midnight, the first member of team ACMM is: Doyle Murphy also known by Alias Erron Black"-

Marcus who was taking a sip from the can of beer that was located on a short table next to his sitting chair, spit takes the liquid which hits the carpet though his mouth was slack jawed at the sight of his missing son "Son!?" The father Murphy shouted unsure of what he's looking at.

"Doyle?!" the shout came from the eldest Murphy sibling as she just been informed by RNN that her missing brother Doyle was located in Vacuo.

"Brother!?" Lucy also shouted very shocked that her brother who went missing months ago was in Vacuo.

Several months ago just before the hunter academies had opened there doors across remnant, in mistral the youngest child of the Murphy family had disappeared suddenly with no viable reason.

-Maria continues the introduction of Doyle as a picture of a man wearing what looked like a skeletal face mask that was located over the mouth and nose though did not go above the eyes, he had brown eyes and a cowboy hat "17 Years Old and Hailing from Mistral, comes from a family of prestige and accomplished hunters."

On the field straight across from Team Hailstorm is where a man wearing combat pants where two silver colored revolvers were strapped in holsters on each leg, brown combat boots that seemed to be modeled after cowboy boots, the torso was covered by a sleeveless shirt with a bullet proof brown vest. Lastly a Brown Gunslinger Hat on top of the gunslingers brown haired head.-

-Location: Atlas, Mantle, Shikatsu Shrine-

on top of a small mountain in the snowy peaks of mantle is where an ancient looking shrine was located, inside the building is where an older woman wearing a pure white Shihakusho also known as the robes of the Shikatsu Priestess, her green hair tied into a braid which rests onto her left shoulder and her piercing green eyes stared at the TV as a Amity Arena Match in Vacuo came on "Lady Akemi, a traveler has arrived looking for Lady Shikatsus Blessing" said one of the shrine maidens as she entered the room.

The shrine maiden had pure Snow White hair tied into a bun and her eyes showed a loving blue color "thank you Azure however I believe my Daughter is on the RNN station so I'll take my time to watch her." "Understood My Lady, I'll inform the traveler that you are unable to bless him at this time" Azure exclaimed bowing slightly to the known priestess before leaving the room swiftly to complete her order allowing Lady Akemi to watch RNN.

-Maria turns the page on the stack to look at the information of the next fighter "the next member of team ACMM is Mizuki Akemi, 17 Years old and Hailing from Atlas" The Lavender Twin stooped as a picture of Mizuki came on screen showing a woman who's eyes are covered behind cloth, her green hair tied into a pony tail and a sweet smile plastered on Mizukis face.

"Mizuki Akemi was born in Mantle to a religious family, was in fact supposed to be groomed to become the next Shikatsu Priestess but instead chose to become humanities guardian and be a huntress"

In Team ACMMs side of the river is where Mizuki in her own Shihakusho robes which was the bottom half being red and upper half being pure white, walked towards the Gunslinger with her strange walking stick though the way she walked made it seem that she knew where she was going.-

Lady Akemi smiled gently to find her daughter walking gracefully on the rocky landscape "my sweet child...finally has taken a step to her own destiny"

-Location: Atlas, Schnee Residence-

Jacques Schnee sneered as he was reading through a report given to him by James Ironwood while James sat in in the room facing the Feed broadcasted to RNN "this is highly peculiar, Vacuo has always tried to not allow feeds within there kingdom slip into other kingdoms aside from the most political and disastrous" one of James guards is a member of a military unit considered to be the best of the best in atlas, Clover Ebi scratched his chin in thought "lucky of us huh? Gives us insight to Vacuo?" "While I don't doubt your abilities Specialist Ebi, I however doubt your good fortune could extend all the way to Vacuo" James explains.

The other Atlas Specialist Winter Schnee just rolled her eyes though looking away from her father even though she preferred not being in the same house with him, decided it was necessary since it was her job to do so "I've just been reported that the sole member of the Iclyns is located in Vacuo and due to kingdom diplomatic immunity, I cannot even send a specialist unit to retrieve her" the Shady Business Man exclaimed from his report.

Winter clenched her left fish hard however not breaking the skin due to the Schnee soldier wearing gloves, Winter remembered the time where she and Weiss would play with Crystal in the Iclyns mansion both not even caring at the fact that she had Faunus Traits.

James shook his head as he remembered that the Iclyns held the second greater fortune in remnant aside from the schnees and they could've used said fortune to greatly fund incoming technological advances and aura research "and atlas will be under great political scrutiny especially the tongue lashing Sam gave me" "and your moronic attempt on arresting the boy from vale costed us a valuable trade agreement with Vacuo for a rich source of metal only located in the Great Bronco Desert ie in Vacuo" Jacques Insulted James on his decision.

James clenched his robotic fist however chose to accept as such idiocy had costed a valuable source of Element 115 also known as Divinium aka the most powerful source that outclassed immensely and only originates in Vacuo, Vacuo is very protective of its trade sources within its borders as such the only trade agreement made was on the sell of dust otherwise kept to themselves.

-Maria changes the page once more speaking on the next member of the first year team "next on team ACMM is Crystal 'Schnee' Iclyn"-

When Crystals name was heard on the screen caused Winter to snap her next towards the tv looking extremely shocked that she would be in Vacuo" Jacques who was taking a sip of some very expensive liquor dropped the cup when crystal appeared "what in blue blazes is that stupid child thinking!?" He shouted obviously angry that she never got that surgery of removing the snow cat ears on her head meaning that tons of Faunus groups would take any excuse on slandering the Schnee name.

-a picture of Crystal appears on the screen showing her emotionless face though her eyes burned with determination behind those Crystal Blue Iris's and her ears stood proudly on her head showing she wasn't scared to show her Faunus Heritage.

"17 Years old and Hailing from Atlas, The Iclyn is the Cousin to the Schnee Family however is a Snow Leopard Faunus so it would cause quite the controversy for the schnees if such rumors were credible to SDCs poor treatment to there workers..." Maria stopped as she taken in audible inhale as to stuff her own feelings about unproven rumors.

Crystal is seen walking into the arena onto Team ACMMs side towards her other two teammates, The Snow Cat Woman was wearing snow like camo combat pants with white combat boots with her rapier in its holster strapped to the woman's left side hip, crystal is also wearing a Snow White skin tight sleeveless shirt compressing her busty mounds as such won't get in the way but doesn't leave much to the imagination-

The Schnee Father however was extremely seething on multiple accounts be it that someone with remote blood ties to the schnees was brazenly showing off Faunus traits, the second thing was the fact that she chose to taken asylum and apply to Vacuo when she, a Schnee should've stayed in atlas as well as applied to the Atlas Academy.

and lastly Jacques Schnee was beyond pissed to learn that after the Iclyns had died instead of that money going towards him as what his cousins planned on doing until they died in a white fang attack before they could change there will as such, there money went straight to there daughter who not only claimed it for her own use rather then Jacques.

-Location: Mistral, Argus, Arc-Cotta Residence-

Within the Mistral Village of Argus where the eldest Arc Child had moved after graduating from Mistral Academy met a wonderful and beautiful woman named Terra Cotta then married her and baring a child together.

Current Times arrived and Saphron Arc was BEYOND pissed after hearing news that her idiot father stupidly disowned jaune just for a minor infraction which could only result as a slap on the wrist for a first offender, however Saphs father decided that such a minor infractions deserved only the worst for putting such disgrace to the arc clan.

The Arc Patriarch was considered to be a warrior of old as such preferred the older ways of the world with true honorable warriors and even goes against Gay Marriage however in Mistral it's known that woman are the heads of the clans.

Artoria 'Pendragon' Arc also known as the Matriarch of the Arc Clan was staying with her eldest daughter for a few weeks as to forge alliance agreements with multitude of other clans until she heard the news of her idiotic husband disowning there only son when said son forged his way into beacon as such she intended on concluding all of the alliance agreements from the multitude of clans just so she can go home and beat her husbands ass.

The Arc Mother grunted as she rubbed a hand over her forehead while sitting in the living room watching RNN as a special viewing from vacuo came on though not alone as she was watching the new born Adrian sitting on the floor playing with some letter blocks "Nana! Bock!" Adrian shouted happily as he turned to face his grand mother to try and say things.

Artoria opened her left eye watching the little mocha skinned infant call out to her causing the beautiful blonde mother to smile "that's right little one, block." The Matriarch confirmed causing the infant to turn his attention back to the blocks in front of the boy allowing Artoria to start back at the tv curiously.

The Matriarch sighed slowly getting up to her feet showing off her long purple combat skirt and armored combat boots though her top was more casual being a frilled blouse though her hair was recently cut to be short but her powerful blue eyes showed pain that dared anyone to come near Artoria and her Family.

"Something wrong mom?" Someone called out prompting Artoria to turn her head seeing Saphron walk in with her wife holding groceries "just your father being an idiot, have you heard about Jaune being kicked out of beacon?" The mother asked watching her offspring go to the kitchen to drop off the items she and Terra had bought "Unfortunately, i was planning on going to vale and pick jaune up" Saphron explained her future plans to help her younger brother.

Terra starts putting up the bought items while chipping in her thoughts "does jaune know that no matter what, he will always have a place here? I like him and Adrian adores his uncle" "he does, but he's always been cautious especially when his nightmares started getting bad" Artoria said, off handedly telling them about Jaunes nightly problem.

"Nightmares?" The Eldest Blonde Sibling asked looking shocked as she never learned about Jaunes nightmares when they were in the same building, Artoria merely nodded "yes, ever since Jaunes intelligence had came in. He's been scorned by a lot of the kids so naturally that will cause some anxiety and nightmares though I honestly thought he'd be over them but they never went away" she exclaimed truthfully seeing the eldest daughter looking very concerned however the chatter stopped when the RNN Station sounded off.

-Maria flipped to the last page from Team Alchemy continuing the report "lastly from Team ACMM is the Leader of the First Year Group, Jaune Adele Arc"-

Artoria and Saphron snapped there heads towards the tb both with open jaws to find Jaunes picture which came onto the screen showing his goofy looking closed eyed smile but what was more shocking to them was that jaune was in Vacuo.

Adrian also stopped playing with his blocks to stare at his uncle "unce joan?" The toddler asked the screen as if he were in the room at this very instant.

Terra who finished putting away the stuff they bought stopped for a moment to look at jaune "Artoria? What did you say Jaunes intelligence count was at?" She asked the matriarch only to respond with "587 IQ...."

-"17 Years old and Hailing From Mistral, Mr.Arc is the second recorded huntsmen in training to have a mental base semblance. His IQ is 587 making Mr.Arc the smartest man among his generation however coming from a prestigious clan of legendary warriors, it's said that Mr.Arc will attempt to forge his own path as a warrior one that controls his own destiny" Maria stopped until she looked up slightly to see someone extending a sheet of paper towards her off screen "thank you Jim" the elder lavender woman called out taking the paper out of his hand with a muffled "no problem" came off screen.

The woman now looks down at the paper speaking on its contents "what I have been given by my cameraman, Jim, is Mr.Arcs Chosen Weapon...quite weird but I'll continue... they are 'Mark 1: Prototype Gauntlets and Grieves. These particular weapons unlike any forged in history, they are not fueled by dust but is powered by tangible aura-.....what!?" Maria shouted as she rereads this section again as she can't believe a weapon powered by pure aura existed.

But continued reading "'t-the mark 1 unit houses several seeker and explosive missiles, laser repulser blasters, aura enhanced capabilities and a secret system modeled after Mr.Arcs companion....Holy Shit..." Maria swore on camera before swiftly grasping her mouth with her right hand as to stop herself from cussing anymore.

On the field jaune is seen running towards his side as if he looked like he were late for something but instead of his usual outfit, jaune was wearing silver high tech gauntlets that reached up to his elbows and the grieves on his feet which caused a loud clank with each step on the ground, the Boots reached up to the knee caps.

Jaunes outfit aside from the Gauntlets and Grieves what jaune was wearing is a pair of skin tight looking shorts that certainly squeezed on his nether regions but chose that particular clothing as lightweight and didn't get in the way of his weapons, jaune didn't wear any shirt. again would've gotten in the way of his weapons.

Jaune soon stopped standing beside his teammates looking serious while clenching his covered fists

*Ready* the words ready appeared on the screen

*Set* the words set appeared on the screen

*FIGHT!* the words fight appeared in the screen as well as the sound of multiple air horns fired off signaling the start of the Amity Arena Bout


Alright guys! I'm always looking for ocs and other ideas so don't be shy when sharing, I'll take most of anything.