
First touch , eco whole body electrified!!!

Eco grenville heard the trumpeting of humpty and he slowly and elegantly walked towards it,all the soldiers were panicking ,listening to the loud trumpeting of humpty ,they were helpless and worried of the girl on the ground...........

As soon as humpty saw eco it drag eco hand with its trunk and showed aranyani with worry all over it face......

All the soldiers were stunned.......

one of the soldier said, how come this elephant didn't allow anyone of us to go near to that girl and was trumpeting loudly as if it is mad , but it is allowing our prince to take care of the girl , how is it possible.......

Another soildeir said ,everyone should listen to our prince eco, he is that outstanding........

Another soildeir said, we listen because we know he is a prince but how come an elephant knows it, it's just a wild animal........

Don't underestimate animals, they can judge which person is good and which person is cruel said another soildeir teasingly........