
Hiding behind huge window curtains

soon arushi ru reached a room and gestured eco to enter..........

Prince eco grenville ,this the room i hope you like it, and rest well, said arushi ru in a very pleased and gentle tone.......

Arushi ru waited for eco's response but he just kept stern face with cold eyes........

Arushi felt embarrassed and than she turned around .......

she saw aranyani and said in quite a rude and dominant tone, miss i will take you to your room come follow me.........

As she went forward aranyani followed but eco too came along with her, arushi ru got irritated, why is this cold ,arrogant prince of grenville dynasty is so clingy to this woman i just hate it ,though arushi Ru innerly but didn't showed on her face........

She walked for five minutes and showed the room for aranyani which was far away from eco's room............