
It's Zing Zing Amazing

aranyani stroked her stomach and said, when will i have a baby,her stomach was so flat and she didn't liked it , she immediately stood up and wantedly make her belly look big so she bulged it up making it look like she was pregnent, but it didn't looked big, so she grabbed a pillow from the bed and inserted under her stomach .........

After adjusting it well, she was satisfied and seeing her belly big and fatter she smiled and touched it tenderly and walked imitating azure........

Eco who was watching all this from the roof was suppressing his laugh as he was afraid that if he makes the sound ,he may get noted but after seeing her walking like a pregnent lady, he couldn't control his laugh and laughed out loudly..........

Aranyani who was immersed in pretending to be pregnant was alreted and saw left and right but couldn't find anyone in her room.........