
Chapter 2: Fucking Up

Chapter 2: It was at this time that rwby realized....they fucked up


As the walk towards the vale bullhead docks is very silent despite with several passerby's passing Jaune and Hera as they entered the large building "Professor Blaze? Where ARE we going? Shouldn't we finding a way to go to vacuo?" Jaune asked looking over at the red haired woman who was looking around as if she was searching for something "that's why we are here Mr.Arc, The Headmistress's Personal Bullhead is located in the docks so we will grab it then retrieve Professor Midnight" Hera exclaimed there reason for being at the Vale Bullhead Docks.

Though when they entered the dock where the Vacuo bullhead is located though what Jaune wasn't expecting was a young woman with long black hair and eyes standing in front of the aircraft "ahhh! Professor Midnight?!" Hera exclaimed with a shocked expression that her boss somehow got to the bullhead docks.

Sam slightly turned her head with a teasing grin while saying "Hera, the youth today is so high sped but those who move slowly can see clearly" Hera however gave a child like pout prompting the obvious older woman to laugh as she turned towards her colleague and Jaune "any case my friend, I hitched a ride on a bullhead by a woman named Echo Bliss. Sweet woman, now onto more pressing matters" midnight teased then looking over at Jaune "Mr.Arc, I've looked into records about you with no combat training...how would you assume to combat against vastly superior huntsmen and huntresses?" Samara asked wondering what kind of scientific weapon Jaune would create.

Jaune kept thinking and thinking as he figured out that he lost his families ancestral blade however the blonde as the headmistress pointed out that Jaune doesn't have the physicality to wield conventional weaponry meaning he had to enhance his own body, probably in the form of a exo...suit.

The blonde man now had his eyes opened as the train of possibilities of building his own version of an exo suit included the enhanced physical prowess and added weaponry, more possibilities is coming to mind as this exo suit can be his new personal weapon!

As Jaunes brain train is flooding past through his head with all the ideas for his exo suit however stopped when he sees Samara extending a piece of paper and pen allowing Jaune to write down his ideas "you can write it down on our way to your NEW home plus I need to make a few calls to ensure you have the proper equipment to build your weapon" Jaune nodded taking the paper then started walking towards the bullhead swiftly drawing the rough draft of a plated exo suit dubbed 'Iron Knight' and this will keep Jaune busy for the full 18 Hour Flight back to Shade academy.

-12 Hours Later, Location: Vale, Beacon Academy, Atrium-

Inside the atrium is where all 160 Students of beacon academy were located but the reason why since half of the student body were gone on missions had been hastily recalled for a matter unknown to them but rumors had been circulating that it involved an expelled student.

Team Rwby had entered the room seeing the room packed almost to the brim with people "woah! I wonder what this meeting is gonna be about" ruby exclaimed looking around the room though the true purpose of the speech as yet to be made clear for anyone, Weiss shrugged her shoulders while looking around as well but saw an unknown woman at the stage next to ozpin and a sloppily put together Glynda Goodwitch "hey guys, did something happen to Professor Goodwitch? It's almost like she got dumped by a secret boyfriend" the heiress comments that got her team to stare at Glynda.

"Oh shit!-" "swear!" Ruby cuts into yang before the latter glared at ruby then stared back at goodwitch "your right Ice Queen-" "hey!" Weiss interrupted Yang while the blonde bombshell continued "I've never seen her like this before so did something happen?" Yang finished her question looking over at the rest of team rwby though Blake just added in "do you not know?" Three sets of eyes scanned over to Blake as her bow twitched slightly at the sudden influx of attention making her stare back curiously before speaking what she had said "Glynda...was Jaunes Aunt from his mother's side so to witness her own nephew getting butt shafted by ozpin will have that affect"

"What!? Professor Goodwitch is that cowards aunt!?" Weiss shouted shocked at such information however Yang was stuck on a different part of Blake's assessment "butt shafted?" The blonde woman asked with an urge to giggle which did sound when Blake puffed out her cheeks "I saw it in a book and it sounded fun!" The Cat Faunus comments then looking away seeing another group walking over to them "hey Vel" Blake greeted prompting the bunny Faunus to tip her head towards Blake.

Team Rwby looked over to watch as Team CFVY was with them now "so guys, what's this meeting about? It must be incredibly important to pull in every beacon team" Coco asked pulling down her shades lightly seeing a very annoyed look "and it's a certain fact that a rumor is going around that a beacon student was expelled"

"Didn't you hear? That coward Jaune arc was exposed" Weiss explained bluntly not even looking in the eyes of the second year team however what she didn't expect to see after a moment was the team staring as if they were looking at bloody murder.

Velvet had her ears droop very lowly and her eyes narrowed so deadly that she would murder the team in front of her ".....make one thing clear you dumb bloody bitches...." Team Rwby blinked at the sudden vulgarity from the adorable bunny "I'll beat you bloody cunts into a FUCKING PASTE!" Velvet shouted once more attempting to charge at Weiss first only to be put into a full nelson by a very shocked Yatsu even having struggle as velvet thrashed greatly "let me go Yatsu!! I'll tear there FUCKING THROATS OUT!!" Velvet shouted while thrashing "Velvet! Please calm down! People are staring!!" The gentle giant shouted as it was true since everyone looked over with curiosity as well as fear for the ones closer to the exchange.

"And cool it with the sailor mouth bun bun!" Coco partially shouted even though the fashionista loved the attention, this is a particular thing that should've been held in private or at least in the combat arena "FUCK YOU!" The bunny girl spat out angrily prompting the chocolate looking girl to sigh before looking at team rwby with an equal amount but more controlled anger "explain now" ruby who just shook at the uncontrolled, unbridled rage of the bunny girl barely registered the order "J-Jaune...he faked his way into beacon! The cow-" ruby flinched seeing the bunny girl shake with more rage as if she trying to kill the woman with glaring.

"Jaune used forged transcripts and rightfully stole a place which could've gone to someone more deserving, he was a coward, a thief and a criminal" Weiss exclaimed glaring back at them seeing Yatsu was getting angry, coco was also getting much angrier but held more controlled then a sailor talking bun bun however speaking of Vel she was thrashing so much that even the gentle giant was having a hard time controlling her "ILL FUCKING KILL HER!! ILL RIP OFF YOUR FUCKING LEGS AND BEAT YOU TO FUCKING DEATH WITH THEM YOU FUCKS!!!"

"Did you even get the chance to wonder WHY Jaune did what he did? He did what others wouldn't dare to do. He tried when he knew he wouldn't be the best and that is what separates arrogance and valor. Just because you gotten the training doesn't mean your all that kids, Jaune was bad...well he was the bad amongst the first years" Coco then retreated muttering a lot of the negative stuffs about Jaune until fox picked up cocos words "Jaune is our closest friend" this caught everyone off guard and while Jaune did have a little bit of friends before his transcripts were revealed but to have a thicker group of friends "we knew his transcripts before anyone else, why we didn't say? It wasn't our place" the blind fox Faunus exclaimed.

Yatsu then placed his thoughts however his glare never left the group of first years "let this be a lesson, anyone who passed the initiation should be given the benefit of doubt. If Jaune passed then he has the guts to work beside us but now your arrogance has costed my team our childhood friend" Coco then stopped as the shock of the team kept growing but soon the second year leader turned her eyes towards the cat Faunus "what about you? You've been quiet for a good while so that is making me think that you held a far greater role in his torment" the coffee loving girl exclaimed with a sneer taking one step forward and when the step occurred, the very ground cracked even getting most of the students to back away from the dangerous situation.

Blake however just shook her head but inwardly scared at the fact that coco broke the ground with sheer aura enhanced strength "no, I've never knew Jaune on a personal level nor did we have any interactions with him since initiation so I'd chose to not take part." Blake gave her explanation of the situation prompting the coffee girl to think "your ok in my book kitty, your still a bitch but you chose not to lord over my closest friend" "that would make me a hypocrite" the cat Faunus exclaimed however coco soon had her eyes turned towards the end of the group seeing another walking towards them "fox, Yatsu. Take bun bun to the far end of the room as I'd rather not have her try murdering a worthless group of ingrates" the chocolate colored fashionista ordered prompting the gentle giant to nod then start walking towards the right corner of the room "ok Yatsu! I'm good now" "no, unless coco deems you mentally sound enough to walk on your own. You won't leave my arms" "and cool it with the sailor mouth Vel, what you've said could make other sailors blush" the blind huntsmen in training added in until there talk became unintelligible.

Coco didn't move as the team she would've allowed velvet to rip apart had came towards them "hello again!" Greeted by the red haired slut by the name of Pyrrha Nikos "so what was that about? It sounded like the bunny wanted to feast on human flesh!" The energetic pancake girl exclaimed only to flinch when coco was glaring at her though not much at hear but the entire team "yeah, she WOULD....later kiddos oh and kitty?" Coco exclaimed with a harsh glare that did not leave team (J)NPR "yeah?" Blake asked curiously "keep that team of ingrates away from mine otherwise I won't be held responsible for what my bun bun will do" "got it" and like that the fashionista turns to walk away into the crowd.

"What was that about?" Nora asked looking over seeing ruby shaking heavily from the confrontation, Weiss was just in shock that a group of her upperclassmen thought so highly of a coward like Jaune, Yang however was angry that such a woman had dared to even let ruby feel like this but she couldn't do much due to the fact that teachers were around and coco was far more experienced though Blake however was more or less the same just a bit shaken up.

"It'd be best if you didn't know" Blake commented looking back towards the stage of the auditorium.


To the stage where several teachers were standing had just watched a near massacre from one of the upperclassmen to a freshmen team, Port who had his blunderbuss resting on his shoulder was about to intervene "don't" port and Bert both turned there head towards the woman that spoke to not intervene, she had smooth pearl like skin which was clothed by combat made pants, boots and a button up white shirt that compressed her busty mounds though her white long hair tied into a pony tail kept said hair out of her surprisingly dangerous red eyes "what for? Shouldn't we ensure either sides safety" port asked wondering what was going through the woman's head.

"I said: don't. This interaction correlates with my investigation" the woman again spoke cryptically watching as the event goes down but the second year team walks over to the far end of the room as walk away from the approaching team (J)NPR "just when things were about to get good...Ozpin, now is the time" The woman ordered looking over at the silver haired huntsmen in front of the microphone.

The Headmaster while not overly thrilled about this but he will get a big shocker during this "very well....all students of beacon academy!" Ozpin spoke quietly to her before calling out into the room ceasing all interactions as his voice boomed across the room "for all students of beacon to return an emergency must be made to quell a matter, as most of you know a certain rumor of a student being expelled is all true however the reasoning, logic and overall stance of the situation is not been made in an attempt to handle it as we should to ensure mass panic is not made"

"Yesterday, it had been brought to my attention by a concerned student that he overheard another student had snuck into beacon academy using false transcripts and I acted accordingly however upon being chewed out for my reckless actions by both Atlasian and Valean Councils along with another Headmaster then I was told my actions were moronic at best..." ozpin stopped briefly to see the shocked looks among the students as there Headmaster was chewed out for doing the right thing by expelling a known criminal.

"So that being said, the expelled student as a few of you already know, by the name of Jaune Arc. So to ensure that an unbiased conclusion is made. The ruling council has sent over there best that the kingdom has to offer that investigated the matter personally." Ozpin concluded his portion of the announcement only to walk towards the left allowing the white haired woman to step towards the microphone.

"Evening Brats" The woman calls out hearing a few gasp at her choice of words while some felt attacked for being called brats(A/N: Ruby >_>) "I am Echo Bliss, Commander of the Valean Self Defense Force and part time doer of most things people aren't willing to do. I was tasked with investigating the possible rise of a hardened criminal by the name of Jaune Arc however during my Twelve Hour Investigation..." Echo as the woman is now known stopped briefly as to raise her right hand showing a lit cigarette the taking a drag from it before expelling the smoke through her nose.

"it has came to a logically sound conclusion that Jaune arc is in no way a criminal, while using false transcripts to enter beacon is a minor felony at best and should only resort to a slap on the wrist, however your Headmaster decided to be an idiot and while he has full control over the student body of his own school but what he attempted was to destroy the future and life of an innocent man" Echo stopped again to again raise her cigarette to her mouth to take another drag while gauging the students and most felt angry that Jaune wasn't being punished for his crime especially the two teams closer to Jaune, the only team that looked relieved that Jaune was getting off Scott free was team CFVY.

"Activate the Projection" Echo ordered as the green haired professor- Doctor Oobleck sped over to the holographic projection showing a slide of which connected to Jaune and it was his transcripts "one of the hardest things to do in the evaluation field such as being accepted into beacon as you all had done, you must submit transcripts from combat schools and any other school you attended prior before submitting them is determining fact from fiction, the harder things is looking at a very believable transcripts full of lies but the hardest thing is determining such lies when truths have been placed in so I've personally investigated this and determined that Mr.Arc has no combat feats but instead, each of every feat from Mr.Arcs Academic Portion were all tried and true" Echo stopped once again to take another drag of her cig only to find it done.

The red eyed woman scowled just dropping the cigarette butt onto the floor to step on it to quell any fire from it only to speak again "now the main reason why I'm here is to ensure the air is cleared about Mr.Arc and the events that led to his expulsion will be made clear. How many of you believes Mr.Arc is a unskillful hack?" Echos red eyes scanned the room to see 98% of the room raise there hands as to show how much they hated Jaune for his criminal actions even though all of his academic were in fact true.

"Play the footage" Echo ordered prompting the over caffeinated professor to nod and put in the footage showing the video of forever walls, where Jaune arc battled against the Ursa Major where the blonde knight sliced the bear like creatures head off with a single slash which is all an attempt to defend a cowardly looking Cardin as he attempted to crawl away until he rolled onto his back seeing Jaune staring at him "we are finished Cardin...you leave me and my friends alone or I will come back and finish what the Grimm had started" the Video Jaune exclaimed before turning his back to walk away.

The video cuts out showing a room full of shocked looks to find that Cardin Winchester who not only exposed jaunes transcripts but lied about him killing the Grimm "now for a non trained combatant was able to kill an Ursa Major like that then he was more skilled then you can assume now think before you alienate someone with such potential and look into ALL sources before passing judgement. Echo Bliss Out" she exclaimed before taking up the microphone off its stand then dropped it like a badass rapper.

Turning to walk away while everyone was shocked into silence of the information pressed onto them but the main feeling concerning the room is regret.

-Time Skip: 8 Hours, Location: Vacuo, Shade Academy, Headmistress's Office-

Jaune was looking dead tired as bags were very apparent under his eyes showing he didn't sleep a single wink during his 18 Hour Flight towards the sandy desert of vacuo though during the flight towards the desert kingdom was filled however with Jaune arc swiftly brain storming ideas while the most prevalent was his Exo Suit dubbed 'Iron Knight' but what got the attention of Samara Midnight as she was sitting in front of Jaune overlooking his paper

'Artificial Creation of Dust Chemical Equation 'Na2 B4 O7.10 H2O' ' Samara overlooked then stared back at Jaune with a very shocked look "the artificial creation of dust?" She asked wondering if such a thing was even remotely which Jaune nodded at this "it is very possible ma'am, easy to make too as it requires only the basic element compounds some of which we could provide endlessly" Jaune exclaimed the material and gathering for it which was very easy for someone like Samara before speaking out his possible theory in the subject "let's be honest professor midnight, one point we will run out of dust. Maybe not now, or in our life time but eventually it will run out and how will we fight against the Grimm if our main weaponized source has gone dry?".

Sam had also been thinking about this particular theory but the headmistress seemed to believe that dust isn't gonna run out swiftly but the extreme high prices set by the Schnee Dust Company especially when their stock is going through the roof after the raids from the White Fang "incredible...and you say the supplies is endless to making the Artificial Dust?" She asked looking up at Jaune with a curious look though he didn't respond only giving a curt nod as to answer her question ".....Mr.Arc? How would you like to meet a good friend of mine? He's a trusted advisor to me and a respected member of the Vacuo Self Defense Force" Jaune eyes shined bright at such a meeting smiling and nodding at the opportunity.

"SAAAAAAAM!! Why did you make 'ME' track down three specific rejected applicants!?" Hera exclaimed like a child as she trekked into the room looking tired like Jaune even with her hair all static like she got shocked by lightning.

Sam just chuckled at this with Jaune both looking over to see three more people enter the room as they were hand selected to be apart of a new team that would work well with Jaune.

The male of the three was a 17 Year old who wore a blue jean jacket over his white t shirt and he was wearing blue jeans with green crock boots, his face shown a light tan, black eyes and brown short hair. He is Doyle Murphy also known as the best Marksman and Pistol Duelist in the entirety of Mistral before coming to vacuo to make a fresh start "Mr.Murphy, I'm glad you came again after your application was denied" Midnight called out prompting the jean obsessed man to just nod rubbing a hand through his combed brown hair "it's fine Professor, I'm just glad you're giving me a second chance"

The second one was a young woman around the same age as Jaune and Doyle though what made her unique was the fact there was cloth covering her eyes assuming she was blind but the way she moved over to sit on the couch a longing with periodic taps of a weird looking cane that looked like it housed a sword, she sat down showing that the woman could somehow see despite her eyes covered, her hair was bright green tied into a pony tail. The woman's outfit consisted of a combat style kimono with the bottom portion was red while the upper portion was pure white, this outfit was in Ancient Mantle Tongue was Shihakusho also known as the Garment of the Samurai.

"Miss.Mizuki Akemi...thank you for accepting my invitation" Samara called out prompting the young blind woman to look up slightly towards Samara but smiled nonetheless "it is my pleasure ma'am, it gives me another chance to chase my dream of being the greatest huntress in remnant" Mizukis smile was so bright that it caused everyone in the room to smile with her.

The last woman that entered the room with the other two was a young woman with pale like skin and long snow while hair that resembles the look of a schnee even the face including her crystal blue eyes, it would be the case as this woman was a close cousin to the schnee family as such is practically a schnee but what made her different was the pair of cat like ears on top of her head showing that this woman was a Snow Leopard Faunus.

Her outfit consisted of a white t shirt with a light thin open hoodie along with a pair of blue skirt and long snow colored boots but what showed her connection to the schnee family was the schnee designed rapier that rested on her hip almost as similar to the rapier of Weiss Schnee "Welcome Back Miss.Crystal Iclyn" Samara called out prompting the Schnee Cousin to smile and give a polite female bow to the headmistress "thank you for having me again Ma'am but why did you call us now? Especially when the first quarter is almost done?" Crystal asked curiously looking over at the overly tired blonde man yawning into his right hand.

Samara nodded overlooking the team she specifically put together to become the pride of vacuo perhaps even be on par in power and popularity of Beacons Team STRQ "Jaune 'Adele' Arc, Doyle 'Erron' Murphy, Crystal 'Schnee' Iclyn and Mizuki 'Onimura' Akemi. Step forward" after calling out each ones full name they all walked over and stood by each other shoulder to shoulder facing the huntress of wind "you four have been hand selected by me to become a team for Shade Academy but don't let this little meeting sway the fact that you've joined, you have tonight and tomorrow morning to bond because tomorrow afternoon will come and you will prove yourselves Shade Worthy and fight in Amity Arena of Vacuo. From this moment of you will be named Team Alchemy(ACMM)" "YES MA'AM!" The new team 'Alchemy' shouted out to there new Headmistress


I've been going all around fan fictions concerning our sailor talking bun bun and I've learned two different types of the bunny girl 1: she's either a foreign accented speaker with main prevalence of either Ireland or Australia or 2: she talks like a fucking sailor and as an American speaker, we cuss a lot more then anywhere in the world(not sure if that's correct but I do know we cuss ALOT)

And for those who are stupid like me, the chemical equation I've put into the story is for the crystal growth of Borax.

I'm still looking out for more ocs to add in so if you have one you want to send don't hesitate.

I'm looking for more ideas of builds for jaunes company be it weapons other things but don't forget that it's not all about weaponry as I'm modeling jaunes company after Stark Industries