
Chapter 12: Remnant vs Stone Warrior

Chapter 12: Remnant vs Stone Warrior

Note: alright my Doods! This story has been made in the Google Docs and I have my boy @ZergPsycho beta reading it now so it should be more enjoyable to all you Doods!

Now then! The teams of Beacon and Haven along with Atlas Ace Ops is against the near indestructible Stone Warrior, and I'm going to say this now...it's going to be one sided and it's not going to favor Remnant.

Ok one last thing Doods, it's about the story. I want you Doods to comment what you think about it and I want your honest thoughts along with a way to help with the shortcomings of the story you saw and if it's something that's already been implemented like say...the infinity gauntlet then there's nothing I can do aside from remaking the whole story and we all know that will take too much time

Alright doods, enjoy the chapter


"AHHHHHHH!" Sun shouted as he leaped backwards not even looking to land only slamming onto his ass about the sudden movement of what's supposed to be a non living status "what the fuck!?" The blonde brawler shouted moving backwards from the status as did everyone else.

The statue didn't move with the only thing it did was resheath it's sword on its rocky belt "1..2..3..4.." the living creature exclaimed as it pointed and countered at the new visitors with the Rescue Teams unsure of what it's doing "9...10..11..12..13..14..15..huh so many guests recently and I didn't properly clean my cave hah!" The statue exclaimed joyfully laughing to itself while everyone just stared at a deadpan expression "uh...what are you?" The Pirate Inspired Huntsmen asked as his hand slowly made way to the cutlass on his left hip ready to use it.

The Unknown Creature stopped laughing as it's glowing green eyes landed on Scarlett "...I am me, but I'm not. I'm alive and I'm not who can say for sure what is true and what is false?" The creature exclaimed cryptically however, clover stepped up in front of the kids that jumped back from the stone creature "alright enough! Identify yourself!" He said in an authoritative voice trying to look unintimidated but that's not the case as the lucky man felt very afraid of this creature's sentient life.

"....my, you are far more chatty than the last one." The Warrior exclaimed, crossing its arms not even fazed by the man, however this information stuck to the Good Fortune Man "last one? Who was the last one. Tell us!" Clover exclaimed harshly "never caught the boys name, Blonde, Tall, Lab Coat and a Golden Gauntlet with a bright red stone. He was...an Interesting One. A lot more than any of you" the Warrior exclaimed.

"That must be Jaune Arc" Marrow exclaimed however gulped then spoke out to the stone man who turned towards him "what did you do to him?" The Warrior shrugged at the answer but gave the best he could "I stabbed him from behind then kicked his corpse off a cliff, he's most likely dead." He said then hearing gasps from Team R(w)by and NPR getting news that their former friend was dead.

Clover grit his teeth as not only such a brilliant mind was slain but one that could perhaps greatly help atlas "damnit, we still need to find his body.." The Fortune man exclaimed though the short woman Harriet Bree walked up next to him not allowing her gaze to leave the Stone Warrior "Clover, I think we need to destroy this thing. I don't believe it's going to allow us to find Arcs body in peace..." she explained her thoughts which the Arc Ops leader nodded knowing a protector when he sees one "right..." he said though eyeing the Warrior up and down.

Not once did the teams see the Warrior place a hand on its sword that was clipped to its belt Elm asked curiously while her hand slowly gripped her massive explosive hammer "tell us...why are you down here?" The Stone creature remained silent for a moment just overlooking the 15 people "my people put me here to protect a piece of the Planispheric Disk. So long as my body is standing then I can assure you that you WILL NOT get near it" The Warrior Exclaimed with full seriousness.

Clover thinks to himself about this 'so in this creature's head, Mr.Arc was just wondering the caves looking for a way out until it came across this thing now what is a Planispheric Disk?' "What is a Planispheric Disk?" Specialist Ebi asked "I can guarantee, you won't be getting that information from me GAKI" it spoke slowly narrowing his eyes at the leader not taking note.

"AAAAAARRRRRRGHHHHHH!!" Someone screamed catching the Stone Mans attention looking over to see a dark skinned man wielding a massive double edged sword slashing towards the Warrior who caught the blade with its right stone hand causing a shockwave of air, Sage grits his teeth as he tried to apply more strength however the Warrior was not budging.

The Stone Man raised its foot and slammed it into sages stomach causing the dark skinned man to adopt a heavily painful and open mouth look before his body was sent flying away hitting then sliding down the wall to cuddle his hurting abdomen.

"SAGE!" Sun shouted then his eyes landed on the Warrior with rage taking over "you son of a bitch!" The monkey Faunus shouted as he whipped out his staff, twirling it while running towards the warrior '...this is going to be my whole day isn't?...if only the Blonde Gaki was still alive, he was the only human in thousands of years that got me to use my sword...' the Warrior was in thought.

Sun was striking the Warrior with his bo staff which each made contact caused a small explosion from the blaze dust within, then jumped over the Warrior to slam the bottom end of the staff into its straw modeled hat/head which didn't even get the hat to move.

Sun landed on his feet swiftly turning while he unhooked his staff into gunchucks then charged at the Warrior striking it even more with expert level control over the gunchucks which each and every strike it makes contact is a gunshot until the creature grabbed both suns wrist while glaring "enough" it said then slammed the flat portion of its straw etched hat into the monkey mans face sending him flying backwards, the Monkey Faunus rolled on the ground and stopped as that strike really jumbled his head "...if anyone wanna tag in...please do" Sun spoke like he was drunk.

Yang was next as she charged the Stone Warrior from behind while mechashiftihg her gauntlets into attack mode "ARRRRRRGHHHH!" She shouted attempting to punch the creature in his back however the samurai swiftly turned around and caught the first which only got the Blonde Bombshell to smirk "your pretty good if you can catch my fist" she said to the Stone man who only just shrugged at her before raising its right fist since its left caught the blonde woman's and strikes her face, the force of the strike caused the crazy blonde woman to skid backwards however stopped only to wipe the stricken cheek.

Yang turned to face the Warrior with a smirk "come on, is that all you got?" She taunted the Warrior who merely blinks at this 'this woman...is she really that arrogant of her power? I would've been mildly impressed if she forced me to use my sword like the Blonde Gaki from earlier but alas...she hasn't nor is she able...maybe after this I'll go see the Gakis Corpse and probably give him a proper burial' it thought while watching the crazy blonde charge and starts throughout out punches enhanced by the power of her gauntlets with each strike hitting the golem but not a single one is causing any damage, more like hitting rock then anything.

Yang grits her teeth as she stepped backwards while cocking her fist then launched it which connected to the stone creature's face but did not budge in the slight before raising and back handing the crazy haired blonde to the side causing her to hit the wall HARD "come on you Gakis! At Least forced me to use my sword! The Blonde Gaki from earlier did!" The Warrier shouted as it started to grow irritated.

Weiss was next but she focused more on speed which she sped past the creature and slashed at it which made a metal on stone sound causing it to look at its right shoulder 'Huh, a speedster?' The Snow Woman slashed the creature several times as she used her semblance to enhance her speed, slashing and hacking while bypassing the creature in all directions.

Weiss slashed at the creature from the front but it caught the blade with its left hand then smashed into her face with its right sending the Schnee Woman back crashing into Yang who was running at them to fight, Neptune raised his weapon into its gun mode shooting out several plasma blasts that hit the stone man only for it to turn towards the blue haired boy who gulped.

Nep twirled around his Weapon, mechashifting it into a glowing trident "time to be cool for the ladies!" He shouted charging at the Samurai with his weapon raised only to get slammed into by the bottom end of the creature's hand into his shoulder "GAH!" Which then Neptune slammed into the ground looking very lame to be taken down in a single strike, not even putting up a slight decent fight however the creature raised his leg with intent to slam its earthy boot into the water named man.

"Neptune!" Someone shouted with a bullet hitting the Stone Warriors face which bounced off though it caught its attention which it looked up to see the red haired man holding a simple flintlock pistol which it was trained on its position 'Flintlock? How many years has it been since I saw that type of weaponry? Ahhh the glories of the past' The Stone Man thought to itself watching the red haired pirate holster his pistol then unsheathed his Cutlass.

Surging forward to swipe at the creature which it only pulled its head back as to look to have narrowly avoided the slash but it could've done so more spectacularly, Scarlett slashed several times at the warrior who dodged however it kept to its spot as it actively moved its body to dodge the cutlass.

Warrior twirled it's body to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick that sent the haven student crashing to the left hitting the adjacent wall located "Gah!" Scarlett grunted in pain as he slid down the wall even though his aura was still up, it hurt like a bitch.

Blake appeared in front of the creature wielding Gambol and Shroud respectively which she attacked the stone man with quick efficiency of the broad short sword and the thin curved blade though the stone man punched at blake to knock her away but she disappeared in a flash of darkness indicating it was her semblance activated which the Cat Woman reappeared behind the creature loading something into the pistol.

The Warrior turned its head to stare at Blake who used her semblance to reshape her shadow into a mass of fire shaped like her which exploded enveloping the stone creature in its fire.

Blake sighed in relief as she slowly sheathed her blade to stare at the devastation of the rescue teams which Yang was laying on her back with Weiss laying on top of her "Weiss? As much as I like you being on top...can you get up?" The Blonde Woman joked only to get slapped by the snow named woman "OW!"

Sun was still on his back as those several blows hit his aura hard and even then the pressure still hurt "ughhh is it dead?..." he asked which Blake responded "I believe so" "yay.." sun exclaimed with the minimum amount of enthusiasm.

Neptune was closest to the blast but with ruby using her semblance to pull him out managed to survive the attack from Blake's Fire Clone but he was groaning from the deep pain in the shoulder the warrior struck.

Sage breathed hard as he was resting on the wall even though he didn't do much and was still smack around like a rag doll "ok that thing was WAY too strong" the brown skinned man shouted which in complete silence where everyone agreed in their thoughts.

Pyrrha sighed in relief as she had her spear ready in case she needed to enter the fight while Ren stayed in the back if he needed to provide while Nora REALLY wanted to fight next but someone else kept butting in.

Clover sighed but smiled at these kids were strong, no doubt they were capable of being powerful and respected huntsman and huntresses "sir, we should start looking for Mr.Arcs Body" Harriet exclaimed stepping up to her commanding officers side before turning her back to the smoke cloud and the kids that are slowly getting back up.

Clover slowly nodded, keeping watch at the rising smoke cloud "right, but before we bring back the body. We need to confirm that he was wielding a golden gauntlet" The Brown Haired man ordered which the woman nodded ready to follow through, leaving the Ops leader to his own thoughts 'the stone warrior said that Jaune Arc wielded a golden gauntlet with a red stone...then does that mean he achieved this 'Infinity Gauntlet'? And from what I've gathered in the comic that I appropriated, the Red Stone indicates that Mr.Arc possesses the Reality Stone so if I indicate that the stones were made to play within Remnants Rules which means Mr.Arc is on level ground as graduated Hunters...plus the 'Space Stone' was made just before I left to report to the General...hmmm'

The man looked up and gasped when the smoke cloud slowly dissipated revealing the Stone Warrior who had its arms crossed looking very annoyed "....I....I do not know what to say, no word I know can express how deeply annoyed and offended I am especially since you Gakis choose not to take me seriously so maybe I should kill a few of you then maybe you'll take me more seriously" It spoke with blood intent ready to follow through onto shedding blood.

Clover grit his teeth slowly pulling out his weapon which was a fishing rod grapple hook that also doubled as a sword "everyone get behind us now! This thing has proven to outmatch you" Clover exclaimed seeing Sage and Scarlett pick up their teams to hastily walk behind them with Team Rwby and NPR following Suit "awww but I wanted a crack at it!" Nora shouted/whining however ruby just exclaimed "don't worry Nora! Maybe when it's weaker they will allow us to finish it off" "I doubt that" a snarky comment from the Snow Heiress incited giggles from Nora and Yang.

Clover raised his Sword Rod ready then looked to his side to see Elm holding her giant hammer also ready to fight but she hold a more fight crazed look, The short brown skinned woman raised her fists showing them to wield exo skeleton arms connected to her real ones, Marrow also raised a large blue boomerang like weapon which was primarily made to be thrown.

The Warrior Watched the Ace Ops get into there battle stances obviously ready to fight with the brown haired man etching closer 'these ones...obviously more skilled than the children behind them but are they skilled enough to force me to resort to my sword? Well let's see' the Warrior thought to itself even going so far as to unhook it's crossed arms dropping them to its sides looking almost serious to fight the soldiers.

Clover was the first to charge forward slashing at the Stone Warrior which it only side stepped as to dodge the attack then retaliating with a strong quick left kick towards the Ace Ops Leader who jumped backwards as to dodge it, Harriet was extremely quick as she ran past clover to deliver a strong right jab but the creature caught the fist to counter with its own right hook connecting with the short woman's cheek sending her onto the ground only for her to roll back to her feet and swiftly spin right kicks.

The Warrior ducked under the high spinning right kick though it grazed the tip of its hat 'impressive, I actually had needed to dodge that kick otherwise she would've taken off my hat' The Stone Man thought to himself before punching with his left hand into Harriets lower back sending her crashing into Clover prompting both to fall on the floor several feet away.

"ARRRRRRRGHHHHH!" A loud growling noise is heard that made the living statue to turn to see Elm right above him wielding the hammer in a dangerous pose then slammed the massive weapon inches at the warrior who dodged the attack, unlike earlier, this was something the warrior had to exert some energy into his feet to dodge the attack 'Holy Oum, if I didn't dodge that then it would've caused severe damage to me maybe take off an arm dangerous. I must watch this one carefully...' the Warrior thought once again as it skids backwards.

"Like Blondie Said, you ARE good, not many can dodge my hammer at full power" the large woman exclaimed pulling the flat side out of the ground where several cracks were see then rested it on her shoulder with a smirk then charged once more swinging the massive weapon at the Stone Creature but it jumped over Elm, it was at the single moment where the stone man slowly placed its right hand on the swords grip "be honored that you of all of the intruders aside from the Smart Gaki, you got me to unsheathe my sword"

With a single slash of its sword cuts through Elms Aura Shield like butter which she gasped as blood sheds the floor then got kicked in the face with much more force which caused her to go crashing through the air and SLAMMED right into the stone wall causing a mini sized crater covered with an earth dust cloud.

Clover gasped as he saw the creature land on the ground sheathing it's Blade after using it once though it swiftly caught the large blue boomerang that Marrow threw at him "That's for Elm you Bastard!" The Dog Man shouted at the warrior who didn't seem to care about the woman, the Statue gripped the blue weapon and turned around to strike clover with the blunt side as he charged from behind though upon getting hit by it sent him into the air then struck once more by the creatures free left hand sending him flying over the short woman.

Harriet charged the creature in an attempt to strike it only to be bitch slapped by Marrow's own weapon then slammed right into the ground with a downward axe kick "GAH!" She exclaimed in pain though glad the stone man didn't do anything else as it dodged a bullet from the Dog Faunus's Rifle which he held a deep sneer, dodging several more bullets from the Ace Operative until the creature threw the boomerang that hits square on marrows chest sending him backwards which he rolls on the floor.

The Hunters in Training were all scared beyond relief as that creature defeated one of the top teams in atlas then worried for their own safety until one of the most sudden things happened.

A large Arrow made from earthly stone went flying past the teams and striking the Stone Warrior with such speed and power that it went flying and crashing into the ground breaking the very floor, The Statue slowly got up gripping its stone stomach to look up as did everyone else, minus Elm who passed out from the earlier attack.

a man wearing dress black pants slightly tattered and covered in droplets of blood with the same happening to the dress shoes, he wasn't wearing any shirt which exposed a semi large scorched mark of which was meant to sear closed a wound though a small scorch was also seen on his back, the mans extremely toned and juicy torso caused Pyrrha to drool at the side with Nora commenting "Damn, you can grate cheese on that!" However, it made Sun and Neptune feel inadequate.

The man had shaggy blonde hair shown to have not been showered in quite a while along with his deep blue eyes that showed power and maturity. It was Jaune Arc, Alive and Well

What was shown with Jaune towards those who hadn't seen him in months was the Golden designed gauntlet on his right hand decorated with a beautiful crimson gem on the Index Slot "Guess who's back for round 2" The Blonde Genius exclaimed raising his gauntlet with a bright shine of the red gem


There you have it Doods! Remnant has truly had their asses handed to them and jaune arc comes to save the day and now! He won't hold back!

Also I'm sorry if the fighting in this scene isn't that good but you should expect that from a near indestructible samurai warrior who has thousands of years of experience however I promise the fight between Jaune vs The Warrior would be more enjoyable.

Anyway, your probably wondering why Jaune was able to push this near indestructible creature back and the ace ops worked it far more then SSSN, RWBY and NPR well it's because the three teams are still hunters in training and they are more suited to fight Grimm and modern day crime while the Ace Ops have to deal with the unknown, both Grimm and Terrorists along with fighting against Salem and her Circle of Idiots, with Jaune however has the ability to manipulate his version of reality so that alone places him on the same field as Qrow and Clover both of which are hailed to be highly skilled in there respective kingdoms.

Now I'm now taking ideas on how to improve and expand the stories! Plus I'm also doing some omakes and side stories to make the story a bit more fun.


I'm putting this in as to keep you informed just what type of power jaune possesses in the infinity stones and to tell you now, these accumulated abilities are as close as I can reach for the particular aspect of life. And I'll be putting this at the bottom of the chapter

Now I made a power cap for these infinity stones to have nine based abilities though don't let that confuse you a lot of these special abilities within the story do in fact fall into one category therefore it's ok

These powers had been downgraded and or reformatted to play within rwbys rules partially..Unfortunately.

-Infinity Gauntlet Power-


-Matter Manipulation: the user can shape and manipulate in organic matter within the boundaries within remnant i.e. anything that has substance and mass starting from Molecules and Atoms.

-Elemental Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate all basic elements from Solid(Earth), Liquid(Water), Gas(Air), and Plasma(Fire) though the user can mix two or more of these elements to form new elementals to be controlled

-Blood Manipulation: the user can create, shape and manipulate blood from themselves, others and from their surroundings.

-Illusion Manipulation: The User can Create, Shape and Manipulate illusions causing their targets to see, feel, taste, hear or smell things that aren't actually there.

-Inner World Projection: The strongest ability of the reality Stone, The user is able to shift and bend reality around them to project a world which does not truly exist and its reality can be bent much to the users will.

-Illusion Negation: the used can negate illusions that had been placed on him or hallucinations

-Carbon Manipulation: the user can move, shape and manipulate all forms of carbon, a naturally abundant non metallic element.

-Weather Manipulation: the user can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, this allows the user to create powerful natural disasters in concentrated areas.

-Pocket Dimension: the user is in control of a personalized dimension set in a separate plane which the user can control at will however this isn't Inner World Projection which shapes reality around the user, the pocket dimension is in a place where only the user can reach.