
Chapter 10: Stone Warrior

Chapter 10: The Stone Warrior

Note: to mah bro @WearyCurmudgeon I appreciate all of your constructive criticism! But the stones however, they are more downgraded to be within rwby standards as such can only affect the planetary scale instead of the universal nor can it erase people, just explode non protected aura users into blood puddles such as Grimm so it's more balanced then you think. But I appreciate your reviews such as everyone else! I love all of you!


-Earlier: Three Hours Ago-

A black skinned and white armored Thresher breaches into a dark rocky tunnel though it stopped looking around as if searching for something but "GROAR!!" The Grimm roared before its body pulsated and moved as a surge of red energy started to exude from its body "GRRRROOOOOAAAAARRRRRR!!" It roared in deep pain before it stopped moving completely as the pulsating red energy and caused the Grimm to explode into a blood red paste.

Blood scattered all over the walls, floors and ceiling while a single lump crouched among the sea of blood revealing to be Jaune Arc who looked momentarily serious with the gauntlet exuding ominous red energy revealing that the blonde man had caused the Grimm to explode in a bloody puddle due to Jaunes newly acquired Blood Manipulation Ability "I didn't expect to be fully swallowed but thankfully Threshers have slow digestive systems so using Blood Manipulation was easy to kill it" Jaune exclaimed as he looked over his clothing to find his black pants was turned into dark black red which was easy to overlook but the blonde man saw that his white lab coat and white short sleeved button up shirt completely changed into Crimson.

"Damn, it's really dark" Jaune exclaimed as the tunnel like cavern was indeed dark almost pitch black while the only light source is coming from Jaunes Reality Stone as a self illuminating object 'What if you used my Matter Manipulation Ability to craft a torch master, it would provide more visible light' the stone exclaimed which The Blonde nodded as he needed more light to see aside from the ominous red light illuminated from Reality.

Jaune kneeled down onto the ground placing his gauntlet right hand onto the blood stained floor before it started to shift and red harp as the gauntlet slowly moved up, so did the moving stone matter which it slowly shifted into a torch shaft then fully formed the object as a torch but without the cloth 'why didn't you form the cloth? It was well within the power of Matter Manipulation' Reality Exclaimed unsure of why her Master, Reality is identified as a woman due to her voice, didn't explore the ability even further "now is not the time to explore and experiment with these abilities. What I aim to do is investigate these caves and look for a way out so until then, I'll use you sparingly" Jaune exclaimed as he slid off the crimson colored Lab Coat before ripping off a portion to wrap it around the torch head.

"What many people don't know is that blood is also a perfectly suitable substitute for a fire starter along with the fact that it can stay alit for several hours which is enough time for us to get our bearings within the caves plus with my coat and shirt being soaked in blood gives us enough material for a few days" Jaune exclaimed as he raised his gauntlet with a flash of red causing the blood wrapped torch to suddenly erupt in flames lighting up the cave at a far greater portion then the Red Stone.

Grabbing the torch and raising it to look around to find it far to large to be natural "the caves, it's far too large to be naturally occurring plus some of the supporting pillars looked dug through" The blonde genius exclaimed as he saw several collapsed pillars laying on the ground 'so you think someone purposely dug under the desert at one point in the past?' Reality asked her master which jaune couldn't deny but can't confirm if it was past humans or faunus but will attempt to look into when he returns to shade.

Jaune starts walking deeper into the tunnel looking for signs of an exit as well as markings of any human or Faunus activity but it was mostly just an unnatural dug in tunnel 'this doesn't make logical sense...this tunnel is too wide to not be man made but i seen no sign of human nor Faunus presence even after a few centuries some signs would still be present...' The Blonde thought to himself before looking down going deeper into his thoughts trying to figure out a way to get out before bumping into something that caused jaune to rub his nose as he backed up what looked like an Ancient Mantle Samurai but it was a statue of such a warrior.

"A statue?" Jaune exclaimed in wonder how a very accurate and closely worked statue ended up deep in a stone tunnel underneath the Lifeless Borderlands, the statue looked like an Atlas Shogun Samurai including a life like Curved Iron Sword 'that's ominous...' The Stone Commented at the Sight of the statue "tell me about it, but at least I know human presence used to make the tunnel which confirmed my theory but a weird place to put a life like statue" Jaune exclaimed as he circled around the Stone Warrior looking at its increasingly accurate details "whoever put this here must've been from Atlas, it's definitely a Shogun Samurai" the blonde man exclaimed before walking past the samurai into deeper parts of the tunnel.

'Samurai?' Reality asked as she still was born yesterday meaning she didn't have time to learn more about the world "highest rank of the Warrior class in Ancient Atlas Culture, they are said to be one of the greatest warriors along with being revered as Military Commanders. They are said to be almost as Militant Advanced as the Ancient Fallen Roman Kingdom, who are revered for their military strength and based most of their culture on said military" Jaune informed Reality of the History of the Stone warriors




Sounds of metallic stepping is heard behind the blonde man causing him to swiftly turn around to find out who exactly was following him but jumped slightly to see the...same? Statue standing there but instead of the Military Adopted Stance of Attention, was instead standing there with its arms crossed and it's metal plated cover face staring at jaune almost like it really was staring at the blonde man "what in the hell?" The Blonde Spoke getting a bit closer to the statue "I can swear we passed this thing...I swear to the gods if it moved, I'm gonna Yeet out of this cave" Jaune exclaimed before frowning at the...Modern Slang jaune tried to correctly.

'Yeet?' The stone tried to ask, wondering what it meant and why it made jaune looked displeased "modern young people slang...I'm just gonna keep talking like a normal, responsible and possibly insane person" the genius informed turning around again then continued to walk down hoping to forget the awful slang he spat out without thinking.




More clanking is heard behind jaune causing him to swiftly turn back around raising his hands with an ominous glow from the red stone trying to defend himself from an attacker only to find the exact same statue just closer then last time "ok, I know for a fucking fact that the statue was supposed to be even farther.." Jaune comments with an eye twitch very sure this Samurai Statue is meant to be non living.

'This is starting to scare me master!' Reality exclaimed in a shaky like tone as the Infinity Stone never faced this situation before in her full day of life, Jaune narrowed his eyes at the statue unsure of what to think at the moment but it was obvious that the statue was alive and using scare fear tactics "....I'm gonna face you towards the Samurai, if it starts walking inform me immediately and I'll counter it" The Blonde Man planned then turning back around to continue his walk but this time he left the top of his right gauntlet facing the samurai.

As Jaune kept moving forward while keeping his mind completely open in the wake of an attack while waiting for a signal from the Crimson Stone.

Reality kept watch of the Stone Warrior only to shriek loudly into Jaunes head 'AYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!' Which caused the blonde inventor to groan as he held his left temple before turning around raising his gauntlet as a swift sword slashed towards clashing against the Golden Gauntlet.

Jaune Sneered as his gauntlet right clashed and clenched against a sharp looking sword while glaring against the Stone Warrior who's eyes were glowing bright red while holding onto the straight edge Ancient Atlas Katana "What are you!?" Jaune yelled as he tried pushing the sword towards the samurai but it pushed back with greater strength then what the blonde man was using.

"Aus, Ag, Dannik, Dur" The Stone Warrior Sounded off deep, husked but powerful words yet the blonde man who is skidding backwards from the intense strength of the warrior as he was thinking on the words it said "I don't understand!" Jaune exclaimed before he was pushed back hard as the warrior mustered enough strength, tossing jaune backwards with the man skidding onto his feet then looking down at the gauntlet unmarked despite before looking at the warrior who slowly raised his Katana to the right in a combat form 'W-W-W-WHAT IS THAT THING!' Reality shouted inside the inventors head.

Jaune however didn't make note of that as the samurai is slowly encircling around the blonde man who slowly went into the base Maui Tuai Stance with his knees bent, arms bent as well as his raised fists has his fists bent slightly "What Are You" Jaune asked again which it raised its head almost like its understood what the blonde man asked "Zin, Qolaas, Pruzah, Kruziik Krin" The Warrior spoke in an Ancient Unknown Language even taking off it's left hand from its sword, which was raised to the side, then touched its Stony Chestplate "it seems that it's able to understand us but I have absolutely no idea what ITS saying" Jaune exclaimed as he slowly etched towards the Samurai who just scoffed at this "Dukaan..."

The Stone Soldier regripped its sword with both hands then with Ergo Enhanced speed appeared in front jaune while bringing down his sword which in the split second jaune swiftly pushed himself backwards as the sword swiftly came down directly in front of him even feeling the wind being sliced in half which not only was the only thing sliced.

The Blonde Man held a very shocked look at such speed that a heavy looking statue was able to discharged even as his blue rimmed glasses was sliced in half causing it to fall from Jaunes face, that act alone doubled the Blonde Mans already shocked face 'So Fast! There's no way this thing could exert that level of speed!' Jaune shouted into his mind trying to think of a logical reason but each thought always ends ending as the stone creature charged more with slower speeds slashing and dicing with calculated, level strikes.

The Blonde Man kept ducking and dodging each strike as best he could but the sword was long enough to slightly cut and nick his crimson soaked shirt 'Master! Use me!' Reality shouted trying to help her master defend himself, Jaune placed a determined face after getting over the initial shock "TAKE THIS!" Jaune shouted as the red stone on Jaunes gauntlet glowed brightly in use.

The Matter just below the Stone Warrior starts shifting and extended swiftly into a pillar slamming into the warrior then takes him away from the Blonde Man then stopping midway sending the warrior backwards into the air however the Stone Soldier lands on its feet skidding backwards then glaring with its glowing red eyes "Vonmindoraan..." the Soldier commented in the unknown language as Jaune raised his Gauntlet clenching his fist followed by a bright glow of red, red lightning appeared on the floor in front of jaune deconstructing the existing matter before sending the partial created stone dragon projectile as its length is increasing from the floor, The Stone Dragon Missile is flying straight at the Stone warrior who's not even moving.

The Dragon Connects against the stone warrior but the opposite effect occurred as the Stone creation broke apart and scattered onto the floor after making contact with the warrior "WHAT!?" Jaune shouted as his eyes widened even more in shock "W-What is it!?" The Soldier looked down at the broken earth "Sahqo?..." Looking back at jaune then raising his sword towards the soldiers left.

In a unnatural burst of speed that was even faster from last time such speed was achieved from the warrior charged at jaune swinging its sword swiftly and heavily in a right outer swing hitting the blonde man who couldn't even comprehend the action as the inventor roared in pain and crashing into a wall creating a small wall crater.

Jaune coughed in pain as he laid in the wall crater with his eyes closed obviously trying to sooth the damage that was caused, though clenched his eyes as the man's head throbbed from the incoming pain but opened his eyes wide as he felt a stream of blood flowing down his head over his right temple "Holy Dust..." Jaune commented as his eyes widened even more then possible as this warrior SHATTERED the Genius's Aura in a single speed enhanced strike "I'm...Gonna Die?" Jaune asked as his eyes slowly raised upwards to see the Stone Warrior slowly but ominously walking towards jaune while it spoke one last word "Liivrah"

Jaune didn't know what the hell it said but the blonde man knew...it wasn't good.

The Warrior Charged Jaune with Normal Reletive Speed while raising its sword in attempt to slashing at the man however the Human Man raised his gauntlet as red lightning crackled around it then a similar red bolt was conjured striking the Stone warrior as fast as sound sending it crashing into the adjacent wall.

"HAH...HAH...HAH..." Jaune panted as he slowly got up and went to hold and cover an open wound from his right side using his left hand "...is...is it dead?" The Blonde asked Reality who remained silent for the time 'Best to get out of here before it decides to reuse the same technique' Jaunes thought was sound as he turned and started a strained looking run as he grasped his open blood flowing wound to keep it from getting worse.

The run last for twenty minutes before he swiftly came to a holt before jaune could accidentally toss himself over a cliff that overlooked a very large cavern that looked like it could've been used as a base, The Blonde Mans Blue eyes went downwards where a large crumbling looking building stood at the very base of the cliff however the sight of the building didn't scare jaune but instead was the Stone Soldier Looking Army that stood in front of the building in a Army Stance "what in the blue hell is this!?" Jaune shouted then grunting as a brain throbbed from the shout.

'...We're Gonna Die Master?' The Crimson Stone Asked Jaune who just stood there looking at the unmoving stone army "...Most Likely Reality" The Creator exclaimed before gasping as a sword was STABBED through his lower abdomen, which penetrated Jaunes non lethal organ aka the Liver(A/N: Don't comment about my possible wrong medical choice for a non lethal organ) "GAH!" The Man groaned once more as the sword was swiftly taken out causing jaune to grasp his stab wound with both hands trying to make the bleeding stop though it didn't matter as the mysterious warrior from behind kicked jaune over the cliff sending him plummeting downwards.

The Man Crashed through the unstable stone roof then hitting the floor with blood splattered from his multiple wounds leaving jaune ina state of daze not even hearing the worried shouts from the crimson stone, his eyes landed on a stone lectern where a piece of a golden like disk was shown which was the exact piece jaune found that was the planispheric disk "I'm...Dying?...." Jaune asked not even commenting on the disk's location, however his eyes slowly closed as the low blood flow finally caught up to the Creator.


And there you have it folks! Another successful chapter of Arc Solutions and a new enemy has appeared! The Stone Warrior of Ancient Atlas! Now here's the lore behind the seemingly undefeatable Stone Warrior.

I originally gotten the idea from a Childen TV Show I watched as a kid called 'LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu'

the Stone Warrior was originally minions of the main antagonist of the ending portion of the series before it was taken off the air, but Netflix and Google helped me with research and I've decided to put the Stone Warrior into this book as a challenge for jaune! Just because jaune has one infinity stone that already puts on the pedestal of experienced warriors, doesn't mean there won't be anything else that isn't anymore powerful.

Also your probably gonna get annoyed by what the Stone Warrior was saying to jaune and I've decided to look up a language that is fitting for Ancient Remnant and such I used the Dragon Dictionary from Bestheda's Skyrim so I just used a bunch of words with similar meaning but I'm lazy in putting down the meanings of the word so go read a book

Alright Doods! I'm still in need for more Shade Student and Teacher Ocs but here's a fun thing! I'm also looking for froriegn students from the other three kingdoms as I have a little thing I'm planning!

I'm still lookin for ideas of weapons, armor and other shit like that doods