
Too late........

Yash dynasty finally showed there will to have a war...........

Yes, now eco and elowen were leading the soildeirs to fight against the enemy........

Eco was on war field.......

The king of yash dyansty had a golden mask and his commands were brutaland his attacks were ruthless...........

Eco and elowen were not bad either, half of the soildeirs of yash dynasty were injured badly.........

It was very clear that the victory is on eco side..........

But, the king of yash dyansty didn't showed any weakness.........

Every minute and every second was like hell........

Blood was every where.......

Eco aim was at the king of yash dynasty.......

Clearing all the obstacles of soildeirs and horses he began to go near the king of yash dynasty........

Seeing eco, yash dynasty king gave a smile which seems like he is upto something.........

On the other side of ru dynasty..........