
First morning after mating ........

Aranyani slowly opened her eyes and was bewildered for few second and the incidents of last night came bit by bit into her mind.......

She was stunned, and saw herself in eco arms and she can clearly feel his skin to skin contact and eco's hand on her belly and her head on eco's arm...........

Eco was already awake but he gave aranyani time to digest what happened last night so he pretended to be asleep.......

Eco was too happy, he never expected that his aru was such a sweetheart, she was so infactuated and so obedient and was so into him that he felt like winning thousands of wars at a time ...........

he never felt this happy even he won innumerable wars ........

conquering her heart, soul and body was the happiest victory for eco.........

He know that his aru was so immeresed in him and his charm that she went with the flow not asking any thing which is quite diffrent from his expectations........